Final Fantasy VII Remake

I think Ive changed my mind.....well, not completely, just reamke it with similar graphics, just like neaten them up abit, sort out the translation and add Yuffie and Vincent in the cut scenes

But, make the FMV's fucking SEXY.

I jus think after looking through other threads that this game made to PS3 graphic standard would just look ....stupid, and it would lose alot of it's magic, and I think alot of it would have to be toned down, as much as it works in lego character graphics, I really don't think it would in super duper ones >_>
remember it is asking if you want a remake; not if you think they are or not ^^
YES! It would be so awesome to play a game with something like Advent Children graphics! Plus, I'm about to buy a ps3, so that would be amazing if they did.
*sure why not, but they better not mess up the story line like keep aeries alive or something, theyd just have to polish the graphics and effects like no more chibbi characters, and add more intense cg scenes :) over all thats just what i expect if a remake would be done :) it would be awesome! :D
Yet that is what made the game so interesting to play! Even if it uses chibi, block characters, it is a lot easier to add in some humor especially if they are going to use those realistic graphics where you don't see any room for humor added and that is one of my worries for XIII.
Squaresoft has received many requests via mail, email, petitions on this topic and after all this time of them saying that there are no plans for it, I stopped asking.

Even when Squaresoft merged with Enix (now named Square Enix) kept stating the same thing, I was disappointed and stopped asking.

Now they have a very good reception from the other games on the series that the chances have drastically improved on a remake, but I'm not holding my breath.
I don't know if I want a remake until I see the pros outweigh the cons, maybe I will think about it but I am worried that it will lose the comedic anime style silliness that made it so funny in the first place in favor of some uber seriousness humanoid people that only display only almost no anime like expressions whatsoever.
Even if Final Fantasy VII was re-made with staggeringly realistic graphics I genuinely doubt that the game would lose any of its awesome charm. As far as I’m concerned Final Fantasy VII’s charm doesn’t stem from its cutesy anime child-like appearance but rather from its beautifully scripted story and brilliantly well-written dialogue. If Final Fantasy VII was re-made using the powerful graphical capabilities of the PS3 imagine how utterly gorgeous the game would look. Probably very similar to the picture presented below:


Imagine the amazing story of Final Fantasy VII told with the absolutely breathtaking graphics of Advent Children. All of the game’s most memorable locations (like Costa Del Sol and Rocket Town) would all be beautifully rendered in glorious 3D. Just think how sumptuously gorgeous the Gold Saucer would look rendered in the PS3’s finest graphics. You can’t deny that that wouldn’t be awesome.

Furthermore, the game would probably be entirely voice-acted (like Final Fantasy XII) so you wouldn’t have to spend hours trawling through vast amounts of text just to keep up with the mind-boggling story! Imagine hearing Sephiroth laughing sadistically as he plunges his sword through Aeris’ back. Awesome! Awesome!

Also, as has been aforementioned in this thread on numerous occasions already, the fighting-system would probably need some serious fine-tuning. In my personal opinion, the exhilarating real-time combat of Kingdom Hearts would work wonderfully combined with some of the combat elements from Final Fantasy XII. Other than that though, the rest of the game should be left respectfully untouched.
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Even if Final Fantasy VII was re-made with staggeringly realistic graphics I genuinely doubt that the game would lose any of its awesome charm. As far as I’m concerned Final Fantasy VII’s charm doesn’t stem from its cutesy anime child-like appearance but rather from its beautifully scripted story and brilliantly well-written dialogue. If Final Fantasy VII was re-made using the powerful graphical capabilities of the PS3 imagine how utterly gorgeous the game would look. Probably very similar to the picture presented below:

The main problem that comes with that is that it may end up being too cinematic. Too "omg look at Cloud go!"... Yes that would look cool, but I fear that the emphasis on graphics and visuals will lead the game to be more like Crisis Core. In my opinion not a good thing, as the environments will not look as stunning (I prefered the artwork backdrop style of them, they were unique and eye catching, not repetetive and generated). There may also be the tendancy to have the game become another path-walker... Point a to point b without the illusion of freedom that the original game gave us.

As such it may play more like a movie.

Also if we're to have a Kingdom Hearts style battle system it will be hard to have more than Cloud as a playable character. A step which would probably cause the majority of the original FF7 fanbase (including myself) to commit actual suicide.

I still can't see scenes such as Don Corneo's mansion, the rape of Cloud in Honeybee Inn being rendered in full cgi... Comedic scenes like this I can imagine being less likely in this game. I can't imagine Red XIII walking on two legs pretending to be a human either. I think the scenes would be concentrated on scenes like that ^^^ which you posted above, and then lose a lot of the humour. Sadly thats what a lot of people want. More Cloud leaping off trains and buildings with that OMG-AWESOME sword of his than anything else.

Sure it would look cool, for what it is, but it isn't worth what else they may leave out. This is probably why Square-Enix are avoiding the countless e-mails and questions they are getting about a remake, as they probably have a hard time trying to think about how they can get it to work themselves.
Comedic moments... Yeah I can see that it would be a major requirement. But I see it being possible after observing certain scenes in Crisis Core - Dud as a 'screwed up alt character limit break' - the emails - and Zack's tendency to screw up once in a while - (I don't know if anyone else found this one funny but I lol'd) Zack yelling at Sephiroth over the phone and yet he put up with it to finish the brief call.

But, there are a few things that I'd rather not see in the remake such as the 'group' room in the Honey Bee inn. In fact, that had been burning in my mind with the thought of a remake. I truly hope that is left out.
[B said:
Argor251[/b]]I still can't see scenes such as Don Corneo's mansion, the rape of Cloud in Honeybee Inn being rendered in full cgi... Comedic scenes like this I can imagine being less likely in this game. I can't imagine Red XIII walking on two legs pretending to be a human either. I think the scenes would be concentrated on scenes like that ^^^ which you posted above, and then lose a lot of the humour. Sadly thats what a lot of people want. More Cloud leaping off trains and buildings with that OMG-AWESOME sword of his than anything else.
There’s no reason why a graphically sophisticated game can’t also be humorous. Take MGS4 for example: MGS4 is a cinematically amazing game but it’s also very funny as well.

[B said:
Argor251[/b]]There may also be the tendancy to have the game become another path-walker... Point a to point b without the illusion of freedom that the original game gave us.
This argument doesnt hold much water. FFXII’s environments were in 3D and it provided the player with an enormous amount of freedom and exploration.

[B said:
Argor251[/b]]The main problem that comes with that is that it may end up being too cinematic. Too "omg look at Cloud go!"... Yes that would look cool, but I fear that the emphasis on graphics and visuals will lead the game to be more like Crisis Core.
Cut-scenes should only exist to give you breathers between shooting and hitting. Too many cut-scenes and the game runs the risk of becoming like a film. As with many things in life, it resides in balance.

[B said:
Argor251[/b]]Also if we're to have a Kingdom Hearts style battle system it will be hard to have more than Cloud as a playable character. A step which would probably cause the majority of the original FF7 fanbase (including myself) to commit actual suicide.
You could simply have the option to switch between characters at your own free will (making all the characters playable like Infinite Discovery) leaving the rest controlled by AI. thank you.

In my opinion, the game is fine as it is. Plus there are some things in the game that just wouldn't have the same magic on the PS3, you know? I can't imagine how they would do the Cloud in drag scene, the welcoming Rufus thing, or the Gold Saucer on the PS3. It would probably just get screwed up.

So yeah, I'd rather stick to my "toothpick arms with hands the size of beach balls" game rather than a game made purely to milk money out of fans.

Sorry if this post offends anyone, it's just my thoughts on the situation. Sorry if I sound rude or anything.

I would also like to add that I wouldn't care if a remake was made or not, I would just simply not buy it. If other people want the remake really badly, I'm not stopping them from getting it.

Basically, I don't mind if it's made, I just won't buy it for the above reasons.
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FF VII was a very good game sure I want a remake. I would like to see Aerith in ps3 graphics and all the other chars too. Well in my opinion I think a remake will happen due to VII'S popularity!!!
A remake would be awesome. For PS3 and PSP

Mod Edit: Please put more effort into your post and say why you would like it remade for the PS3 and PSP. Cheers.
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I think that it wouldn't do the other games in the series much justice to only remake VII. if they remade them all that would be awesome, although very time consuming. i think they should remake them all apart from the ps2 games on the psp, because it probably has the power to run them.
I think they would have to because alot of people are seeing these new FF7 games when alot of them havnt played the original and they dont feel like going on ebay to buy a 50$ used one. After seeing the after credits seen in crisis core ive been crying for a remake. I dont hav a ps2 or ps1 anymore and it prob wont work on my ps3 so id hav to say let there be a REMAKE:highfive:
hey i love final fantasy and if they remake 7 with better graphics i would definitely buy it maybe even 4 copies in case 1 breaks even if they didn't add more side quests but i think if they did they would need to add more side quests but

also i know there are like millions of other final fantasy fans that would line up behind me to get it
Yes, id love a remake of this game for the ps3, but the only things to change would be the graphics and voices for the characters. Imagine seeing all off that beautifull scenery crises core style? dont see how that can be a bad thing really.