Final Fantasy Retrospective

I dont think XII should have even been called XII, the more i play it the more i think it should have "Tactics" somewhere in the name, since even though it's not an RTS it's pretty much a direct prequel to Tactics.

They played Liberi Fatali while showing half the stuff from IX >_< And they praised VII almost as much as fanboys do too. Well hoofuckingray, VII was the first 3D final fantasy and had adult themes like cross-dressing and an angry black man. And boohoo, Aeris died. Why the HELL do people always regard that as one of the saddest gaming moments?! I didnt cry when she died! I didnt even like her, i found her annoying!

You know, VII is a good game, it really is, and it's extremely fun...but the game doesnt present any sort of challenge (except for Emerald and Ruby weapons) and the storyline can be confusing. It is not the best game ever, there are many many FFs and other games that far surpass it in not only story and characters, but in innovation too.

Sorry...just pisses me off when people ramble on about VII like it's the greatest thing ever to happen to mankind <.< And i bet you they wont spend more than five minutes on IX...

I somewhat agree and bringing Summoner Yuna's take on this, I have to say that the whole milking thing royally incenses me as well.

It may not be the best game ever but it's also one of the first to truly revolutionize gaming on a scale far greater than those previous. It's not a matter on how great it was, it's a matter of how great it was when it first came out and that's where all the support comes from.

Also, innovation. I think there's a point in the vid that says that most other RPG's that followed VII tweaked the battle system a bit, meaning that it's influence was pretty great on other games of the genre.

It's influential, it really is, and that makes it a great game. But then again it all boils down to taste.

...I think this way on subjects like the Beatles and how they weren't even all that great but when it comes down to it, this game really does deserve all the praise it gets.
I loved the FFVII retrospective, it was great. And Ronin, though I can partially agree with your sentiment that FFVII is overrated and I'm tired of SE milking it to death, I must say it's one of the finest games I've ever encountered. I would only rate X higher than it just because of nostalgic reasons, since it was the first FF I ever played. VII's plot might seem complicated at first, but if you analyze it carefully everything starts falling into place.

Thats the thing, you have to analyze it to figure it all out. And look what all those complications and plot holes have led to: the Final Fantasy VII Compliation.

It may be a fine game and all, but come on, they even mentioned Eirgheiz in the review and thats not even a FF game. If they wanna talk for 15 minutes about VII then fine, but dont bunch games like VIII and IX together in the same video. If any FF (besides VI) deserves a full 15 minute video it's IX.

But i suppose all my ranting amounts to nothing but opinion.
Aye, great find indeed…

I wish I found this thread sooner, there pretty cool so far, I’ll have to stay tuned… :)
I somewhat agree and bringing Summoner Yuna's take on this, I have to say that the whole milking thing royally incenses me as well.

It may not be the best game ever but it's also one of the first to truly revolutionize gaming on a scale far greater than those previous. It's not a matter on how great it was, it's a matter of how great it was when it first came out and that's where all the support comes from.

Also, innovation. I think there's a point in the vid that says that most other RPG's that followed VII tweaked the battle system a bit, meaning that it's influence was pretty great on other games of the genre.

It's influential, it really is, and that makes it a great game. But then again it all boils down to taste.

...I think this way on subjects like the Beatles and how they weren't even all that great but when it comes down to it, this game really does deserve all the praise it gets.

You totally ninja'd me when i made my last post -__-

Anyway, have a point. It was the first 3D FF, gave the genre a bigger audience, had "mature" themes (i dont see how Cloud cross-dressing and a foul-mouthed black man who looks like Mr. T count as mature), and if it werent for VII then Square probably would have never hit it big in America.

But the way i look at it, i just see what it could have been: a less convoluted story with the plot holes filled in, maybe built on Aeris a little more instead of throwing Tifa in at the last minute, had Barret be somebody besides a stereotypical gangster-type black man, etc.

I suppose one reason why i'm so hard on VII is that i've been raised on good literature, even as a kid my favorite store to hang out at was Barnes & Noble, so i'm a bit of a critic when it comes to things like story and character development.

If i were to have had a say in it, instead of having SE make all those shit VII spinoffs that try to explain things and include stuff that was never in the original game, I would have simply had them remake VII into what it should have been all along. It would have to be longer so they could fill in the holes, but in all truthfulness, VII was pathetically short. The third disc is barely even used, all it has is the Northern Crater, fighting Sephi, and watching the end, so i'm sure they could have fleshed out the story more with all that extra disc space if they'd wanted to.
You totally ninja'd me when i made my last post -__-

Anyway, have a point. It was the first 3D FF, gave the genre a bigger audience, had "mature" themes (i dont see how Cloud cross-dressing and a foul-mouthed black man who looks like Mr. T count as mature), and if it werent for VII then Square probably would have never hit it big in America.

But the way i look at it, i just see what it could have been: a less convoluted story with the plot holes filled in, maybe built on Aeris a little more instead of throwing Tifa in at the last minute, had Barret be somebody besides a stereotypical gangster-type black man, etc.

I suppose one reason why i'm so hard on VII is that i've been raised on good literature, even as a kid my favorite store to hang out at was Barnes & Noble, so i'm a bit of a critic when it comes to things like story and character development.

If i were to have had a say in it, instead of having SE make all those shit VII spinoffs that try to explain things and include stuff that was never in the original game, I would have simply had them remake VII into what it should have been all along. It would have to be longer so they could fill in the holes, but in all truthfulness, VII was pathetically short. The third disc is barely even used, all it has is the Northern Crater, fighting Sephi, and watching the end, so i'm sure they could have fleshed out the story more with all that extra disc space if they'd wanted to.

I totally agree with you that instead of making bad spinoffs SE should remake VII with better dialogue and a more fleshed out story. However one of the merits of VII in the story department is that it brought new themes to the RPG genre (and I don't mean Cloud cross-dressing or Barret's bad language). I mean themes like having blind faith in science without thinking of the consequences, for example, among others. Another interesting thing is that I see ShinRA as the true villain of the game. If you think about it, the caused everything. They are the ones who created Sephiroth and wounded the planet by creating Mako Reactors. They experimented with Jenova without making sure beforehand he/she/it was an ancient instead of a planet destructor. They destroyed towns like Corel out of pure greed. A company is the real villain. I see Sephiroth just as the unfortunate result, albeit a very nasty one.
I totally agree with you that instead of making bad spinoffs SE should remake VII with better dialogue and a more fleshed out story. However one of the merits of VII in the story department is that it brought new themes to the RPG genre (and I don't mean Cloud cross-dressing or Barret's bad language). I mean themes like having blind faith in science without thinking of the consequences, for example, among others. Another interesting thing is that I see ShinRA as the true villain of the game. If you think about it, the caused everything. They are the ones who created Sephiroth and wounded the planet by creating Mako Reactors. They experimented with Jenova without making sure beforehand he/she/it was an ancient instead of a planet destructor. They destroyed towns like Corel out of pure greed. A company is the real villain. I see Sephiroth just as the unfortunate result, albeit a very nasty one.


Very true. ShinRa did much more damage that Sephiroth ever did, the planet was dying because of them. Hojo was probably one of the best mad scientists to grace a story, not only did he tamper with and mutate SOLDIER members and others (like Red...and i still wanna know how he found Red), he even experimented on himself and his own son. Jenova was also more of a villian than Sephi, but yeah, ShinRa's definitely the main villian.

I dont understand why they dont want to remake VII, i'm sure they're well aware of just how much money they would make off it, plus it could probably boost the PS3's sales much more than Final Fantasy XIII ever could.
I wonder if tomorrows will be on time. I hope so, even though I'm not a fan of Final Fantasy VIII. Maybe learning more about the game will help me appreciate it.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow because its FFVIII and FFIX - and FFIX more than makes up for the pure crap that is FFVIII. I can laugh at all the praise they give FFVIII and then agree enthusiastically with every good thing said about FFIX :)
Are you sure tomorrow the two games are combined? Maybe Final Fantasy VIII didn't offer enough to the series to warrant it's own retrospective part. xD
Yeah im sure its the two games combined - it showed Vivi when Edeas song was playing.

FFVIII retrospective "the game was crap" moving on..."FFIX!"
Yeah im sure its the two games combined - it showed Vivi when Edeas song was playing.

FFVIII retrospective "the game was crap" moving on..."FFIX!"

They played Liberi Fatali through half the IX scenes too -__-

And what do you think the actual chances of them saying that VIII is crap are? They treated VII like a god, and VIII is more of the futuristic stuff....
They treated VII like a god, and VIII is more of the futuristic stuff....

But FFVIII is more hated than FFVII. If anything they'll probably negatively compare it to FFVII.

Then again, SE probably will want to make their games look good so the chances of FFVIII bashing are slim ;_;
I figured they would have talked more about Final Fantasy VIII than Final Fantasy VII because it's much more controversial. But maybe they won't cover it nearly as much just to try and avoid the drama. Who knows. I guess we'll see tomorrow.
Yeah, can't wait for the next part tomorrow/or today for you easterners out there. :rolleyes:

I doubt they'll say much negative stuff about VIII except for the few snippets here and there that aren't even offensive. I just have that intuition that says that they won't but then again they could... -_-
Since FFVIII is my favourite game in the series I'd rather they talked about how good it was! Maybe they'll point out the game being the most 'love it or hate it' in the series anyway. I look forward to the FFVIII/FFIX retrospective most of all, I loved those two games.
Maybe they'll point out the game being the most 'love it or hate it' in the series anyway.

I dunno about that...XII seems to be catching up to VIII in terms of "love it or hate it", and i actually love and hate it.'s late. I bet whoever is supposed to upload it hasn't woken up yet.
I dunno about that...XII seems to be catching up to VIII in terms of "love it or hate it", and i actually love and hate it.

So true, remember XII is the Emo game ;) (private joke guys)

I think they'll mention that FFVIII is a game that most people either love or hate - and then they'll elaborate on why - probably that the GF and junction system were so rapidly different to any other FF battle system.
So true, remember XII is the Emo game ;) (private joke guys)

I think they'll mention that FFVIII is a game that most people either love or hate - and then they'll elaborate on why - probably that the GF and junction system were so rapidly different to any other FF battle system.

Oh it's not just emo, it's making me go emo as well >_<

And...yeah...i think all they'll talk about are the drawing and junctioning systems, there's not much else about the game that's noteworthy.
The fact it had to follow up FFVII is probably the biggest reason why it's acquired 'love it or hate it' status. Whatever your opinions on FFVII, having to follow up its success and fame would have been a huge task.