Final Fantasy VII Remake

Well for my 2 cents, i could sit down and play through FF7 right now, in about a week. I cant because my games so old it doesnt play through the rocket explosion, it freezes but thats besides the point. The reason i bring this up is because of what someone said before, the game would need more than graphics to be worth while. Now, if they did put more in, it would be awsome, but the game and graphics alone is enough for me to buy a ps3 and that game.

Even though ive beaten the original many times.

Graphics and maybe voice acting would probably do it for me. I'm probably not wanting a lot to change because I want it to stay sort of the same. Maybe a few added sidequests or something or more limits for Cait Sith and doing a lot more with the 2 secret characters (i.e. Make them permanent or add in a lot of additional scenes to support them, but I think permanent would probably work better.)
I'm glad they're making a PS3 version of FFVII. If you guys don't know about it, here's the link:

It's only a tech demo, but it seems as though they have every intention of remaking it. If so, I'm glad. I'd get the PS3 just for that. So, yeah, there will be a FFVII Remake for PS3, or so my impression is.
Just because they make a demo, does not mean that they intent remaking it. Plus, its a video how could you know if they have the intent of making it, its just the beginning of FFVII. That scene doesn't even last very long, if they did have the intent of making a remake, then they would show more videos and gameplay. Not to mention that came out like last year.
Yeah, just because the video is out, it's been a year already, and still it is ambiguous whether there will be a remake or not. And yes, the video didn't show any gameplay whatsoever, only the part where Cloud hops off the train. Think of it as a mock 'teaser' video. So no, there is not definitive proof in the video, or anywhere for that matter.

A lot of people are hoping though (me included), and there are a lot of rumors, which I'm sure you've all heard about, and once I even saw a petition asking people to sign before they gave it to Square-Enix..........
but what this is doing now, is building hype, building up hopes and raising our expectations.
Graphics and maybe voice acting would probably do it for me. I'm probably not wanting a lot to change because I want it to stay sort of the same. Maybe a few added sidequests or something or more limits for Cait Sith and doing a lot more with the 2 secret characters (i.e. Make them permanent or add in a lot of additional scenes to support them, but I think permanent would probably work better.)

Thats exactly what i was thinking, Id love voice acting in it, i completely forgot about that possibility.

Deffinatly incorporating longer backround stories with the secret characters, Yuffie played a big role in Wutai, but Vincent almost become invisible once you got him, i mean what mini side quests did we play with him? Yuffie got to do that long battle tower, but Vincent got jack.
I wouldn't agree with the voice acting though.
In my opinion, that would ruin the feel of the game.
I mean, think about it, you can't read the text and suck in all the details before the character blabs on.....and so forth.

But having more sidequests, especially with Vincent, I definitely agree with. I always knew something was off.......:|
Yeah, well I am included in that hope list. I do really wish to see Cloud cross dressed, lol. Anyway it would be really cool playing such an awesome game in the PS3 with better graphics than the original. Though, there is still no further saying of Nomura on FFVII tech demo.
These stupid rumors just hype everything up.
Why don't they surprise us....on Christmas Eve or something?

But Cloud cross-dressed, why, I really wonder whether Cloud looks really pretty in a dress, or were those bouncer guys drunk or something.
Or were they just plain weird??

I guess we won't find out, unless Nomura makes the remake for FFVII, plus if it happens then FFVII is going to make a whole lot of money. Or at least, start reselling the games, and make copies and sell over the world for those new FF fans.
I guess we won't find out, unless Nomura makes the remake for FFVII, plus if it happens then FFVII is going to make a whole lot of money. Or at least, start reselling the games, and make copies and sell over the world for those new FF fans.

Right, an FF7 remake would roll in huge cash for them, i dont see why they wont do it (If there not doing it)

I mean, it doesnt take rocket science to see that FF7 was a huge hit, why wouldnt a remake be just as good, if not better?

Warbourne said:
I wouldn't agree with the voice acting though.
In my opinion, that would ruin the feel of the game.
I mean, think about it, you can't read the text and suck in all the details before the character blabs on.....and so forth.

I hear what your saying, but there could always be subtitles :P But i wouldnt say it would ruin the game, i think it would still be a huge asset to it.

But I want to focus in on *coughs*
*coughs* instead of looking at the bottom of the screen =/
Yeah, well it would be really great, but like I said before is there is going to be a remake(and I hope so) then it will take some time for that to happen.
Yeah, Square-Enix would have to hire, if they haven't already, a lot of people to develop the game, therefore probably costing them as much money as they would gain in selling it.

If there ever was a reason why they wouldn't, it would be because of the risk of not that many people buying the game.
We need to face it, all of us FFVII fans buying the game will probably not be enough to give them back enough profit.

So.....they need to advertise more, and in so doing, blow the cover off the FFVII no remake rumor. ^_^
That is true, advertising is a very good idea. Like commercials, and videos all over youtube. But, lets not forget that not all people have a PS3, or at least are interested in buying one.
Id buy a ps3 in a heart beat if it came out. I already plan on buying one eventually for KH3, MGS4, and FF13.

But Square Enix has enough people to develop the game now dont they? Would they really have to hire to many more people?
Id buy a ps3 in a heart beat if it came out. I already plan on buying one eventually for KH3, MGS4, and FF13.

id have to agree FFVII was what started me on Final fantasy all together and if the game was to be remade, with great graphics i would not hesitate to buy one the day the FFVII Remade came out :)
I think that more than just the old fanbase would end out buying the game though...
I, for one, hadn't "discovered" Final Fantasy in the heyday of VII, and now it is way to expensive to buy new (and I don't trust used CDs). I would buy a remake in a heartbeat, but I would actually prefer if the original could just be resold through the PS3 network. I would buy a PS3 for that alone.

Well, when they remade the beginning, they said they're not going to remake it all but... let's keep hoping anyway.
I know, let's all hold hands and gather somewhere in Kansas and hold a candlelight vigil and pressure Squenix to release it. :lol:

That is true, advertising is a very good idea. Like commercials, and videos all over youtube. But, lets not forget that not all people have a PS3, or at least are interested in buying one.

That's true, so then we'll just have to wait.
Hopefully, the price of the PS3 will go down by the time the remake, hypothetically comes out in the years ahead.

The only reason I think that people are not interested in buying one is because of the superior game choice of the 360, which I hope will be reversed, and the price. :cool:
they probably will in my opinion, because why else would they waste time making that ps3 trailer of it? i think it will happen, and it will get square-enix even more rich...assuming they dont make any STUPID changes.

I know, let's all hold hands and gather somewhere in Kansas and hold a candlelight vigil and pressure Squenix to release it. :lol:

That's true, so then we'll just have to wait.
Hopefully, the price of the PS3 will go down by the time the remake, hypothetically comes out in the years ahead.

The only reason I think that people are not interested in buying one is because of the superior game choice of the 360, which I hope will be reversed, and the price. :cool:

yeah i really would love to own a ps3 because lets just say my ps2 isnt in the GREATEST condition and im not wasting money on another one of those, but goddamn 600 dollars? we should all protest outside of sony headquarters and get them to drop the price.

PS: ill shit out a buster sword if they make a remake of this ill be so happy :D
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