Final Fantasy VII Remake

of course it would be awesome to have a remake...and if square would be intelligent it would do for both ps3 and 360..although i wouldnt like it..ff games belong to ps and nintendo. Yet it would be good for the psp..but we psp gamers already have an aweomse game called crisis core! so lets see...but it was just a tchnical demo..they did the same with VIII for the whatever...square bring up Final Fantasy XIII Versus...thats the one which i think that has the biggest potential!
i would agree with FF XIII Versus having the biggest potential, oh does anyone else think that the guy from that game is Cloud in the future?

Please keep on topic of Final Fantasy VII remake, thanks
Nope i really like to see a Squeal movie for part 9 rather then something again for part 7.
The question is Will there ever be a remake??? Well it can happen at any time square enix decides too. What would you like to see in a Final Fantasy VII remake? How better can it get? Its already to good of a game.
I wouldn't have a problem with it as long as they don't change the original story and how the game was.I agree with the new graphics and improvement of battle system but until there.I'd really hate to see new additions whether they're good or not,just don't alter this damn story and what's with all these spinoffs?It has gotten tiring so maybe after sometime I might change my mind and go with the remake of a more underrated FF game.
there have been way too many spin-offs to this game, it would be useless to remake the game now. when VII was first released, it had tons of loose ends in the story which would have been really awesome to see in a different light in the remake,+ hearing how the characters sound like and how really look like, but its all done already. in AC Complete will even see in which way and where does mud stick to clouds face..........also cloud being stabbed by sephiroth in a ps game, psp game, in an anime, in a cgi movie, in a remake of a cgi movie.....and now in a remake of the ps game also? thats kinda too much imo
id rather see a remake made for the guy that loses every key he puts in his pocket
there have been way too many spin-offs to this game, it would be useless to remake the game now. when VII was first released, it had tons of loose ends in the story which would have been really awesome to see in a different light in the remake,+ hearing how the characters sound like and how really look like, but its all done already. in AC Complete will even see in which way and where does mud stick to clouds face..........also cloud being stabbed by sephiroth in a ps game, psp game, in an anime, in a cgi movie, in a remake of a cgi movie.....and now in a remake of the ps game also? thats kinda too much imo
id rather see a remake made for the guy that loses every key he puts in his pocket

but the point for the remake is to play the game and experence the greatest FF in a new and greater way..FF7 is still the # 1 game on the charts and a remake would make alot of money plus people that never lpayed ff7 cause they thought it was stupid cause of the graphich (horse hoofs for hands for example) would actually play it and ff would get more fans..i dont think it'll be a waste of money..they made a game for the turks..they could at least make a game for the FF7 with high tech graphics
ffvii isnt ''#1 game on the charts'' because of graphics but because of the story. sadly spin-offs have already showed everything about ffvii, graphics- and story-wise.
if they leave ffvii alone for 10 years and then decide to remake it for playstation 5 or somth, then ill change my answer to yes on this topic.
No simple word No maybe in 50 years but now FF7 already have a movie anime tons of spin off's games and even a book to collect and their chocobo haired boy has a role in KHgames/manga and in Dissidia

i think its time to give some love to other games plz how about a movie sequal for IX? or give FF8 its own anime short? or a spin of of FF6 would be nice.
we do need a remake!!

if they do the remake then they could put in extra bits so that we can truely understand the whole story plus even with all the spin offs we still havent had the chance to control non of the original characters with the same graphics and voices as we have had with all the newer games par vincent and as the best ff ever it defenety deserves the same treatment (if not better) as ff13!!!!! i havent got a ps3 yet but as soon as ff13 comes out i will get one and i wouda dun the same for 7 so wud alot of other ff fans plus it wud make every true ff fan very happy!!!
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if they do the remake then they could put in extra bits so that we can truely understand the whole story plus even with all the spin offs we still havent had the chance to control non of the original characters with the same graphics and voices as we have had with all the newer games par vincent and as the best ff ever it defenety deserves the same treatment (if not better) as ff13!!!!! i havent got a ps3 yet but as soon as ff13 comes out i will get one and i wouda dun the same for 7 so wud alot of other ff fans plus it wud make every true ff fan very happy!!!

i could argue that a lot of other FF games deserve the same treatment because they do also i'm a FF7 fan just because i don't want a remake does n't make me a true fan?
ffvii isnt ''#1 game on the charts'' because of graphics but because of the story. sadly spin-offs have already showed everything about ffvii, graphics- and story-wise.
if they leave ffvii alone for 10 years and then decide to remake it for playstation 5 or somth, then ill change my answer to yes on this topic.

graphics story or not
its still is #1 either if its for the story
we're not talking bout the graphics for the ff7 game
thats why we want a remake cause of the graphics and maybe voice overs..whats the difference if it came out on a (fake unknown) ps5?! lmao
so they will use the same engine as ffxiii, cgi and voice actors from AC and story of original FVII.............
if they had put all that together in the first place, it would have made sense but now already you know how they look like, you know how they sound like and you know what they did.
maybe they can add something in 10 years that has not been done today already(graphics and voice).
id rather want to see XIV than VII remake.
I think if they ever do make a remake, i will stand on my ground it needs extra content. Just to freshen it up, nothing that changes the plot obviously. Just something new, like a HUGE side quest. As the more recent FF games have had MASSIVE amounts of side quests.

And I still believe it should play through like the orignal VII story ie: no Genesis etc. And then maybe unlock the scenes that have been added into the story, through side quests.
i would love to see a remake, like most who do though, only if they keep the story straight and don 't try and take any strange liberties with it
♥Aerith♥;71913 said:
Alright everybody, after seeing NUMEROUS threads constantly being made on this subject and closing all these threads, it's getting a little tiring. So Aeris Gainsborough gave me the idea to create a sticky for you all to discuss this. Do you think Square will remake Final Fantasy VII for the PS 3? Post your comments, suggestions, opinions, etc... here!

Let's bear this in mind when posting people

Posts ar beginning to get short nd apammy aswel, considering the topic, there is easily room for elaboration on certain posts