Final Fantasy VII Remake

A DS remake would be nice, and probably relatively quick to make, but I think that a PS3 remake would be incredible, and I would rather play it on that (although... it would be expensive to get the console...). Plus, I think that remaking any FF's after VI on a Nintendo console would stir some negative feelings; most hard-core FF fans that I know stick to Sony consoles.
I'd rather see a remake of FF7 on the DS. That woiuld make my gaming experience on the DS complete.

im sorry but not on the ds... that wood be dumb to touch the screen and stuff

A DS remake would be nice, and probably relatively quick to make, but I think that a PS3 remake would be incredible, and I would rather play it on that (although... it would be expensive to get the console...). Plus, I think that remaking any FF's after VI on a Nintendo console would stir some negative feelings; most hard-core FF fans that I know stick to Sony consoles.

i agree but i would do my best to get that console lol
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You know, they probably will. I really wish they wouldnt though... Ever since AC came out, all these stupid FFVII groupies who haven't even played the original game have been pissin me off. They all have a warped vision of what FFVII really was and still is to the true fans. A remake will only make matters worse for us true fans of the original FFVII. Square Enix is going to add a bunch of bullshit to it to try and make it more entertaining. I heard they were making it real time, like FFXII. Dear christ, they are completely ruining it. I hate it. They need to leave FFVII where it is, and move on. Square only brings it up because anything that has "Final Fantasy VII" slapped on the cover is an instant sell out. Those bastards at Square.:mad:
if they make it with the full story without anything cut out then i'd buy it, and revamped the story a bit, but other than that, I wouldn't get it, graphics don't make a game, gameplay, music and story do, and to me , FFVII is perfect the way it is. ;)

They did state that it was not being remade, but maybe they'll change their minds after all these other FF remakes, and they seem to be taking one game at a time.
In my opinion they might make a remake and i dont know why everyone complains if they change anything, doesnt that just mean it will have snazzier graphics and that is it, i personally have played ff7 to absolute death and have seen everything done everything and bought the t-shirt (its awesome) i would like to see added things and new things to look out for and find as well as the original game, otherwise there really is no point, we already have advent children to show us more lifelike versions of our favourite characters.

Although I can (sort of) see where you are coming from, Zeppelin, I think that remaking VII might actually make that issue less prominent. Isn't it better having people play a version of the game over no version at all?

Personally, I would really prefer a direct port so that I could experience the original in its... umm... original-ness...

My expectations are (after having thought this through a bit more) that the next-gen Sony handheld will see a port of the game, with some minor additions (such as a new area/boss). The old NES/SNES ones all made it to GBA/DS, and I think once Sony's handhelds can do a 3D FF nicely (blu-ray for no disc swaps?), we'll see the same thing for VII-IX.

*Please be understanding of any stupid things I may have said, I have only played FF I-VI
If they only remade it for the DS I would fuckin blow something up. I HATE handheld consoles. Waste of fuckin time...
The last interview with SE:

-- The voices of those longing for an FF7 Remake are really loud, what do think about it?

Nomura: Overseas they ask "Are you working on an FF7 Remake right now?" but that comes from nothing but rumors, I'm sorry to say it but we're not working on it.

Kitase: But the staff who're working on FF13 ask, "Why hasn't the company started on it?," also many people say "I'm an FF7 Fan so, I'd like to work on 7."

Nomura: We know that it's natural for all of the fans and us to remain hopeful, and we're continuing to think about various options. As long as there are people who say "I want to make it" or people who say "I will wait for it," we won't say that "It's over."

Tabata: I'm really hoping for a remake myself, so I'll push Nomura and Kitase to do it. (Laughs)

Thanks to Schala-Kitty of AC.Net
Handheld consoles are not a waste of time at all... and I think that the handheld format suits FF better (assuming that the handheld can handle the game). TV consoles require sitting in the same room, and really taking time out of your day to play a game... whereas handhelds can be played anywhere, generally allowing for people to play them more often.

I think that the DS would be well suited for VII (multi-cart would be possible with a memory transfer device made to be inserted into the GBA slot), but since it was originally released on the PSP, that's where it should be rereleased IMO. (Of course... SE could do both...). A PS3 remake would take ages, and I honestly think that a MUCH easier downloadable port would be met with much better reception among the FF community.
Handheld consoles are not a waste of time at all... and I think that the handheld format suits FF better (assuming that the handheld can handle the game). TV consoles require sitting in the same room, and really taking time out of your day to play a game... whereas handhelds can be played anywhere, generally allowing for people to play them more often.

I think that the DS would be well suited for VII (multi-cart would be possible with a memory transfer device made to be inserted into the GBA slot), but since it was originally released on the PSP, that's where it should be rereleased IMO. (Of course... SE could do both...). A PS3 remake would take ages, and I honestly think that a MUCH easier downloadable port would be met with much better reception among the FF community.

They can be played anywhere, but come on...usually when your OUT of the house, your doing something BESIDES playing video games, such as goin to a show, or goin to work, or to the movies. The only time I would EVER see a handheld useful is for when people fly airplanes. And unless you fly an airplane all the time, I dont see why you would need one.

A Final Fantasy game is too big to be put into a little hand held device.
i wud luv a remake of ff7 doubt they will but we can live and hope. such a shame they made and still are making remakes of the other ffs but not 7. ah well what u gonna do^_^

I wud luv a remake of ff7 but i doubt that will happen. shame really that square-enix are making all these othe remakes but not 7, ah well what u gonna do.^_^
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No duh... But that doesn't mean what they're saying is true... Companies lie all the time about future game Speculations. Example: Up till the day Blizzard announced Starcraft 2 in development, they had denied plans of making a Sequel for Starcraft at all. By the time they announced SC2, they revealed that they were already several years into the development stage. You can't trust the words of Video game companies... If they're making something big, they make a late, surprising reveal, and they lie, of course till then to have that reveal make more of an impact.
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No duh... But that doesn't mean what they're saying is true... Companies lie all the time about future game Speculations. Example: Up till the day Blizzard announced Starcraft 2 in development, they had denied plans of making a Sequel for Starcraft at all. By the time they announced SC2, they revealed that they were already several years into the development stage. You can't trust the words of Video game companies... If they're making something big, they make a late, surprising reveal, and they lie, of course till then to have that reveal make more of an impact.
he is right most compainies will lie about game make roster intel the work is over half way done so to lower the hacking rate sence there are no one who is willing to wait and only people who can get friends high up can get the little bit of slips that come out now i have heard that the announcement date is set for 2/26/09 which means that they are just getting started on the game so if we don't hack and we let it run it's cource it should be out by 1/1/10. so lets just wait for it no hastyness ok folks
lol well if you were to check you could find the start date of the earlyer ffs and you will find out that they started before they announced them