Final Fantasy Retrospective

Yep, a whopping 13 minutes xD

I bet the one for VII will be 20 or 30 minutes...oh well, i'll watch it anyway ^_^
Hopefully X and X-2 will be put in together. What about tactics and tactics advance, will these be included?
They better include Tactics!

And if they have to talk about better only last 2 minutes and say "X-2 is the shittiest excuse for a final fantasy ever made and should rot in the bowels of hell"
Will they make us endure 15 minutes of GIRL POWER for X-2? Please, no ... T_T

I reckon it will be squeezed in with FFX so hopefully we won't have to endure a whole part from the Charlie's Angels ripoffs.

I think the FFVII part might be a bit longer because they probably will include sequels/prequels and lets face it, you would probably need more than 10 minutes to talk about FFVII on its own. :cool:

Either that or the spin offs could be on a seperate part. After all, there is still 9 parts to go with only 6 titles from the main series to be shown. I think the FFVII sequels/prequels could be on a part of their own aswell as the Final Fantasy Tactics and possibly Chrystal Chronicles.
Either that or the spin offs could be on a seperate part. After all, there is still 9 parts to go with only 6 titles from the main series to be shown. I think the FFVII sequels/prequels could be on a part of their own aswell as the Final Fantasy Tactics and possibly Chrystal Chronicles.

There's 9 left? O_O

They may stick X-2 in with XI or something, since you cant say much about either of them. I hope they do IX justice and dont over exaggerate on VII, i am SO sick of every frikkin game site saying VII is just the best thing ever to happen to humanity. The graphics are sloppy, could have been done much better, and while it's fun there's much better RPGs out there. Bleh...guess i'll see what GT thinks of it come sunday.
I caught this mini-series a while ago. I dont know why I didnt think of linking it here. So good-job Zidane!

VII wont be 30 minutes long. It'll be 20 max. Most of the shows run about the same time.

The rest of the FF's will get their own episodes Im sure.

VIII introduced realistic sprites, a new battle system, and a weird story. Plus, the super addictive Triple Triad Im sure will get a mention.

IX was a look back at the old FFs. A return to old themes and style and the last FF on the PS1.

X was groundbreaking for voice acting in a FF. Plus, first FF on PS2. And the cliff-hanger like ending.

X-2 was the first REAL sequel for an FF. They're is also plenty to say about the battle system, the way you only have 3 characters, and the outrage among its hardcore fanbase.

XI is the only FF that has ventured online. AND, it kept the number. They'll definitely cover it.

XII they'll talk about the new battle system, mature story, and the staff tango the game had during development.

XIII and the future. Nuff said.
Then that leaves the Tactics series and other spinoffs for the last episode.

And dont forgot Tetra Master in IX, Holic. That improved on Triple Triad, IMO.
The head of SE.....said in a meeting last year....that the Final Fantasy VII compilation will last another 10 years.....

Does that mean we have to endure another 9 years now of halfassed VII spinoffs? God i'm quickly starting to hate SE.
The head of SE.....said in a meeting last year....that the Final Fantasy VII compilation will last another 10 years.....

Does that mean we have to endure another 9 years now of halfassed VII spinoffs? God i'm quickly starting to hate SE.

You know them they'll milk it dry until blood comes out.
So, the VII Compliation AND the XIII Compilation will run for another decade?

Why can't they just focus on the new games in the series? Like XIV and XV?

Damn, I wanted to be the one to link Part V. Damn that hack. Anywho, I'm quite annoyed that VI and VII get their own videos, but IX is latched onto the end of VIII's ... I think every game from the PS1 onward (that aren't sequels) should have their own video ¬_¬
Just want to say that this is a great find and I'm glad GameTrailers is doing this. Just watched the first 2 parts and I'm Downloading the 3rd as I post.

Awesome so far; look forward to the rest of the parts as well.
I loved the FFVII retrospective ^_^ it was excellent. And i loved the Ergeiz clips...i must have that Game XD

Maybe...if they say its gonna last ten more years a remake is in the making?
No clue about that AG, but maybe they're prepping for more sequels or something. :O

Also, loved the VII retrospective as well. 15 minutes of information and fun facts. xD
So, the VII Compliation AND the XIII Compilation will run for another decade?

Why can't they just focus on the new games in the series? Like XIV and XV?

Damn, I wanted to be the one to link Part V. Damn that hack. Anywho, I'm quite annoyed that VI and VII get their own videos, but IX is latched onto the end of VIII's ... I think every game from the PS1 onward (that aren't sequels) should have their own video ¬_¬

I dont think XII should have even been called XII, the more i play it the more i think it should have "Tactics" somewhere in the name, since even though it's not an RTS it's pretty much a direct prequel to Tactics.

They played Liberi Fatali while showing half the stuff from IX >_< And they praised VII almost as much as fanboys do too. Well hoofuckingray, VII was the first 3D final fantasy and had adult themes like cross-dressing and an angry black man. And boohoo, Aeris died. Why the HELL do people always regard that as one of the saddest gaming moments?! I didnt cry when she died! I didnt even like her, i found her annoying!

You know, VII is a good game, it really is, and it's extremely fun...but the game doesnt present any sort of challenge (except for Emerald and Ruby weapons) and the storyline can be confusing. It is not the best game ever, there are many many FFs and other games that far surpass it in not only story and characters, but in innovation too.

Sorry...just pisses me off when people ramble on about VII like it's the greatest thing ever to happen to mankind <.< And i bet you they wont spend more than five minutes on IX...
I loved the FFVII retrospective, it was great. And Ronin, though I can partially agree with your sentiment that FFVII is overrated and I'm tired of SE milking it to death, I must say it's one of the finest games I've ever encountered. I would only rate X higher than it just because of nostalgic reasons, since it was the first FF I ever played. VII's plot might seem complicated at first, but if you analyze it carefully everything starts falling into place.