Final Fantasy VII Remake

Well some I don't know about other countries but you can't get the original game anymore. And second-hand copies are rare.
That is, excuse my language on this, a total bollocks excuse. If they really wanted to play it, they'll find a way! We can't exactly have the original FFIII, but here I am playing it right now on my computer! I'm not letting a little thing like 'not having a NES and not being Japanese' stop me from playing it. The same for FFVII, if someone can't find it casualy at the local game store then they should make the effort to find it on ebay, or settle for the PC version, or get the ROM or SOMETHING! >_<

AC was confusing and boring as it is, sucks be to the ones who don't even know the story in the first place.
Moonchild, please respect others opinions on the subject please. Just because you dont argue doesnt mean you can start arguing agaisnt their opinion.

Not all of us can go and play old games on our PCs. Not all of us can do what we can to get a game. So clam down.
My approach... S-E should make a straight remake (only graphics, menus, and maps changed) of VII and give all the spin-offs the E.T. treatment by crushing all the CDs, UMD disks, what-have-you with a steamroller and dumping it all into a hole, bury it, and launch a nuke at it for extra measures.

As for Crisis Core being decided in two days? That's case-in-point that S-E is retarded since their best guys left...

Just turn to Mistwalker, people, it's less painful...
well since square knows that changes to the storyline or gameplay are things that the fans absolutely do not want to see happen, im sure square would approach this smart enough that they would keep the game the same. the only things i'd like to see would be voice overs (the same ones from advent children, they were perfect) and obviously the powerful and crystal clear graphics that the ps3 offers.
Oh lord no. There are elements of FFVII that make it a classic, one of the greatest games of the last decade. If SquareEnix were to remake it, judging from what they've done so far, it wouldn't go well at all. They'd likely change the dialogue to get rid of any mis-translations that there's been. They'd add and remove things to the plot so as to avoid confusion. They'd probably even clean up the "who does Cloud love?" debate, just to make some more money out of it.
If the original team that worked on FFVII ten years ago were to get together and work on it, then that might be better, but again they'd probably alter the story to help avoid any confusion that has come about. The intricity of the plot is all part of the beauty of the game, as is the blocky graphics and translation errors. It all boils to down "if it 'aint broke, don't fix it."
Oh lord, please don't fix it. D:
Uhhh I beg to differ. Square Soft wouldn't do changes, but Square Enix will. The game isn't owned by Sakaguchi anymore. New developers can do whatever the hell they want with Final Fantasy VII, and they already have.

I hope you're not suggesting that Enix had something to do with the decline with FF, I've always looked at them as the better of the two when they were separate.

I've never been too keen on a remake and especially now after their constant milking of the original game, of course since it will make money then SE will always consider it as an option since there is still a large amount of fanboys and the like not willing to believe the slight possibility that there is better out there ten years on from the original release.

And a thing I'll guarantee since it happens to almost every remake is you'll be disappointed in it because something would be missing and it won't live up to most peoples expectations. It won't be the same game since you'll know what is coming up so the important events that made the original legendary in some eyes won't have the same effect anymore.
.... My answer changes every single time somebody asks me. So I'm just gonna say I'm not sure.
crap, i pressed yes...

I meant not sure-

I would love a remake of the game, but only if they changed absolutely NONE of the story, as that for me would ruin the game
Can't really say that I want a remake :/ I didn't mind the graphics that much, it was the story that enticed me the most, plus we all got to see the all in AC so the graphics can't be more impressive then that.

All I see in this remake is a commercial thing, get as much money off of FFVII as they can :/
No, I want to remember it exactly as it was! Graphics don't make a jot of difference to me as long as the game is good. And also looking back at it with fondly retro eyes, the graphics were a huge part of the charm of the game.
I seriously dont want a remake. I loved FFVII and want to remember it exactly how it was, I fear a remake may tarnish this. They should, however, get the original team responsible for FFVII together and develop a new FF game. This, in my oppinion is far more appealing.
I seriously dont want a remake. I loved FFVII and want to remember it exactly how it was, I fear a remake may tarnish this. They should, however, get the original team responsible for FFVII together and develop a new FF game. This, in my oppinion is far more appealing.
Nathaniel, you better be winding me up. FFVII re-make will be awesome.
Personally I want a remake. I've wanted to play through FFVII again because I enjoyed it so much, but after playing FFXII and it's amazing graphics and battle system, I just don't enjoy FFVII like I used to. So playing that game with PS3 graphics and more realistic systems would be a blessing.
From a proffesional view I think a remake would be a bad move for SE. As much as general FFVII fans would anticipate it, it just wouldn't go down nearly as well as the original. re-makes never do.
Nathaniel, you better be winding me up. FFVII re-make will be awesome.

No, David san. We already know what happens in FFVII, not necessasarily a bad thing I hear you scream. And I agree. But think of all the creative influence involved in FFVII being channelled into a brand new story on a next gen console. Reacting to the story for the very first time, new situations, new emotions. And you never know it may just exceed FFVII, let them create a new legacy I say.

If they did we may be sitting here in another 10 years reflecting back as fondly as we do with FFVII
No, David san. We already know what happens in FFVII, not necessasarily a bad thing I hear you scream. And I agree. But think of all the creative influence involved in FFVII being channelled into a brand new story on a next gen console. Reacting to the story for the very first time, new situations, new emotions. And you never know it may just exceed FFVII, let them create a new legacy I say.

If they did we may be sitting here in another 10 years reflecting back as fondly as we do with FFVII
A-FUCKING-MEN! SE does need to get back on track with fresh new FF's on a regular basis like 'ol SS used to do. No side stories to controdict story or remakes that can ruin fond memories, but something new to look forward to.

I have a lot of fond memories of VII, ALOT! and it just wouldn't be the same all reworked. It will just loose its edge. Sure it'll be cool to play and many scenes I am intriged to see all PS3'ed up...but thats as far as it goes. Much of the game otherwise WILL be ruined for sure, especially the light-hearted moments.
Me? swear? no never....>_<

It would definitly loose it's charm. There are some moments that just plain wouldn't work right in PS3 (or equivilant) graphics. Tranvestite Cloud in Wall Market for instance and basicly majority of the more light-hearted and comical side of the game where the tacky looking graphics makes it acceptable (if you think about it, theres alot of dodgy goings on in that there world). And I would cringe at the sight of Dio....think of the children people, WILL SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!
No, I'm a game designer myself, I know that now people want more high-paced out-of-this-world action. Sure, Final Fantasy VII fighting is out of this world, but now, people just want to be able to send a shinra soldier into orbit just by whacking him, they will probably then be more focused on more fast-paced action and less characters and story and the characters will turn from interesting, to just mere, people you use. it won't make the game more fun, I mean, sure it would be nice to play it in the graphics you see in Advent Children, but, like many other people, I like my lego cloud!
The remake would be legendary. But it would also be completely unecessary. You'd get so many in game sequences, and how the hell do square approach the freak-out moments of our beloved spikey-headed ass?
No remake. It's quite a short game. Probably conjoined with IX one of the few final fantasies you can complete in 6 hours.
I, for one, want a remake. Even if they add Genesis into the storyline, I'm pretty sure SE can't be TOTAL retards and change the feel of it and the systems that were in play in the original. If SE really are total retards and do that, I still want a FFVII remake to come out, so that it can prove it to some of the deluded masses that think SE is the greatest thing since the wheel.

...And trust me... I know a few people like that IRL.