Final Fantasy Retrospective

Dear god...that scene is so embarrassing to watch it'd be easier on someone if their mom walked in and saw them looking at pr0n.

I remember playing FFX at the beginning of the year. Since I live with my brother and my dad only visits the odd weekend, we have the PS2 in the living room and I've told him a few times why I think Final Fantasy is great. One time he was taking a quick break from decorating the bathroom, and it just happened to be that scene when he stopped for his break. I just sat there with my hand on the side of my face at how cringe worthy this scene is. So yeah, it is that bad that you feel embarrassed when your parent sees it. :monster:
lol, my grandma watched the macalania lake scene with tidus and yuna making out like crazy with me. it was pretty embaressing.
lol, when it was over i turned and looked at her to hopefully break the akward silence, and she looked like she was in shock.
I thought FFX retrospective wasn't too bad. I enjoyed playing the game. I believe Square did a good job with the environment. Not having the world map, instead walking from place to place worked out well in this game.

Blah, they should have not spend that much time on X-2.

Next week they're going to devote a whole episode to FFXI. >:/ Ugh! Why couldn't they have done that with FFVIII and FFIX. I don't care about FFXI. >_< Square shouldn't make mmorpgs! Leave that to the Koreans and the US!

Dear god...that scene is so embarrassing to watch it'd be easier on someone if their mom walked in and saw them looking at pr0n.
LOL! That is why I play my games downstairs. XD I would hate playing in my living room, my parents would always have something to say.
I would hate playing in my living room, my parents would always have something to say.

Thats why i moved my PS2 to my room, even though it's hooked up to one of those small, ghetto TVs with a built in VCR, it's still better than playing in the living room because my parents DID always have something to say about my games. They'd make fun of any show i watched too, so i completely stopped watching TV out there altogether.

Hrmm...the review is late. I don't particularly care this time though, i have absolutely no interest in an MMORPG. I just don't think a FF should be an RPG, and it made no sense to give it a number, they should have just called it FFOnline and let XII be XI.
I have my PS2 and Wii in the living room because I live with my brother and my dad only visits every second weekend.

The Retrospectives have been put back to a Monday night (US) but it is late. It will probably be on when I get back.
Newest one:

It was quite dull. After seeing it, I can still say that I

It seems so boring and such a pain in the ass to get to anything fun. Meh. Next week they'll be talking about the Ivalice Alliance as a whole, so thank god no more 15 minutes dedicated to another crap game.
If I am being honest, seeing some of those locations and missions I missed out makes me feel like playing it again but I'm not going to bother as I know I'll just be sitting there for like 2 hours asking for someone to help me.

I'm glad that FFXII isn't getting a whole part dedicated to it, although it does make you wonder what will happen in the rest of the parts now. Just about The Compilation of FFVII was covered apart from Advent Children and Crisis Core (The latter being unlikely covered), FFX-2 and with this next part including Tactics and Tactics Advance then it does make you wonder.

I'm thinking Kingdom Hearts must be in here somewhere.
10/10 for the latest one XD

just seeing that reminded me of how long I've been playing and how much I've done. Cant wait for Wings of The Goddess! Treasures of Aht Urghan was a great expansion, but they might have made the missions a tad too easy. Though all the new gameplay systems kinda made up for that... Chains of Promathia was awesome because of its difficulty and amazing story line(one of the better in all the FF series imo). And its seems WotG will be more like CoP difficulty wise.
I'm glad that FFXII isn't getting a whole part dedicated to it, although it does make you wonder what will happen in the rest of the parts now. Just about The Compilation of FFVII was covered apart from Advent Children and Crisis Core (The latter being unlikely covered), FFX-2 and with this next part including Tactics and Tactics Advance then it does make you wonder.

I'm thinking Kingdom Hearts must be in here somewhere.

I don't know what they'll go, because they've got what, one or two parts left after they cover Ivalice? Maybe they'll talk about the wrongly named GameBoy titles, the Chocobo series and Crystal Chronicles? Or maybe they'll just talk about the loads of badly drawn Tifa hentai out there.

But I agree, I'm very glad XII isn't getting a whole episode to itself. And they're even going to mention Vagrant Story...which...I need to play but can't find anywhere. Time to go ebaying.
I didn't care much for XII, but I actually wouldn't mind getting a whole episode to it. It was a large game, so I suppose that gives it a little more warrant.

I do think Kingdom Hearts will pop up - though I'm not sure whether it'll be one episode covering both games, or just one half to cover the KH concept, since the game really doesn't feature too much FF.

The next one should be coming out tomorrow, it's taken him so long because it's going to be about 22 minutes. After all, he IS covering 4 games in one episode. Not to mention some idiot told him Bahamut Lagoon took place in Ivalice and he wanted to dig around to make sure if it was just a dumb rumor or not, so that cost him a bit of time.
These are the two latest posts from Brandon (guy doing the FF Retrospective) on the forums:

"JUST finished the music edit, to give you guys an idea how long that takes. The whole thing is running at 24:31 right now, give or take about ten seconds for voice over clips I haven't selected yet. DAMN. That's two minutes longer than your average broadcast television program. So basically, I have to edit the equivalent to an episode of Family Guy right now, and I'm scared I might not be able to without sleeping just a bit. I'll see how long I can last tonight and let you know when I throw up my hands and hit the pillow, or if I can manage to see it through. Still, quality is key, and if I get the sense that my shot choices are getting rushed, I'll turn in. You're definitely getting your money's worth with this one. So much info my head is spinning right now. Time for a cold Coke, and then back to it!"

That one was posted 13 hours 13 hours ago from 4 PM is...I don't know, I'm terrible at anything concerning numbers. I think 11 PM last night...I fail at numbers T_T

"It's 6:15 AM PST and I think i got about an hour left in me. I have most of the XII part done, and i'm having a blast putting it together so far. What a gorgeous game. I'll hit the sack and give you an update when I get back on the keyboard."

So he ought to be done either tonight or tomorrow ^_^
This Retrospective ahs been awesome so far. I've been watching them since their rfirst release and I've actually been in communication with a few of the guys putting them together and collecting data for them.

It's great how they cover so much that you don't know about and even the FFXII bonus disc which did a cover on all the FF games, didn't get this deep into the games. I'm glad this has come out and is from a very reliable source. It gives gamers a brief, but awesomely detailed account of what each FF game is, and how it's magnifigance is portrayed in each game.
Woo! It's up finally!

Please stick to the topic at hand, Kenshigi. If you want to discuss things of that nature use PMs or user notes.

Anyhoo, I thought he did a pretty good job on this one. I still need to find me a cheap copy of Vagrant Story on ebay. And I downloaded the ROM of TA cuz the vid made me wanna play it again.

And what'd I tell you guys? I said the next one would be spinoffs like the chocobo series and such, and it is ^_^
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