Final Fantasy Kingdoms

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cloud shoulders slumped... he hated how everyone had taken controll of water.. it was getting on his nerves. at least he wasnt in danger... that was shen he realized that he couldnt die because he had drank the water... he turned to Vline "ookkk so why did you do all this?" and then to Kamui "sorry kamui i guess you didnt have to save mee..." cloud blushed
"hmmm... i may have not needed to, but that doesn't mean you can't feel pain... and that isn't a good thing Cloud..."

Kamui let the wave flow into the ocean, then hovered above the water looking at Vline...

"What is it that you are doing vline, you aren't who you say you are, yet your intentions are completely different to the goal at hand, but then again, what is your goal...?"
Vline would have challenged Kamui, but became aware of about ten soldiers pointing crossbows at him. He raised his hands and shrugged. "Well, there's no chance any here could kill me. Kamui wants me for something, and Cloud could not order it - or do it. Tell you what, because you almost managed to wrest the water's power from my control," The water sunk down to its usual level as he clicked a finger. "I'll tell you. A. I thought it was pretty obvious what I was doing. Reminding Cloud how powerful I am - he seems to have forgotten recently." Three huge columns of water rose from the Cyrene and began to revolve around Vline. "B. I am whom I say I am, I just never tell the full story. C. My own intenions and Cloud's are very different. Cloud is forever throwing the weight of his Kingdom around, while I manipulate, decieve those foolish enough to believe my lies. So much for 'pincering Tidus's army' whom incidentaly are probably claiming the golden castle right now. Shame really... when Tidus's castle is being guarded by only half his army, and Cloud cannot get there with his elite guard..."
At a nod from Cloud, a soldier wielding a crossbow walked up to him with some help from Kamui's magic and barked "Surrender, traitor!"
Vline brushed the hair from his forhead with a hand. "How about no?" With those words, he leapt forward and pulled the soldier under the water. Cloud and Kamui looked at each other. They had seen the same thing: A phial from Vline's hand go to the man's lips before they submerged. All swords were useless and arrows submerged about a foot, before floating back up.

Vline re-surfaced, followed by the soldier almost immediately.
"Yeah, it should kick in soon," He said casually to his victim. His victim just smiled, and re-aimed the bow.
"And now you die, trai-"
"And there it is. You may wanna put that bow down?"
"Yes." The man obliged.
Kamui did not understand what he had seen, but there was a fire growing deep in side him, he knew not what it was, but that power just came forth, and he wasn't happy... then Kamui's eyes widened in fear...

"CLOUD GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!!" screamed Kamui
Vline didn't notice the changes in Kamui's eyes, for he still thought he was in complete countrol...
"Oh, what is this Kamui, i know how strong you are, seeing you battle, you can't even beat me and Cloud together, now that i am stronger, how are you going to beat me alone?"

Kamui used his magic to rise Cloud and his soldiers away, up onto the castle walls... but Kamui was changing, Vline saw a demon wing appear from his right shoulder, then a dark sword appear in his left hand, almost identical to his Shirakun Swork, except it just spoke of dark energy..."

"Vline now you will see what true power is," moked Kamui
Vline just stood there a stared..."is that so? well we will have to see about that, but first what are you?"
"What do you think i would tell you, Vline, very well, this is me, myself as i am, under the power of my mother, the one you moked, and now she has gotten angry...., i would like you to meet Dirakun"

His power raidated out all at once, blowing the water away, and he was rising, into the air, he was 20 m above the water, and the water was forming, a whirpool all the way to the bottom because of his power...

"Vline, now you shall die..." His eyes losing all emotion, his pupils disappearing, so that they were just clouded by an unforseen darkness...

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"You're not beating me in the ocean, Kamui - regardless of how hard you are. Now to start - fire!"
"Yes." One of the soldiers - the poisoned one - on the castle balcony turned and started firing crossbow bolts blankly at Kamui with astounding accuracy as he responded inexpressionally. The ones that hit simply cracked as they hit his skin. He stopped firing as the broad side of the Buster Sword cracked against his skull. "Oh well. Easy come easy go..." sighed Vline as he realised his mindsap water had been wasted.

Vline was sliding backwards on his toes while leaning forward. Columns of water were blasting from the surface of the water like geysers, chasing Kamui in the air.
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Kamui just flew around the water, there wasn't much point really, his dark energy radiated from his very skin, "Vline you really are a fool, i do not understand why we need you..."

All of a sudden, Kamui begain firing his own versions of blasts, they were just energy, masses of it, it streamed into the ocean... we wasn't aiming at vline, or his aim was just bad...

But then the ocean became black, it spread like a disease..."Welcome to my world Vline" and charged at Vline with his Dirakun and Shirakun swords...

Vline was forced to block them using his staffs, "What is this place Kamui?"

My world, he heard in his mind, yes my world
Vline checked around himself. "Your world? You mean ... we're outside the world of the Kingdoms?" This was the first time anyone had seen him truly scared. "But that means... the magistrials...?"

Green lightning darted out of the sky at Vline, or was it the ground upside down? In 'Kamui's world' you could never tell. All he knew was that there were now two threats out to get him. He danced backwards, with a swift combination of pivots, rolls and jumps, frantically keeping out of range of the two swords and dodging the lightning. Kamui seemed not to care about the lightning, nor at the staves that were hurtled at his head. They simply bounced off. Kamui jumped forwards, and failing with his blades, kicked Vline in the chest. Vline was sent flying with unearthly strength. He landed with an unpleasant thump about ten metres away from Kamui.

Kamui dashed forward toward his prey, a psychotic hunger seen n his eyes. This immediately formed disappointment, as a bolt of green lightning struck Vline in the chest. A figure appeared from nowhere, whom was smothered in a green light. "Oh, great. Kamui and Rellin." Vline was hurt, yet no less sarcastic. He was smothered in the green lightning, and faded from the darkness along with the man called Rellin.

Vline was on his hands and knees in front of Rellin. getting beaten was becoming too much of a habit. The man was wearing a thick maroon shirt with ornate buttons along one shoulder, as opposed to the front, and black trousers. His face was thin and angular, his eyes green and thin. His sleek black hair was tied back in a long elegant ponytail. "So, Rellin. Where's 'our lord and master?' I'm sure he'll be so pleased to see me?"
"First," Rellin's voice was like a whip - fast and harsh. "Make yourself presentable." Vline's blue robes were replaced with identicle versions of Rellin's clothes, and his hair in an identicle ponytail in a flash of green light.
"Won't it be offensive for your people that I'll look like a moronic magistrial again after my traitorous exploits?" Vline was full of abuse even in his position of weakness. He took a kick to the chest in response.

OoC No, he's not dead or gonna end up toast, morons, I just thought it would be interesting for him to try his luck with someone much stronger than himself. Anyway, I'm off for three days, so unless I post in eight hours, then this is my last message till Sunday.
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Kamui saw Rellin disappear with Vline

"So that is what it is, Rellin knows he cannot defeat me, even if he were to have Vline with him..."

He disappeared from his world, and reappeared by Cloud's side...

"What happened?" asked Cloud "I saw you disappear with vline..."
"i don't have time to explain, come with me into my world, and you will see for yourself..."

And with that, Kamui's eyes changed, his angel wing suddenly appeared, and then disappeared with his Demon wing, but the Dirakun sword remained...

"Isn't your other sword supposed to disappear with your wing?"
"Yes it suppose to, but it did not... hmmm... this cannot be good..."

And with that, Kamui sweept Cloud into his realm, the realm of darkness and nothing, the realm of creation, where everything was made, his world and his creation
Vline followed Rellin through the city withincreasing unease. He knew that Rellin would take him straight to the Grand Magistrial. Vline pretty much knew exactly his fate. He was a 'traitor to the magistrials' a 'disappointment that so much skill had turned astray'. They were walking through a mansion, a mansion where he'd spent most of his teenage years, practising the art of blood magic, water magic and was partial to a little bit of poison-making. Now however, he'd have a less than enjoyable experience, potentially starting and ending (along with his life) in the Grand Magistral's study. He had once been an adviser to the GM himself, but now? Now he was being led by his pet hate - Rellin, with his hands bound by his power, going toward the Gm's study.

The great, oak doors slid gently forward, and they stepped into the elaborately decorated room. In the center was a table, upon which was several scrolls, a quill, and a crimson ink well. On two sides were bookshelves, and another a humongous resplendant stained-glass window. The Grand Magistrial was staring vacantly out into the world from the huge window, and only came back to Earth when Rellin spoke.
"My lord," He said smartly, bowing low, then kneeling on one knee. He saw the disdainful disgust on Vline's face, as the youth stood on his two feet, all the weight on one hip. He hissed at him. "You kneel when you see our lord, and you request permission to speak." He forced Vline with a dead-leg to the floor.
Vline was having none of it, and he forgot or didn' care whom he was dealing with. "I wasn't talking, and why should I dirty my knee for one of you?" He spat upon the red carpet, and made a painful attemptto get up. Painful because Rellin kicked him in the spine.
The GM stood up, and silently walked up to his 'audience'.
"Vline, Vline, Vline." His voice was little more than a whisper, and yet it chilled the spines of both Rellin and Vline. "Rellin stand. You have done well capturing this scum." The man was dressed identically to the other two, and yet he managed to appear more powerful, even as they stood together, and looked the same. Vline tilted his head to the floor. The GM had the nasty ability to see into your feelings and immediate thoughts whenever he locked eyes with you. His head was lifted back up by his hair and some spider-like fingers. "You have irked me far to long, Vline. You attempt to steal my journal, and then flee. We've caught up with you at last. It was remarkably clever of you to seal the world exits the way you did, preventing our entrance... Now, though, you die." He looked deep inside Vline's eyes. "No, wait," He waved his hand at Rellin whom was brandishing rapier, only too happy to oblige to his master's commands. "You are strong... you could serve us. You have a choice, for I am merciful. Rejoin us. Or die. Choose. Now."
"No good option then?" Rellin's hand lashed across Vline's face.
"How dare you be so insolent when your master is being so gracious?"
"No. You will join us. Willing or not. How would you like to try some mindsap water?" The GM nodded at Rellin whom left the room, off in search of someone capable of concocting some.
Well im gonna b gone for 3 days so ya lets jus say that im with vline for 3 days in the realm
Kamui was in the realm with Cloud somewhere... and cloud was looking at Kamui wondering what exactly was he...

"i am the thing that was created from everything in this world, and the opposite, i am all, and yet i am none, i sprang from everything that most likely dominates this world, filth, hatred, greed, hope, i sprang from it and now i live..."
"WHAT... how did you..."
"i have countrol over everything in this realm, you too Cloud and even Vline and Tidus, has a realm that belongs to them, yet you just never care to notice, though i think Aerith may have... We must hurry it seems, we must get to the GM"
"You will see..."

They teleported by Vline side...
The GM's eyes widened with horrior, "YOU!!"
Kamui just stared at him, with all the disgust in the world, and gave him a cold like smile.... "Yes it is me, your ohhh so powerful GM, what is your bidding" he said sarcastically...

"KILL KAMUI!!!!" screamed the GM


"You know full well you can't touch me in this castle, and you know full well that nothing can touch me here, so long as i live..."

Vline stared at Kamui, wondering what was he, if he was in countrol of the castle, then doesn't that make him the creator of this realm, so when he said 'welcom to my world' he mean't that literally, not only meaning that he lived here...?

Kamui stared at Vline, "Yes Vline, so you finally understand, i am the creator of this realm, just as you realised that you have your own realm you created, but you are just a fool, blinded and ignorant to realise it it...

The guards attacked Kamui, but nothing happened, and in a flash, the guards lay motionless and dead... "i lied about the killing, i can kill, but, i did not kill you, unless you were in this realm, because i decide who lives and who dies here..."

the GM stood up, "t seems that you are right, then what do you want Kamui," more to himself then Kamui...

"So you finally understand, i want Vline, and that is all, you better not betray me, otherwise you don't know the meaning of pain and suffereing, because i can make you suffer," his eyes flashed red, the realm, seemed to close in on the GM "is that understood?" the realm closed in thickining, until it was suffocating to the GM,

"it is understood" gasped the GM,

"Very Well, it had better not be" Kamui healed Vline, and then lead Cloud and Vline to rooms in the castle...
O_O damn this place fricken rocks, ive seen some other places with rps and this place is on tha fricken BALL man, shit the last like 10 posts are all from one day, now thats what i call ACTIVE!! but yea i was wonderin if i could join yall with an original char, made by thyself (me) lmao, but yea id love to be a part of this, i read like the first 30 or so posts, then saw how many pages there was, and im like fuk dat LMAO we'll just say my char has no idea wtf is going on and yea, u ppls can fill me in when my character gets to your "area" lolz
Yeah you can join with your own character, just make sure, you fit in the story line, we had a little problem when i joined, because i didn't actaully read all of it, but i have now, you'll like the story so far...

Kamui was leading Vline and Cloud to their rooms... Vline was still connecting everything together... if kamui is the one that created this realm, and therefore calls it his world, then that means he has alot of powers that we could imagine...

Kamui stopped and looked at Vline... "Yes that is correct, you don't know me, that is why i never told you anything..."

Memories flashed through Kamui's head... so that is what i am, he thought, i thought i forgot all of these things...

They stopped in front of a door, "This is your room Vline, if you need something, just ask, for now that is, your actions well decide what is to be done with you... do not disappoint me" the room was perfect for one such as Vline, it was fit for a king, well a very wealthy king.

And Kamui left Cloud in a similar room, "i know that i can trust you Cloud, i am on your side, just ask what you wish and i will see if it can, but if i do not agree, then we shall see what is to happen..."

And with that Kamui disappeared to the Tower top to stand there and think like that of a statue
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Vline was fucked off. Very much so. Kamui professed to be the 'god' almost of this world, and had dangerously ignored how powerful the GM was - and how long his memory. He also wondered what the GM saw as he looked into Kamui's eyes. And most of all - what the fuck was he still doing in those revolting clothes? His usual robes formed around him - was his theory correct? If it was, then he was going to need Kamui just as much as Kamui needed him. He stole out of his room and into the GM's study. He was right - The room was empty. Somehow, the magistrials had been empathiacally living in the castle, while they were really somewhere else entirely. He had no doubt as to why they where 'living' in the castle. It was close to Vline, and, more importantly, the realm of Kingdoms.
He was in no mood to wait. An ugly grimace upon his jaw, he strode to the great hall of the castle, an elaborate room of taste and shadowy elegance. Kamui was standing at the far end, staring through the delicately stained glass.
"Kamui." Vline strode up to him, his eyes betraying both contempt and curiosity. "You need me as much as I need you. After I tell you about the magistrials, and whom I am. Then you're going to tell me who you are, and what the fuck is going on through your eyes." As ice cold tendrils rifled through his mind, he laughed mirthlessly and said "And yes, I can feel you attempting to draw the thoughts from my brain, duplicated to yours, but with seven years of working for the GM and you start to build a resistance, long enough for this-" He drew the bottle of mindsap he never drunk from his pocket "-to start working on me, eradicating my thoughts and feelings - preventing you knowing them, and what use is my body alone to you? Ready to listen?"

i read like the first 30 or so posts, then saw how many pages there was, and im like fuk dat LMAO we'll just say my char has no idea wtf is going on and yea, u ppls can fill me in when my character gets to your "area" lolz

read the posts retard, and make sure you don't use so many abbreviations/acronyms in your 'story' posts. I will hate you.

. If you're gonna join an rp, the least you can do is see whats happened. Besides, you need to know what the characters are like. If possible, can your character be 'the naive one'? If you already have a char concept in mind then ignore me, but we have a manipulative rat (Vline - me), a mysterious guy (that'll be Kamui - Dark Fantasy X) and the guy who's all sword and rash (Cloud - Golden Chocobo). It's always best to have a varied range of characters.
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"Very Well, proceed, i know that you would wish to know about me, but i even do not know about myself, if you wish to know about me, ask her not me..." he pointed to the Shirakun sword.

"Okay..." vline was stumped this was the first time, Vline was ever confused, but he had to ask Kamui "Why?"

"Oh, you do not know, that sword there is my mother" he chuckled, and it wasn't a cheerful one, his seemely friendlyness didn't reach his eyes..."My mother died in order for that sword to be born, and since she died to give birth, then that sword is my mother..." As for the Dirakun sword, well you had better ask her yourself, for she i cannot say anything, otherwise..."

And for the first time, Kamui's eyes had fear in them, if only for a second, but he saw it, he knew kamui couldn't see into his thoughts anymore, but what could Kamui fear,

"Well that at least explains a little..." sigh*
“I grew up in the Golden Castle. When I was twelve, I joined the magistrials. We gathered magic from all worlds… but one day, I discovered where the majority of it went…in a tree. Yes. A tree. The GM was so insane, he believed that by pouring so much magic into this one oak, that it would one day give us infinite power. What. The. Fuck. This was, unbelievably – exclusive knowledge. I was PA to the GM before I was told – seven years till I found out, after joining. Unshockingly, I was no longer mad keen to serve the elaborately named race of mages. One day, I just left. I hunted the worlds, as I would have with the magistrials, but for me. I only took the magic that would appeal to me. Blood, and the water element forms. One day, I heard talk of the magistrials going mad. Apparently, they were sweeping across the worlds, bleeding each world, and its peoples, dry of magic. They took magically imbued weaponry, spheres, materia and the ex-seeds that joined used their ‘draw’ abilities to absorb peoples’ natural magic, and eidolons, aeons and guardian forces. Even I, the self-proclaimed – and proud to call myself– ‘ The Rogue Magistrial’ whom bartered with ill-gotten gains for spheres, stole materia, and used barefaced cheek to blackmail people into giving me their magical weaponry was appalled. As the worlds before them crumbled without the magic, me and … someone else … decided to slow them. Strong as we were, we were no match in a fight against three hundred raging mages. We pooled the majority of my loot and her treasures, and drew the magic from them for one horrifically powerful mana exhalation. Even that, we knew, could not defeat the magistrials, but we pulled the four magic-ripest worlds into one, and sealed the connection between it and all other worlds, preventing anyone leaving or entering the New World. Then when someone distorted the world, the seal opened slightly, allowing the magistrials to enter when they figure it out. This world will be bled dry as with many before it. See what mess you’ve put us in Kamui? I doubt ‘mummy’ will be pleased with you.”
"hmmm... well it doesn't matter the seal you created was a weak one, and i do not know what my mother's intentions are, but i wouldn't insult her if you were you" his eyes flashed red, just for a moment. "But i see what has happened, so you created this seal did you? by obsorbing the power of other magical items..."

"hmmm, there might be a way to reconstruct that power, but the GM is an after thought, he isn't so powerful, even if he has his tree, but this realm i created, so he really isn't much to be trivial with..."

As for his pett mages, you should be able to handle them, and i would as well, but the problem is of Cloud, he is a warrier, not accustomed to magic and spells, i think there is a way around that that i can deal with..."

Kamui pulled out a necklace, and said
"This should the do the trick"
"The seal was not weak. It kept the Magistrials at bay for four years. How is it weak? It was only destroyed when someone distorted the world. The Grand Magistrial is not weak either. You're pretty much the ultimate in your realm. He's pretty much the ultimate in his. Despite your power however, you cannot reseal the world. The connection now lies in three different places, each twice as big as the one I... we sealed. No matter how strong you are, you cannot do six times what two people did. As for Cloud, I suggest we kill him - leave him here at the least. He isn't going to help, as it's not like a pretty piece of jewellery will not turn him into a budding mage, is it?"
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