Final Fantasy VII Remake

Personally, they shouldn't continue with the remake (if they had plans to begin with). The remake will just ruin the fun we had with the original on the PS1. If they want to create, they should make a sequel that picks up after VII. I mean, they can't just keep the ending with all the lifestream coming out and stuff.

Anyway, either way they decide is crucial. The PS3's sales are hurting bad. ENIX as a sony platform developer has to come up with a way to push up those sales.

I actually do think they'll do a PS3 remake though. Once Final Fantasy XIII is done with.

"My feelings are that if a remake were to work well then all the core members of the original team must be reassembled, all the artists and designers,” said Kitase.

“The problem is that, although all of us have an idea of what a remake should be and how to do it, organising such a thing right now is logistically very difficult. All the different members are now involved in very new, very large projects like Final Fantasy XIII and those projects are going to take a while.”

Despite this, he refused to completely rule out the chances of a remake on PS3, adding, “Maybe, when all those games are finished then we can look at doing something like that.”

”Of course, that said we came up with the idea for Crisis Core in just two days. It was a case of 'this is what we want to do, so let's do it'. So, you can definitely expect the probability of something spontaneous happening at some point, but it's hard to predict."

Money talks though and I'm sure Square realise a VII remake would sell.
Hello, I know I might be probably intruding in this thread but I had a question that had been on my mind about the remake of the game. I had barely played the game because my friend's cousin took it back but it was a fun game even if I didn't too far but my question is to those who had actually beaten the game, do you guys think that they should create an FF7 remake for DS, PSP, PS3 or even XBOX 360 or do you think they should hold off for a few years until Square Enix decides to remake FF7 after making more FF games? I personally believe that they should wait a little while because with games like Crisis Core, Before Crisis, Dirge of Cereberus, Last Order, Advent Children and other FF7 spinoffs that need included in the canon, I just need to play the FF7 game to completion so that I can grasp the storyline before I think about the spinoffs. Even if Square Enix were to remake the game, do you think that they would include this stuff, redesign the story and characters so that all the entire FF7 story makes sense?
Honestly, I'd be all over a remake. I love the idea of remakes, such as all the remade Dragon Quest games, and I'm really anticipating the Final Fantasy IV remake on the DS.

Not only would it be nice to see Final Fantasy VII with pretty HD visuals, it would be great to have a better translation and script, and some bonus content.
On a second thought, Square will probably make this remake. In a way, Square and Sony are tied up in business. That's why Square releases games into the PSP so that loyal square consumers will have to end up buying another console which in turn bring more profits to Sony.
Yes to remake

there needs to be a remake but an expansion so it continues from where it ends with new monsters and areas and items and much longer.
Well, i am one of those individuals but if there was a remake I would hope that it has the same gameplay that made the original so good in the first place.
Well, i am one of those individuals but if there was a remake I would hope that it has the same gameplay that made the original so good in the first place.
It's not a remake if they completely change it. Then it's a different game. Adding a bonus quest, a few weapons and improved graphics is all most fans would ask for.
now me personally just imho, give it a rest. the game is a classic, it was a major break through with gaming and is once again imho the best of the series. if they remake it and say one thing is bad and the remake sucks, then it will be remember by that. people wont remember the ps1 FFVII. i say leave it as it is, classics shouldnt be touched again. just me though.
Yes. FF7 is by far my most favourite Final Fantasy and I'd love to see it made for the PS3. I hope they do make a remake in the future. :)
It would be great to have a FFVII remake for our children to play. And maybe for our childrens' children. I wouldn't play that remake myself. I'm happy to have the PS1 version as it is.
Oh god! YES! I would love to see a remake for this game. I mean after all it is my very first Final Fantasy game and plus I bet they'll add like extra stuff... Of course they will since it'll be remaked! Just seeing Aeris in updated graphics will lighten my day because she's my favorite =D
i would love to see ff7 on the ps3 because i loved the original ff7 on the original playstation and seeing dirge of ceberus on the ps2 was incredible and seeing crisis core on the psp was absolutely incredible and seeing final fantasy 7 on the ps3 would be a sure thing to mak squa out on top for sure
This Gonna Be Great

U No Ive Been Playing These Games For Along Time And I Think A Remake Of 1 Of The Greatest Games Evr Made Is An Excellent Idea And For All Those Nagative People Out, And You Know Who U Are, If We Dont Trust In The Guys At Sqaure By Now Then I Think All There Efforts Are Wasted On U
I'll admit that I'm apart of the group that feels they've been milking VII far to much...and with that said I've never been to huge of a fan of VII. But in the end I wouldn't mind a remake. I trust square, and possibly it will give me a chance to replay the game and hopefully understand the fuss over it the third time through.