final fantasy old or new?????


Jun 9, 2009
which is your favorite type of final fantasy games??
the new ones or the old final fantasy's?????
post your answer and why on this thread
The newer ones. I prefer games with good graphics and voice acting, not that you need good graphics to tell a good story. The older ones have a nice novelty, retro feel, though.
I really like the old ones, the focus is on the stories. But the ultimate thing would be the old ones with great graphics and voice-acting! :D
Well i really prefer the older ones, b/c they are what got me started on the FF series. VII being my favorite of course, since it was the one that brought the FF series into 3-d characters and stuff.
I like both. It's obviously nice to see people in 3D, and buildings etc and voice acting, but I still love those sprite based graphics from the past, and the days were people spoke in text boxes!
before I start old = !-VI, New= VII-NOW
There pros and cons to both, I really do love the old one, they had job systems, old school battles, I loved the stories, just the overall feel to the old games I just loved.
The newer games are sweet because with improved graphics the character designs got cooler, voice acting is pretty sweet, and I also like the way the newer games tell stories as well (just differently)
so with a really tough split, i'm going to say old ones just because V was my favourite FF game anyway :D
Wait how is VII new, it was made in the last millennium!!! Yeah, the story lines are pretty elaborate, that's another reason why i like the entire FF series.
I like the PS1 era best, nice graphics and still turn based - Voice acting is nice, but sometimes I just prefer sitting their and reading it y'know? They both have their good/bad points, the older ones posed more of a challenge I feel, which in turn makes you feel acomplished when you do something, and I don't half miss the world map in the newer games, but on the other hand, the newer ones have a lot more potential for extra stuff, length sidequests etc......

I guess Im inbetween :wacky:

Although, I ha ve to admit, had I started the series on anything before VII I can imagine Id of bust a blood vessel and hated Final Fantasy for life ¬.¬
I like the PS1 era best, nice graphics and still turn based - Voice acting is nice, but sometimes I just prefer sitting their and reading it y'know? They both have their good/bad points, the older ones posed more of a challenge I feel, which in turn makes you feel acomplished when you do something, and I don't half miss the world map in the newer games, but on the other hand, the newer ones have a lot more potential for extra stuff, length sidequests etc......

I guess Im inbetween :wacky:

Although, I ha ve to admit, had I started the series on anything before VII I can imagine Id of bust a blood vessel and hated Final Fantasy for life ¬.¬
it kinda hard to define old and new, you really have to really separate it by console era
Well if we were going to seperate it by console, then I-IX would be old, and X-XII (currently not including XIII and XIV) would be the new.
i dont really know. ive only played ff6, ffx and ffx-2. im playing ff6 now again and i think the story is better than i remember and its still fun to play, but the graphic isnt so good so it isnt as fun to watch... but the music is really good :D but i think i like ffx a little more because i think the story was better and i think because of good graphic and voices you could feel with the characters more. i didnt how you level up in ffx, i like ff6 and ffx-2 more.

but i havent played older final fantasys and i havent played ff7, ff8, ff9 and the newer final fantasys so i dont really know... but i think i like the new ffs more because youre more in the story than old final fantasys :)
Well according to myself and all my friends (as well as a bunch of other people) VII, VIII, and IX, are the best final fantasy games there are, so if you loved the series already, i recommend you play those, it will intensify the love. ♥♥♥
the ps1 versions.they had the best stories and graphics. i am a next-gen gamer, so my games have to have graphics and the older ones had horrible graphics.FFX was a great game, too.The newer ones like XII, i dont like because of the no atb thing, but they are still good, better than the fossils like I, II, etc
Wow this is tough. I prefer the job system over the newer battle systems. I also like the older story lines. But the newer FFs are just as fun so I dunno.
Yeah, i admit that i like the new game's graphics, but i like other things more than the graphics, like the gameplay and the character's bio.
I feel I have to separate the games into three categories.

Old: FFI through FFVI
Aged: FFVII through FFIX (possibly FFX as well, it was kind of a transition game)
New: Anything after FFX

I'd really rather judge them on a game by game basic, but I won't.

I'm kind of torn between Old and Aged as to which is my favorite, I'd say Old in a heartbeat if it weren't for FFIX. Then again, that game was meant to return to the franchises roots, so I guess it could be put in the old category.

Anyway, my biggest gripe is with Square/Enix's newest content. It just isn't as plot focused as some of the older ones were. Once Advent Children came out they seemed to decide that flashy cutscenes and epic fast paced battles are the best direction to take the franchise; something that makes me angry.
Because of this I've stopped looking forward to "the next Final Fantasy game!" and started looking backwards to older games outside the Final Fantasy franchise. For that part I'm grateful, I've since played many awesome RPG's with little to no affiliation with Square, but it still pains me to see where the FF franchise is going...
The middle ages, the PSX era, or whatever.

7, 8 and 9 represent my childhood, really. I think I like them more for that than anything else, if I'm honest. A lot of people hold special affection for their first FF games, and I'm no exception really.

If I try my best to be truly objective though, I think the older games are my favourites. There is a certain charm that comes with playing older games.
I've only disliked two games, FFXI and FFXII which are both new era games, but the fact that I love Crisis Core and X-2 balance that aspect out.

I love FFVI-FFX, which consists of two transition games and the three PSOne games, so I guess "aged" would probably fit best. It is difficult just because of FFVI being the transition game from the old generation into the mainstream era of FFVII and then FFX being the transition from what I would call the Golden Age of Final Fantasy into a less emotional and character driven era that is currently proceeding.