Final Fantasy VII Remake

I wouldn't mind a remake, to be honest...I think a lot of things could be improved besides graphics. However, the story should probably be left as it wouldn't make sense to change storyline events all of a sudden.

There's no rush and I'm not hoping for anything... we'll see what the future brings.
I wouldn't mind a remake, to be honest...I think a lot of things could be improved besides graphics. However, the story should probably be left as it wouldn't make sense to change storyline events all of a sudden.

There's no rush and I'm not hoping for anything... we'll see what the future brings.
I would like to see some extras in the game but no change in storyline.
Yeah, such as was already said, like a few more sidequests that don't really affect the plot in any way.

Other than that, the story is great enough as it is, any changes or 'tweaks' to it would destroy the whole purpose of recreating it, i.e. to please the fans of the game. Unless, of course they publicly state that it's about reeling in the money. ;)
Sorry to dissapoint everyone, but I've just found out that Square-Enix won't be re-making FFVII for next gen consoles. I'm dissapointed myself after seeing that intro video but oh well, at least it'll make me feel better that the younger generation won't be buying it and the old classic game won't be forgotten.
They said they won't remake it now but after they run out of ideas for future Final Fantasy games and fans keep pursuing the idea they will eventually give in.
Aye, we do. And I'll continue to, even if the chances are slim. It really isn't our fault it's the best damn game ever made, now is it? lol We can only hope and pray someone comes along that will remake it. You just never know with these things. The only thing that is certain is that the game definitely is an amazing piece of artwork with more fans than critics. Eventually someone will get their hands on this game who will remake it, this console generation or not.
Aye, we do. And I'll continue to, even if the chances are slim. It really isn't our fault it's the best damn game ever made, now is it? lol We can only hope and pray someone comes along that will remake it. You just never know with these things. The only thing that is certain is that the game definitely is an amazing piece of artwork with more fans than critics. Eventually someone will get their hands on this game who will remake it, this console generation or not.

I have to agree with this.
A FF7 remake is all I need to purchase a PS3. It's the first RPG I made, and still one of my all time favorite games. Besides, I was dissapointed with Advent Children. I had my own idea for a sequal, so I ended up really not liking the movie. They just rushed right through it. Anyways, off topic, but yes, I would love to see a FF7 remake, and announcing that will definitly cause people to buy a PS3.
Seriously i dont understand why peopel want this,did you see the quality of FF7:AC,they make it horrible,theyd put that godawful voice acting in it and Piss up the world map ( or remove it!) its a really bad idea

I thought they did good with AC. And I liked the voice acting. I guess its just a matter of opinion.
For God's sake, NO!

Except it might happen save the PS3's sagging foreign sales.

But I hold it in the same regard as Compilation. It's just gonna turn into fan service.

So Sephiroth being a bad-ass and Tifa with watermelon jugs ahoy.

Just great.
I think they will, but from what I've heard IF they do decide to make it it wont be for a looong while yet...saddening really
Judging from the magazines, theres still no clear answer, which means no. I think that just leaving the question unanswered helps ps3s sales, which they need all they can get with their 5 game lineup (I know theres more).

But either way if they do remake it it would probably come out for the xbox first, by the way things are going for the 3.

If there going to remake something they should redo I-VI, but try this time with better graphics, and actually add some story and direction to I!
I REALLY hope they make a remake for PS3 but only if they change NOTHING but the graphics, if they did do that would that be a first?
A remake on the PS3 isn't really my sort of thing to be honest I prefer the original always will do the only thing that would get to play FF7 remake is if that it was completely different
to the original (which it is more likely to be)

The things i would like to see in the remake though are voice casting, better battle sequences, less sub stories. and a vast variety of enemies to challenge
I'd be in my glory if they remade FFVII. However, the only things that I prefer to be edited are 1. The graphics, 2. The mistranslations, 3. Voice Casting. If Nomura changes ONE other thing -- even if its someone's clothing, or a battle sequence, I will personally be pissed off.

Be braced for changes, though. I say this because, in other compilation titles, there were a lot of changes made to the story, such as the date of Cid's failed rocket launch, Red not being the last of his species, and a lot of inacurate Vincent flashbacks in DC. And I'm just naming a FEW.

I feel that there will definently be a remake. Square-enix have milked this game a lot with added sequels and movies, so it wouldn't be a suprise if Nomura made one. After all, he DID say that the FFVII compilation would last for another decade; which gives him plenty of time.
i don't think they'll touch the story. i think they know how pissed off fans would get from past experiences.

i personally am thrilled by the idea of playing a video game that looks like advent children. i think it'd be awesome if they included all of the same voice actors from AC in it as well, since i think the voices for every character were PERFECT.

i also recently bought a ps3 FINALLY, and am just waiting for this and FFXIII to come out ^_^

im keeping my fingers crossed that they actually make it too. ^_^
i think there should be, but i think what they should do with said remake is improve the graphics, keep the storyline & the gameplay and fix the bugs that were in the original