Final Fantasy VII Remake

So are they just like testing out some things? Or do you think they are going to continue to do things with it?

The PS3 tech demo was just that, a demonstration of what the PS3 was capable of, same as the FFVI tech demo that was made for the N64 and the FFVIII tech demo that was made for the PS2.

It doesn't mean there are any plans to DO anything with the IP they used as a tech demo. It just means they're putting the system through its paces.
They were just showing what the graphics of the PS3 were going to look like basically. It doesn't even remotely suggest a remake. They did same thing with PS2 and FFVIII awhile back.
lol It was suggestive, it just wasn't intentional. They have done several remodelings of old characters on newer or different systems. It was just never heavily promoted. This was. It was brought out as a teaser to an announcement but no actual announcement was ever made. It did what it was suppose to: suggest a remake. It's just that they never went all the way and now they can't quiet fans.
Heh, a response like that seems a little silly to me. I can't really argue it but you cant' really prove it. All I can tell you is the tech demo came out in 1999 when FF was far less popular and gaming news programs and websites were far less common. I searched around for some news clippings to see if you were correct but I couldn't even find any. All I found were a couple of forums mentioning that they came across the video on YouTube. Most fans don't even seem to know about the FFVIII PS2 video.
Heh, a response like that seems a little silly to me. I can't really argue it but you cant' really prove it. All I can tell you is the tech demo came out in 1999 when FF was far less popular and gaming news programs and websites were far less common. I searched around for some news clippings to see if you were correct but I couldn't even find any. All I found were a couple of forums mentioning that they came across the video on YouTube. Most fans don't even seem to know about the FFVIII PS2 video.

Which says more about the state of the fandom and internet in 1999, if anything.
The FFVIII PS2 tech demo was unveiled in the same manner as the PS3 tech demo was.
The only real difference between the two is the fan reaction.
S-E shot down the expectations of a remake when they were asked if the Tech Demo meant they were planning on a remake.

Besides, they've still got V and VI to go through. Natch.
Eh, I can't say I buy that but it doesn't negate my original point. Regardless of the amount of press support for either, it still generated remake talk. Square did claim it was unintentional but it did suggest a remake enough to generate talk. If you claim it happened before with the FFVIII PS2 trailer, I think that only helps to support my position.
Eh, I can't say I buy that but it doesn't negate my original point. Regardless of the amount of press support for either, it still generated remake talk.

There was the same amount of press for both, outside of the fan reaction.

Square did claim it was unintentional but it did suggest a remake enough to generate talk. If you claim it happened before with the FFVIII PS2 trailer, I think that only helps to support my position.

I'm saying it DIDN'T happen with the FFVIII tech demo. Nomura was surprised when he heard people thought that the PS3 tech demo was an announcement of a remake, and said that there were no plans to do a remake, and even if there were, it would be several years in the coming.
honestly i hope (/pray) that theres a remake. and as for something that was stated a very long time ago there are some things that would be a good change. leave the main story line the same but add a few things maybe kick the whole 3 ppl to a party,why not make it anywhere from 1 to 3. i know it has nothing to do with what you guys a re currently talking about and i apologize for that but i have to ask the question, is there anything anybody would lkike changed/added to the possible(or not) remake?
This thread has comparatively had a lot more votes than any other thread on this site.

I've voted for yes. I'm of the opinion that anyone who says "no, they'd ruin it" needs shot somewhere rather painful. If you don't want to play the re-make, then don't do so; don't spoil it for the rest of us, for goodness sake. We're perfectly happy with a re-make. Besides, you know you'll buy it, anyway. :gmonster:
Well, I am still somewhat unsure about the remake but even if they did it, I would still stick with the original. I don't want the humor to disappear from the series as well as no imagining what the characters would sound like if they didn't have text boxes.
I voted 'Im not sure' . I did once want a FF7 remake, but after viewing the FF13 trailer, a slight doubt entered my mind as it looked rather cheesy FFX-2 esc.

I just think Final Fantasy VII should be left as the classic it was, In making a remake you will loose the personal experience you had with the game. I feel it would be more restricted and less fun. Of course I would buy a PS3 if the remake came out tomorrow, but I would only be playing it to see what they spoilt. Id be happy if I loved it, but i doubt i would love it as much as the original.
Square's time would be far better spent making something new as opposed to re-making the slightly over-rated game that began the hype.

Also, it's a classic game! Surely it would be better preserved in its original form. Otherwise you lose the nostalgia when you think of it. :P

overrated...MY ASS
but u were right about it being a classic. bt the thing i loved were the polygon graphics then, and the incredible story.. remaking it would entice new gamers, bt lovers of the old..not so sure
I'd very much enjoy a remake. If it doesn't work out for some reason, I still have my old copy, and no harm done.

But really, it would be pretty awesome. Shiny, gorgeous new graphics(The old ones have their charm, and I'm no graphics whore, but there's nothing wrong with a new coat of paint, is there?), a dust-up of the battle system, new sidequests and extras, and last but not least, a chance to fix the crappy translation Sony did back in the day.
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hell yes. however, it would have to be exactly the same as the original, but better graphics and the world more in proportion with everythin lol..... like cloud isnt the same size as the cities on teh world map ><
Voting Not sure, cause i would like to play the remake for sure, but at the same time i would like SE to come with something new, but if the remake will ever come, i'm going to buy it for sure ^^ and hoping they just keep the same as the original, that would make some people that keeps saying ffvii sucks or something just because doesn´t have the best grapichs, a remake would make them think of that opinion again and see how great is this game.
I don't think that if a remake was made, the original...magic of the game we all know and love could be recreated. This game lived up to its expecations and so much more, and we shouldn't call for a remake if we respect it as much as we boast.
i'm voting yes.a better translation for 1
better graphics for 2 (but i ain't a graphics ho)
better ways to play the game (in other words more things to do)
more side quests and different kinds of materia
and maybe a special chance to incorporate clouds sword from AC?