Final Fantasy Retrospective

Also, what the hell was all that shit about Garland being the Darth Vadar of Final Fantasy IX? I don't even get the connection at all. The look isn't even that similar. Whatever... gay.

Oh god, i know >_< "ZOMG! hE weArs bl4ck, h3 mUst B lyk D4rth V4d3r!" And he actually mentioned Cid's wife? WTF. Why the hell didnt he talk more about a main character?

Yeah, all in all i thought it was crap. Except for when he said younger gamers dont get IX, that's so true. Cuz they're too goddamn stupid to get it, raised on their damn sugar and power rangers so they dont have any concept of what a quality game is.
My only other problem with the reviews was... who edited the "film". Where were any of FMVs? Where was Alexander vs. Bahamut and Odin destroying Cleyra??? I mean cumulatively they probably spent the most amount of time covering the card games.
Good point you have there. IX has some of the best FMVs in the series and they showed.......Tetra master.....and ugly in-game graphics.
I was really looking forward to this retrospective. I was mostly looking forward to how they presented and talked about IX. I was very weary of the fact that both VIII and IX were in the same retrospective whereas VII had an episode of its own. My fears were realised when part VI had finished. I wasn't very impressed because it felt really dilluted. I felt they spoke quite briskly of each game and didn't delve as deep as I would have liked. It was over quite quickly for both FF games and I was left wanting more. I still feel there's a hole that needs to be filled. I was most dissapointed because IX had some of the best moments in any of the FF games: the FMV's were truly beautiful and the set-pieces, music and characters were a joy. It's making me nervous for X next week. The same thing will probably happen as it shares the episode with X-2 (sigh). X was a ground-breaking title in the sereies being on the PS2 and gaining the benefits that the console afforded it. X should have an episode by itself; or X-2 should get minimum time on the episode to allow for X to shine. If it's the same as Part VI then I don't know what i'd do; especially considering the fact that X-2 was very much a diluted, and un-welcomed, FF title (by me that is).
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Yeah, it sucks that X has to share the spotlight with X-2. I was quite surprised that they showed Tetra Master in the segment of FFIX because I understand it's a very unimportant part of the game. I have seen some of the FMV's of IX and I agree they're quite beautiful and they do the game more justice.
Twenty bucks they at least mention the card battle game thing that was in Final Fantasy X-2. I'm going to kill them if they spend more than a minute on it.
I'm not even looking forward to it, they'll probably do what they did on Part 6 and give equal time to X and X-2...
First of all, there was a delay because of the Games Convention. Secondly, he has delayed it a bit because he didn't want to do a simultaneous relies on the Final Fantasy Retrospective and the Metroid Retrospective as Metroid usually suffers a lot. It is expected to be soon. He did say about 6:00ish but I'm not sure what timezone that is with. Also, this shouldn't delay the next part as they have been working on that aswell.
I guess i'll take this time to watch the Metroid Retrospective, i've never played any of games so maybe this'll inspire me to download a couple ROMs
They only spent about 5 minutes talking about X-2 ^_^

This one was alot better...but...WHY didn't they play Otherworld while talking about Blitzball? T_T

And they're going to spend the entire next vid talking about XI? o_O What's there to say about it other than "this in an MMORPG, it's just another way for Square Enix to take your hard-earned money"?
They only spent about 5 minutes talking about X-2 ^_^

This one was alot better...but...WHY didn't they play Otherworld while talking about Blitzball? T_T

And they're going to spend the entire next vid talking about XI? o_O What's there to say about it other than "this in an MMORPG, it's just another way for Square Enix to take your hard-earned money"?

Considering the game is still pretty much active after 4 or 5 years and is updated and new expansions come out, there probably will be a lot to say about this game but I will say that I am certainly not looking forward to this one at all.
Oh...well...i'll probably watch it for the hell of it, and i guess it'd be informative if anything. But yeah, i'm not much looking forward to it, nor am i looking forward to the XII retrospective since i'm sure they'll give it perfect marks like every other gaming site and magazine.
Oh...well...i'll probably watch it for the hell of it, and i guess it'd be informative if anything. But yeah, i'm not much looking forward to it, nor am i looking forward to the XII retrospective since i'm sure they'll give it perfect marks like every other gaming site and magazine.

I'm actually unsure what they will say about FFXII, considering the GameTrailers review was probably the most fairest I have seen yet and probably the first review that I saw that gave the game less than 9/10. I wish I had saw that review before I got the game. Even though I would have probably still bought it, I would atleast not get my hopes up.
I'm actually unsure what they will say about FFXII, considering the GameTrailers review was probably the most fairest I have seen yet and probably the first review that I saw that gave the game less than 9/10. I wish I had saw that review before I got the game. Even though I would have probably still bought it, I would atleast not get my hopes up.

wtf? You serious? Crap...i wish i'd seen it too, i woulda asked my dad for a different game and wouldn't have got my hopes up so high, all i saw were the "ZOMG THIS GAME IS UBER 1337!" reviews.
You too? Because I've only seen those reviews of XII (the 1337 ones), so I almost made my mom buy it for me for my birthday. However, one day before I was looking at ebay and found a great deal on FF7 and FF8 and decided to buy that instead. I don't plan on buying XII anytime soon, but I will eventually because I want to decide for myself if it sucks or not.
And back on topic, I liked the FFX retrospective. I knew they were gonna say something bad about the sphere grid and the voice acting. I liked both, for the most part. And, WHY OH WHY did they have to show the awful laughing scene at Luca? They should have shown one of Tidus' narrating parts to illustrate the voice acting because it gives the impression that ALL the voice acting in X is awful, when that's not true.
You too? Because I've only seen those reviews of XII (the 1337 ones), so I almost made my mom buy it for me for my birthday. However, one day before I was looking at ebay and found a great deal on FF7 and FF8 and decided to buy that instead. I don't plan on buying XII anytime soon, but I will eventually because I want to decide for myself if it sucks or not.
And back on topic, I liked the FFX retrospective. I knew they were gonna say something bad about the sphere grid and the voice acting. I liked both, for the most part. And, WHY OH WHY did they have to show the awful laughing scene at Luca? They should have shown one of Tidus' narrating parts to illustrate the voice acting because it gives the impression that ALL the voice acting in X is awful, when that's not true.

Haha, speaking of ebay all i'm asking for my birthday is maybe $60 or so to get Xenogears and FF8. You should buy XII, it's nowhere near as good as IX or X, but it's worth playing...don't get it till it's $20 though <.<

I really like the sphere grid too...but the voice acting...yuck. Some characters sounded bad all the time, like Tidus, other's would sound good sometimes and bad other times, like Rikku. As for the laughing scene.......i think the guy made best friends with a bong when he did the review.

"the central heroes and villians were all cast with both English and Japanese voice actors bringing their vocal cords to life"


Dear god...that scene is so embarrassing to watch it'd be easier on someone if their mom walked in and saw them looking at pr0n. And whyyyy didn't he play otherworld? T_T

And would someone care to enlighten me as to what that song playing at 8:54 is because i do NOT remember hearing it in X...
i bet when the XII one comes out, its probably gonna talk all about the new battle system and gambits and all that. hmm we shall see...