Final Fantasy VII Remake

Seeing something like that makes me want to cry lol. I wouldnt start thinking about a FF7 remake until another 10 years time though, they are only just recently remaking the early games in the series, and even though im pretty sure everyone would love a remake of FF7, it wont happen for a while now. But when it is remade (and eventually it will be) I dont care what new fangled concole its on and how much the price is because i'll be camping outside the distribution center a week before hand, waiting for the robots to build me my epic game cd.
IF there were to be a remake I would be very interested in who would be making as Sakaguchi (the producer) has left to form Mistwalker whilst the rest of the FFVII production team are working on FFXIII for around the next 10 years. Even saying that, after Nomura has finished FFXIII Versus he is leaving the Final Fantasy side of the company to solely work on Kingdom Hearts. So who knows who would make, and if it were to be make it could mean new staff which probably means changes to the game...which isn't good.
LOL I actually created a siggy to go with this thread because it should be quite obvious

I'm just saying, they don't think no more, why don't they just concentrate on a new final fantasy, instead of playing around with things seeing what gets a better reception, see what makes more money.

Oh I agree with that, gone are the days with just one numbered installment, now we get shed loads of spin offs. WHY? I'm ok with remakes, I think they would look noice. Especially with VII & VIII :monster:

no no if FFVII came out again then it should come out and be buried where no-one would know the location!

What would be the point in that....?
It would be pretty good to have it remade, however, I'm not sure it would work. I'm too worried they'd change it far too much and dissaappoint the fans a lot. But I know I'd still buy the game!
Not sure.

There are so many pros and cos IMO, but the main thing I'm worried about is if they try to modernise it too much.

If they made the battle system like XII, seriously I would not be happy. And also, if the story was changed around a lot, I don't think I'd like it.

But seeing FFVII revamped and having the decent graphics it deserves would be great. I can just imagine playing it on the PS3 - It would be so cool!
But aslong as they didn't go messing up the story loads.
It would be pretty good to have it remade, however, I'm not sure it would work. I'm too worried they'd change it far too much and dissaappoint the fans a lot. But I know I'd still buy the game!

I'd love to se them get round that whole Wall Market experience....drag-Cloud in the Honeybee inn would make for interesting viewing :wacky:

And I'm sure we will all be dissapointed, when are we ever satisfied, really? :wacky:
If it was remade, I'd want the game mechanics to be exactly the same, and all the old items that were in the original to be in exactly the same places. This is extremely anal, I know, but I know I wouldn't be the only person who would moan if the game wasn't how they remembered it.

I'd like the camera to flow when in towns and stuff, in a FFX sort of way. I understand that if it was remade, it would almost certainly have voice-overs, and if they used the same ones as Advent Children, I'd be ok with it.

On the one hand, I could say "no, I don't want a remake", I mean, look at my list of criteria which will almost certainly NOT be fullfilled. But on the other hand, I am kinda curious about it , so I voted 'not sure'.

TBH, I don't think FFVII has aged all that badly. I think FFIV and FFVI had great storylines and stuff, and these would make better remakes, FFVI in particular. It would be epic with modern graphics, imagine Magitek armour suits stomping across the map in that open sequence!

Also, if FFIV, FFVI or even VII was remade, does anyone think SE should include the original version on the game disc? Surely even FFVII would only take up a fraction of a PS3 disc.
i'm all for a remake because even if it is crap the original is still there to be played but if it's awesome, we got a new game to play over and over and over again.

By the way I think the graphics in FFVII are awesome (not on the characters, in the areas) the graphics help create the atmosphere the game has.
I'm still thinking that IF there was going to be a remake, it would ahve been announced by now. Seriously, they have the console capable of a beautiful remake in the PS3, a Tech-demo alreay out for a number of years showing it's possibilities, but no word.

I'm not saying it won't happen, but Squenix is sure holding it off for a while if they are going to make it.
I would want a remake. i don't care if they change some stuff around as long as it doesn't have crisis core battle system ill be happy.
i think they will make it though after watching the crisis core secret ending...
They had better!!!! FF7 is a great game and it needs to be remade and modernized. I mean better graphics of course and in game voice acting as well. Now I'm talking like Advent Children graphics and voice acting here. I think that the game like said would be perfect!
I'd love a remake! I was really excited when I first heard the rumour. But only if the story and game-play stay exactly the way it was in the original. I'd hate to see things get replaced because some Square guy had a "great idea to make Final Fantasy 7 better!". Urgh! >_< I'd also hate to see a FF12 battle system for FF7. No no no....!

I hope they do go ahead with it. The preview of the FF7 opening for the PS3 was stunning! But I think if they did remake it, there will always be a group of fans who would hate it, even if it was as brilliant as the first. But if they mess it up there will always be the original. :P But I would hate to see FF7 ruined because it's my favourite.
it all depends. Sure it would be nice to see the game remade for the PS3 or Xbox 360(dont care which, have both), but trying to re-make a game that has people all over the world in the palm of its hand, would making it again really do any justice to the people that really loved the original? I mean, if you really wanted to play it, why not just buy a PS1? thats what i did
YES, definatly!! When I look at the game now I see that the graphics don't do it justice. Also most people that criticise the game usualy mention the graphics, or get discouraged from playing it even because of them. Even with the graphics it has Final Fantasy VII still is considered the best Final Fantasy game, if not THE best game ever made. And that's WITH the old PS1 graphics it has. It's because pretty much everything else is perfect, the storyline is amazing, the characters are great. And you can see that through even without spectacular graphics. But imagine if it DID have PS3 or even PS2 graphics? It would be the ultimate game! It would attract many new players too.

I know graphics aren't everything, but it does effect gameplay and the overall representation of a game. FFVII could be represented so much more better with improved graphics! If you've watched that PS3 demo (testing the graphics of the PS3 using the opening intro) then imagine what it would be like playing with graphics as good as that, or close to that?? And watching the cut scenes and story develop? I think it would be fantastic.

However if they did make the remake, they would HAVE to keep pretty much EVERYTHING the same. The storyline, characters, music, battle system, everything. They have to keep it to the original, only exception being far better graphics. Go with what worked for the game then, now. DO NOT try to make it 'modern' or in a way that doesn't make you feel its a Final Fantasy game even, like FFXII. Some subtle things may need to be changed, and thats fine. But it HAS to keep the overall feel of Final Fantasy VII.

So yeah, that's why I think it should be remade. But ONLY if its well made and keeps the original 'feel'.

Square must make this! They know how much the fans want it, the money would be pouring in. :P
Well I really want a remake for FFVII but if it's the same storyline nothing changed just the Graphics and giving the characters a voice
I don't care for one.

All it would be is Final Fantasy VII with better graphics and a few new sidequests with more plot holes to more crap. I'm not particularly faithful in Square implementing anything to make the game interface any different from it's PSX counterpart.

I mean, good graphics are nice... but if there's nothing to enhance the gameplay or differentiate it from the original FFVII besides graphics, I think I'd suit much better with just playing the original game.
yeah it would be nice to see the game with better graphics, but a true gamer knows that graphics are not top of the list when choosing a game. Gameplay is the most important aspect, that said, I still think they should do a remake so that people who purchase games based on how good the graphics are will give it ago and get the chance to experience one of the best games ever made!