Final Fantasy Kingdoms

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be nice on the dude who wants to join.. its a lot of posts XD ok here i go.. been a long tim eh?

CLoud walked up and down his room thinking... this world of kamui's was amazing... how could he have made it? and if kamui was correct tidus and vline had theirs... did he have one of his own? The actions of the past month had been so confusing and tiring... he laughed at the thought of this all coming from a trade for some idiot prince. He went from his room and walked up the stairs to the tower. he sat down next to the window and smiled at Vline and Kamui... "ive got some questions" he said.
Vline returned Cloud's smile with an icy glare. "I hope you heard what I said, because I'm not going to repeat it. The sooner Kamui and I decide what to do, the sooner I can do it, and then the sooner I can forget about him." He slumped against one of the pillars supporting a balcony encircling the great hall. "First, just to point out: There is no way you can help in all this. Your lack of magical strength would make you easy prey for the magistrials, and then Kamui would the have to save you, probably requiring me to tag along. Any plans would be screwed up by you and your incompetance. Secondly, right now, I'm starving, and the sooner I get something inside me, the happier I will be, causing less unpleasantness for you." Vline turned his no-less cold glare upon Kamui. "I eat only the finest veal steak and freshest pears. I would not dirty my tongue with anything less. I hope your cooks are up to scratch."
"There you are wrong Vline, for some reason we do need him, i do not know why, but this necklace won't turn him into a budding mage, but.... better just see for yourself really, i can't discribe the effects perfectly, all mother will tell me is that, since he is fused with Jenova, it will awaken his inner power or something like that..."

"As for you, why does my mother think you are special, you are a water lord, no doubt, but what exactly, is so special about you, i know the extent of my abilities, and i know that you are right, when you say i cannot close the worlds without you, but what is it that makes you so special...?"
"You appear to miss my point." Vline's tongue rolled around the undersides of his mouth, as he stared at Kamui accusingly. "With or without me, it is impossible to close the worlds. The connections are too large, and there are three. Our only way is to either protect this world, or to destroy the magistrials, both of which will be ridiculously hard. To combat the magistrials is to go and get, and find ourselves in the twisted little world of the grand magistrial, and to fend this one is to station an army around all three connections, when we find them, and find a way to find a unity between the kingdoms, which will, incidently, never happen: Tidus probably now controls both the Stone and Golde castles, while Squall, I know from my... contacts... has at least eight spies in the marble castle. Of course, i suppose we could use the collective magic of this world to seal them, but that too, would require a union, and, the dreadful irony would be, we'd have no magic left to protect." Slowly, the warmth returned slightly to Vline's face, and more importantly, to his eyes. "And what makes me special: probably my ability to live for a few more minutes without that steak - your Kingdom - you're the host. This castle has to have a kitchen."
"Hey Hey Hey!" Cloud shouted. "I want to get to my castle so i can save it. Now!" he stormed up to Vline "I may not be as strong as you in this world but in the REAL world i am stronger... and that makes me comfortable. I hate this place as much as you guys like it" He stormed down the stairs and packed all his things. he hoped he could go...
kamui looked at Cloud, he had his issues and so did Vline, either way there is going to be problems and blood over it eventually, literally speaking...

"okay then, to answer your question Vline, the kitchen is over there, just tell them what you want, simple really, i think Cloud that we better eat first before we even thinking of attempting to reclaim your castle, and i apologise for the mess i put you in Cloud"

"But what to do... i see..." with that Kamui lifted Shirakun, and stabbed himself through the heart, then he said, mother i think you better tell them," and his eyes turned green, and began to speak.

Beneath soft looks the evil burns
And slowly round the old wheel turns
The same mistakes, the same old pride,
The priceless armour cast aside.
The secret enemy is here.
It hides in darkness, fools beware!
For day by day its power grows,
And when at last its face it shows,
Then past and present tales will meet-
And the evil circle will be complete…

That is the answer to your question, before Kamui's eyes turned yellow once more, and slumped against the wall, Vline looked at Kamui, and saw that the wound that Shirakun had caused was already healing...
W00.... nice poem... ok here i go.
Cloud stared at the newly healed wound that kamui had had a second ago but not now... those words didnt make sense yet but he thought it was important so he kept it in his mind. "Fine kamui." He said. "I will wait until your matters are solved...
FYI:IF this ends... lol well im gonna make a book thread of it so you can see the story and you wont see us deciding what to happen and stuff. itll b jus thea story
Vline sat upon the bed in his room in Kamui's castle. His stomach no longer felt like it was going to implode, but he wasn't too sure about the food... It tasted somewhat... unreal...

Although he did not think he showed it, he was rattled about Kamui's poem. He remembered back to when he and Kamui first entered this wierd world... "Welcome to my world". He'd originally thought that Kamui was just saying: "My world is dark" but he'd meant it literally... was there a real 'evil circle'?

As he moved, Vlne felt burdened - both mentally and physically. His hands were moving slowly and sluggishly. His mind was weighed down with unconsidered thoughts... Slowly, the wierd feeling was no longer a
feeling - it was a pain. An increasing pain that writhed through his body, excruciating his toes, his ankles, all the way up to the end of his longest hair. His mind was screaming with agony, an agony that could not be expressed through his mouth. He struggled to his feet, and staggered to the door. He fumbled at the handle, and realising he was failing miserably to turn the accursed knob, used a knife that he jerkily pulled from his pocket to rip a hole in the door which he kicked larger and rammed his body through. By now, his entire body - not excluding his mind - was screaming with a mixture of pains - stings, throbs, burns, stabs and numbing freezes. He stumbled into the hallway, sweat pouring from his body, leaving little moisture left in it. For a water-lord, he was in dangerous grounds. He thought he saw a figure at the end of the corridor, he threw the knife in their general direction to get whoever-they-where's attention. As a wave of stings rippled up from his body, he roared "Kamui!! What the hell is up with this castle??" He gave up trying to do anything and slid down against the wall.
Kamui was muttering to himself againts the wall..."mother the wheels are in motion it seems..." *sigh* this will not turn out good for anyone..."

A knife struck him in the shoulder..."What the," He stared in the direction, just to see that Vline was on the floor, panting..."Mother, what is wrong here, is Vline not strong enough? or is it because of..." Kamui's eyes opened wide with real fear this time...

He grabbed Vline, and dashed to grab Cloud, then reopening the portal, he stepped back into the real world... "better that we aren't dead, more then anything"

There he collasped, then passed out
Vline breathed in deeply. They were standing on a beach. Well, he and Cloud were standing, Kamui was lying in the sand. Vline sighed, and picked him up - he was a lot lighter than he appeared...


Kamui woke up, spluttering, his body drenched in brine. Cloud was watching from the shore, seemingly amused, while Vline had his back to them both. "They're here..."
Vline pointed to a spiral of blue smoke rising from a building in the coastal village nearby. "We've got to hurry."
"Yes it seems that we must, the realm was being destroyed, and the castle became distorted... i was created from that realm, so i was unaffected, but since i brought you there, you were... i apologise, you didn't notice the demon wing... Dirakun... *sigh*... it appears it really was a warning..."

He stabed Dirakun into himself, his eyes turned black...

As fear apporaches like the night
Flee from the field and hide from sight
the power stirs, the anger wakes
the rage upon the darkness breaks
a fearful lesson, learned full well,
a tale that they alone can tell

you are fools to try and rebuild that which i have destroyed, now you will see what is to happen, and with that, Kamui returned once more, just to have the wound heal once more
"The magistrials are sending a reconaissance, and you're reciting poetry with mummy?" Vline turned, and walked into the village. "I wonder how well they'll fare in a sea-side town..." He mused. He raised one arm slowly, so that it was a straight line from his shoulder upwards. A column of water in the Cyrene imitated his actions, rising, with tendrils at the end, writhing like his fingers. As his arm swiftly stabbed forward in the direction of the village, the water column became a long, thick whip, that glided over to town, extending in length so that it remained a part of the sea from whence it came. It drew lever with Vline's arm, and followed it remaining parallel, and never in front, as the young man walked slowly, yet purposefully to the town.
Cloud shrugged and followed vline... he did this because he knew his castle was safe.. the flag of gold was still flyng.. he smiled at it and followed vline to the town..
Vline turned his head over his shoulder to see Cloud. He completely ignored him and continued to walk into the town. It was about one hundred metres away. He was now walking as though he was carrying a kestrel, or hawk, his left arm sticking directly out, with the bird - or water - resting upon his wrist.

They'd almost reached the town, and had seen very little. The blue smoke continued to rise, but other than that, nothing. Suddenly, a high-pitched scream issued from the east side. Vline merely smirked and started to walk at the same pace in that direction. Cloud caught up with him.
"I never asked you to follow me - so why follow me? To protect denziens of another kingdom, possibly marble - which you hate, or to kill those whom threaten you? Coward or moron...? Either way, I do not trust your chances in battle. Walk away now, or suffer a ... watery fate." Vline never even bothered to look at him. They'd reached the gatehouse, which was unmanned. Vline simply pushed the great iron gate open and walked through, leaving them to collapse upon Cloud who nearly fell over with the weight before pushing it open again. The water weaved itself through one of the square holes in the gigantic door.

A man wearing a maroon shirt and dark trousers darted through the street. Vline smiled unpleasantly, and quickened his pace without changingtheway he was walking. His left arm however, bent sharply at the elbow, and the water's tip was just above his hand, his fingers pointing in toward it, and then quickly straightening away repeatedly. "This might be fun." He jumped forward in a great leap, landing gracefully next to the man: crouched with his left hand on the floor. A geyser of water shot out from under the ground underneath his prey, and then another, and another. They were practically chasing him. The magistrial was panicking, and did not notice a stave racing through midair until it was poking out on both sides of his stomach. "I would imagine there are seven more of them..."
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cloud was spooked. he hated when vline did stuff with water... it creeped him out... he turned to him "your right Vline i will go to the golden castle, i will study fire magics there..." he patted vlines shoulder and walked to his glorious castle... vline could be the master of water, cloud thought, and kamui could be the master of... well he was the master of amazing things... but now cloud would go and study to be the master of fire...
"So cloud is to master fire... well then it appears that Vline doesn't need my help, we are besides the beach and water...," *sigh* "This is really getting out of hand, and i no longer have any control of the situation, i apologise mother... but, what to do, what to do, may as well join in the fun..."

"Shirakun" yelled Kamui, and i appeared in his right hand, and with that he jumped up high, and fired a white blade beam, at one of the soldiers, blowing him back, dead, then yelled "Dirakun!" this time, Dirakun appeared in his left hand, fired a similar blade beam, only of dark energy...,

"I guess mother that the second verse had no meaning, but the first still might... we will see"
"Good luck with that," Vline turned and faced Cloud, patting him back on the shoulder. His voice was kindly, and friendly. Then it stopped being odd, and snapped back to a malevolent sneer. "While your kingdom hates you. Oh, come on Cloud! Think about it - you lead your army to sea, and your army drowns at sea. You are last seen in a balcony slamming your sword around your own soldier's head, watching a battle between your childhood's best friend. And now, assuming that your castle is in a state that can be repaired after Tidus's attack, and you crawl back, who's to say you're likely to remain its ruler?" Vline turned away from him again. "Wow... to be king, and to have your subjects hate you... Mind you, everyone hates you now. Your kingdom, your childhood friend, I'm sure Aerith wouldn't be your biggest fan after your eagerness to leave the mteria in someone whom you barely know - Kamui's - care... actually, Kamui and mumsy want you, but then, they only want to use you... Draw your sword all you like - for it shows who you really are." Vline was now walking further into the town. He called over his shoulder. "Just a lost little boy, hiding behind a sword... Let's face it. Your life has deteriorated since you double-crossed me." He laughed mirthlessly and lazily flipped a wrist in Cloud's direction, first finger flopping, pointing at him. Cloud spluttered, drenched from head to toe.
cloud sneered at vline... "if you knew ANYTHING about castles, you would know if a king has gone somewhere and the people hate him, they will put up a different flag. now kamui, could you please get this nusciance off my back? i dont mean fight, just block him so he cant shoot anything at me?" and with that cloud took off at a speedy pace to his castle
Kamui turned to Vline..."It seems that i must guard you from Cloud, but then i must remain at his side..."

"*sigh* then i must do this..., i apologise in advance Vline, but i cannot disobey Cloud, not yet anyway..."

and with that he raised this Dirakun and Shirkun sword, his eyes turning yellow, and power eruped beneath Vline, that will keep you at bay for at least a hour, thats all i need, you'll be let free as soon as i am out of range, and so is Cloud"

Kamui turned and flew in Cloud's direction, catching up to him easily, then grabed him, and teleported him into his room in the golden castle...

"Welcome, it seems" said Kamui, and when they arrived, the power faded from vline, and he was free
Vline awoke with a jolt - not that he's ever been asleep. He had been levitating above the sands of the beach for an hour, an odd black and white mist encircling him. His lip curled and he walked onto the cyrene. He raised his arms so that they were in line with his shoulders. His entire body swung forward, excluding the very tips of his toes. He dipped a hand into the brine and shot forward across its surface, leaving ocean spray everywhere. He headed toward the Golden Castle. He was sure he'd get there before Cloud and Kamui - going through the sea (eight metres a second) was always faster than round the sea. And how easy it would be to poison the mind of a Kingdom without its king. He thought with a smirk 'After all, a kingdom without its king is just 'dum.'
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