Final Fantasy VII Remake

Hm, while I don't have a PS3- or any of the systems it would likely be remade on- I do hope for a remake. If there was a remake, though, I would really appreciate the return of the turn-based system; the battle system I love oh so much.

And seeing all of the characters in improved graphics please me very much. Who hasn't given a slight laugh to Cloud's block arm at least once? xD
It's not a remake of the actual game, it was just a recreation of the intro for the game. I, too, was sadly let down at this, but maybe they'll kick around the idea of actually remaking the whole game! I think it would be sweet ass sweet.
I voted yes, but only as long they stick to the greatness the game orginally was and dont change a think other than making it look better...

if they start screwing with the storyline, adding characters or changing the plot in any way they would only mess it up.
I say touch up the graphics, re-do the cut scenes and leave everything else alone.
They probably won't re-do the game, But I wouldn't mind seeing it redone. Even if they made it at the level of FFIX in terms of the graphics which isn't that big a deal since they both where on the same system. But the playable characters and the cut scenes where much better in IX in terms of detail.

I myself, think a fully realized 3D version of FFVI would be fantastic though. But this is the FFVII area so ill leave it at that.
If anything they should make a 3D version of FFVI, that is fantastic as I am now beginning to discover.
I would genuinely play it all again just to see my favourite locations in glorious 3D. If Square wanted to make a remake ace though, they would have to completely overhaul the game.

For all its greatness FFVII is now a little long in the tooth. Firstly, they would have to remove the vast amounts of text you had to read just to keep up with the unravelling story and replace it with some decent voice actors.

Secondly, the turn-based-combat would need some fine-tuning. A Kingdom Hearts style fighting system would work extremely well. And lastly, obviously, the graphics would need some serious updating.

If they did all that, then the game would undoubtedly be awesome. Everything else should be left respectfully untouched.
I want a re-make, and at the same time I don't. FFVII has gotten so much attention already. I wish they would've decided to re-make the game before all of the AC/DOC nonsense. X_x; I have always wanted the original game to be re-made, however, simply because I wanted to see such a great game in better graphics. ;D Though, I hear the re-make of the game isn't going to be turn-based. And that would just blow.
I hear the re-make of the game isn't going to be turn-based. And that would just blow.
You mean you prefer the Turn-Based to Active Time Battles like In Kingdom Hearts? Seriously the Turn Based has to die in Final Fantasy, unless they remove the random encounters and show the enemies on map and fight were you stand. Otherwise I don't like the idea.

if they start screwing with the storyline, adding characters or changing the plot in any way they would only mess it up.
Agree, they would probably come with the idea
Aerith would somehow survived...
*Points at FFX-2 Secret Ending*

I would rather seen a FFVII remake with every single character in it, and Instead of adding new characters, they could show more of each character story, Like how did AVALANCHE joined up, the events of Vincent Valentine when he was on the Turks, play with them as well in the storyline.

Also re-create all WEAPONS fight Sapphire WEAPON as well. And fight them again in a whole new system and environment from previous FF.

The battle system I would love to be like Kingdom Hearts, where you would edit your characters are you seem fit and choose which combos, Special Moves they would do. But be able to control ANY character not just the main one. Also a 2P would be an awesome idea.

Oh and the Remake for PS3 not DS or PSP -__-
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well i saw your question a few days ago but couldnt decide.
but i thought on it and im not sure
on one hand it would be good because PS1 is history so getting one on a PS3 wud be handy but on the other hand if you did remake it then it would have brilliant graphics which mean it wouldnt be same
You mean you prefer the Turn-Based to Active Time Battles like In Kingdom Hearts? Seriously the Turn Based has to die in Final Fantasy, unless they remove the random encounters and show the enemies on map and fight were you stand. Otherwise I don't like the idea.

Yes, actually. I for some reason like going through menus and seeing scenes that accompany certain spells/summons to a larger degree, rather than just button mashing like in KH. =P Yeah, I think the random battles are annoying. I think it should be like FFXII where you can see the enemies on-screen.

Edit: Not to mention, I like using more than one character at once. I'd really be dissapointed if I had to ONLY control Cloud the entire game.
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I'd love a remake for psp. Square apparentley don't like Ps3 and i think its too expensive. I hope they do make one for psp i would love to play it. ^^
its a tough call to make.
i would love to see a PS remake for FFVII, especailly on the PS3. it would be great to play through the game with a total ravamp of everything about the game. Better graphics, better sound and music. also, with the more lax rating system they could be much more graphic at corresponding times to drive home the more intense parts of the game.

but there is a double edged part to this: it would just be the same game with nothing new to it except better graphics. maybe if they added an additional side quest or a few more secret things to it, it would be totally worth it.(in my opinion)
They better not mess it UP! I would like better graphics and some music to be better but don't go add gay characters on us!

I am not saying that we shouldn't have a remake but I have mixed feelings on that I am sure that I want a remake especially if I hadn't played the game completely to get accurate assessment. I don't know if I want a remake until I see the pros outweigh the cons, maybe I will think about it but I am worried that it will lose the comedic anime style silliness that made it so funny in the first place in favor of some uber seriousness humanoid people that only display only almost no anime like expressions whatsoever.
Just to stir the pot a bit, you have seen this picture, yes? Apparently it was released in Dengki PlayStation magazine. While most people believe it is only for the upcoming release of Advent Children on blu-ray, Square has made no comment.

A remake would be awesome.. High def sweet graphics awesome gameplay im getting pretty excited for it.. Im hoping they do.. when you finish FFVII CC it says ps3 ff7 trailer dunno if that is the case but lets hope so..

What if they do a remake for psp!?
No. No I don't want to hear whatever half ass voice actors they're gona hire. No I don't want the music to be updated from the distinctive midi music of Wall Market, Wutai or any other of my favourite locations. No I don't want to see them crowbar in that sorry excuse for a character Genesis, the series was just fine without him. No I don't want a revamped battle system. No I don't want the world map removed and consequently a few minor locations and mini games.

Just no to whatever way they may plan on butchering the most acclaimed final fantasy and don't say they won't because you know yourselves they care less about pleasing the fans and more about milking the game for all it's worth.
yes i very much want a remake, i can't wait until it comes out! are they even making it as we speak? why do they have to make ff7 games all around the main story, but not remake the main story? do they not like remaking stuff? cause that can't be it, they sold ff1,2,3 on new consoles... but then again they didn't make it 3d....
i really do hope they remake it
i do not have the original and its quite hard to get
i would love to play it again
i wanted to beat the game and wrap it all up
but im still not finished to this day and it bugs me really hahah