Final Fantasy Retrospective

DL Clyde

Black Mage
Mar 7, 2007
Glasgow, Scotland
Game Trailers are doing a 13 parter called Final Fantasy Retrospective every Sunday. I've already found it interesting.

Part 1 is really the beginning (and almost the end) of Square and the first Final Fantasy.

I'll update this thread for the duration of the retrospective.

Enjoy. :)

Part I - Square and Final Fantasy
Part II - Final Fantasy II & III
Part III - Final Fantasy IV & V
Part IV - Final Fantasy VI
Part V - Final Fantasy VII
Part VI - Final Fantasy VIII & IX
Part VII - Final Fantasy X & X-2
Part VIII - Final Fantasy XI
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Wow, great find. I had no idea they were doing this but I watched it and I'm very happy I got to see it. I'll definitely be watching from now on, although I might skip next week since I haven't played Final Fantasy II or Final Fantasy III yet.
Oh how awesome! I'll definitely start tuning in, I had no idea about this ^^ I'm such a geek, anything retrospective about FF and I get all giggly and fangirly xD
Ohhh cool! That's neat, I can't wait until they do FF6 and FF7! Awww, I brings a tear to my eye knowing that Square almost failed.
Part II of the Retrospective is now up. It was a day late and so far unknown as why but they got it up and that's what matters.

Part II

This one focuses on Final Fantasy II & III (Not the remakes) so if you don't want to be spoiled then you are best not to watch it.
I <3 Hironobu Sakaguchi...zidane this is an awesome find. make sure u keep updating this thread so i can watch these ^_^
Im instrested about what they going say about the newer one's and 13 seeing as there's not much info on it.
I doubt they will mention much about Final Fantasy XIII. The Legend of Zelda Retrospective only mentioned Twilight Princess briefly in the last part which was released one month after it was released.
Too bad they're only like....10 minutes long, I'd have liked it to be longer, to be totally honest.

But great find nonetheless. I'll stay tuned, and I can't wait to see VII - X. ^_^

Thank you for finding these ^_^ I just watched the first two, cant wait for the ones about VI and IX. I wonder if they'll mention Tactics...
Legend of Zelda Retrospective: Part 2. Um... let's see here... the uh... third installment of the game went back to the original formula. Um... then they sold the rights and made shitty games of which Nintendo never speaks. Then they went to 3D. It uh.. was pretty much exactly the same as every game before it. That concludes our 2 part retrospective on The Legend of Zelda aka the legend that hasn't changed once except for when we bastardized our franchised and Link went on a holy quest to find a discount Persian rug at the flea market
I just watched it a couple hours ago ^^ Makes me wanna play IV all over again...and...makes me wanna play V for the first time xD
....*tear* I missed playing FFIV and FFV for the first time. Ahhh I love the Illusionary world theme and Into the darkness.

Ahhh! I can't wait for the next one! FF6 < top favorites.
I just watched it a couple hours ago ^^ Makes me wanna play IV all over again...and...makes me wanna play V for the first time xD

Same for me, only in reverse. It made me think of replaying FFV and start playing FFV. FYI - There's also a Metroid Retrospective going on right now too.
I already saw these on another Final Fantasy Forum and thought that part one and two were really great. I watched part three the other day and enjoyed that as well. They are really interesting to watch and it's good to learn new things about those games. I haven't played all of them so it's nice to see a basic outline of how the games work.
Same for me, only in reverse. It made me think of replaying FFV and start playing FFV. FYI - There's also a Metroid Retrospective going on right now too.

Ooh, there's a Metroid Retrospective? I probably shouldnt watch it though, since i've not played any of the metroids T_T

I just finished watching the new episode...i just love VI ^_^ I'm actually replaying it now, started a couple weeks ago. Ugh, but i cant for the life of me remember the name of this one song. It's the one that plays when you're on the overworld, the one with the flute. It's such a gorgeous song ^_^

And i wanna that little 3-D minigame they made!