Final Fantasy VII Remake

it would be too stupid to make it now, so dont even hope for that to happen...

thats in ur opinion
personally i dont think it will be a stupid thing
imagine playing the game but in higher detail
heck maybe we can get a better feeling into the story as well
if everything was better
I think there's possibilities for a FFVII remake. But I believe we will have to wait years for it to happen. With this talk of "making FFVII profit until 2017", I have high hopes that SE will close the Compilation in the final year with a FF7 remake. I totally support this idea (only if they don't change anything in the original story, of course), it would make FFVII even more epic and solid than it is right now.

I'd buy it =]
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I think there's possibilities for a FFVII remake. But I believe we will have to wait years for it to happen. With this talk of "making FFVII profitting until 2017", I have high hopes that SE will close the Compilation in the final year with a FF7 remake. I totally support this idea (only if they don't change anything in the original story, of course), it would make FFVII even more epic and solid than it is right now.

I'd buy it =]

You're 100% correct. Square-Enix virtually said that they would not rule out a remake, but they are busy right now and the FFVII Compilation will keep going until 2017 - which is when i believe the PS3 or PS4 remake will come out.
I would love to see a remake. I think it would be great to have the game in the newer graphics and see what kind of depth they could bring to it. I am a little worried about how much it would change though, I don't want it to lose it's original charm. Like, I think a lot of the little things, some of the dirty jokes they have in it especially, might end up being left out because they wouldn't be able to get away with it without the 'vague' graphics or the simplicity it had before. So I think it would be a trade off. I would deffinately buy it but there would be a good chance that I would still prefer the original just because it's the, well, original.

And how much could they have planned in order to keep it going until 2017?
I know I posted in this thread at one point, but I recently had the want to play the original FFVII again, since I do believe it was the best installment till this day. I'm no fan boy, but I'm very bias to how amazing this game was for me. We all have our difference of opinions, but let me put it this way.

I miss Tifa, Aerith, Vincent, Cid and I guess Cloud - I miss the original all star cast of characters, I just wish they would make a 2nd installment sooner than later. I know if they made a remake all you "BOO-ers" would buy a copy just to see the quality and stuff.
I voted for yes!
IMO in FF7 many scenes should be replaced with something other or new. In this remake the main scenes must not be too short and quick and the dialogues to be longer between the main characters. I would also like the remake to last longer. I don't like all that mystery stuff and let there be less.
I'm hoping for just an update - something along the lines of FFIV but for the PS3. Maybe with a couple of extra sidequests / extra missions that don't distract from the main story or retcon any of it, but just give the fans a little something extra - and it would be nice to see the game now fit in with the rest of the chapters graphically.
I've see alot junk around the world for this remake and all signs point to a big fat YES! for this baby and if sqaure does'nt make it there gonna have 1 big powerful 250 man on the case with buster sword atr the ready
goooooooooo SQAURE-ENIX!!!
Hmm well what to say. Square-Enix would make a silly and outrageous amount of money should they make a remake and one would think that was enough for them to. But they haven't. Is it because they are now crap I wonder? Everything from FF I to X was classic. Square was great. Squaresoft was great. Square-enix is shit..simple. Maybe they wont remake it purely because the original staff are no longer there and they don't want the absolute and unending hatred they would receive if they messed it up. Who knows. Personally if they remade FFVII and kept strongly to everything but just upped the graphics and added a couple extra WEAPONS and Materia I think they would net a silly amount of money and Sony's PS3 sales would go through the roof. But will it ever happen? Perhaps while its just Square-enix without the original staff we should hope not. Who really wants FFVII butchered??? Not I...
Hmm well what to say. Square-Enix would make a silly and outrageous amount of money should they make a remake and one would think that was enough for them to. But they haven't. Is it because they are now crap I wonder? Everything from FF I to X was classic. Square was great. Squaresoft was great. Square-enix is shit..simple. Maybe they wont remake it purely because the original staff are no longer there and they don't want the absolute and unending hatred they would receive if they messed it up. Who knows. Personally if they remade FFVII and kept strongly to everything but just upped the graphics and added a couple extra WEAPONS and Materia I think they would net a silly amount of money and Sony's PS3 sales would go through the roof. But will it ever happen? Perhaps while its just Square-enix without the original staff we should hope not. Who really wants FFVII butchered??? Not I...

question..Squaresoft and Sqaure enix are different people
why did they change it?
also even if they dont have the same people..the story is still there
they could still remake it..but im still..choosing cause..i dont want ff7 ruined..but i wanna play it with high graphics and voices
it'll be an epic game and surely they would get tons of money and people to buy a ps3 just to play it..but if they ruin it then their sales would go down and i dont think would be stupid enough to ruin it
but though i havent played the new know the remakes for ff1 ff4 ff5 or w/e ones..were they good? if so ff7 should be too
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I wouldn't like to see a remake because a remake IMO will only be disappointing, but a sequel (sometime after the events of Advent Children) would be amazing.
I'd like the remake. If they ever decide to do this though, I hope all characters have their original outfits and stay in character like how they were in Final Fantasy VII, they seemed a whole lot different to me in Advent Children, (which I loved to) but seeing it's a remake of Final Fantasy VII, I think it should just be exactly the same, but with the awesome graphics they have in the Demo. ^^ That'd be awesome. I love Tifa's graphic-ed outfit. <3
I'd like the remake. If they ever decide to do this though, I hope all characters have their original outfits and stay in character like how they were in Final Fantasy VII, they seemed a whole lot different to me in Advent Children, (which I loved to) but seeing it's a remake of Final Fantasy VII, I think it should just be exactly the same, but with the awesome graphics they have in the Demo. ^^ That'd be awesome. I love Tifa's graphic-ed outfit. <3

yeah they changed cause of the events in ff7
haha if u read the novel that came with the limited edition set of AC u would kinda tell
and yeah i would love for them to keep all the same music but better graphics..i just wanan experience it with high detail
maybe then the story would be more out there
yeah they changed cause of the events in ff7
haha if u read the novel that came with the limited edition set of AC u would kinda tell
and yeah i would love for them to keep all the same music but better graphics..i just wanan experience it with high detail
maybe then the story would be more out there

No offense I loved the hell out of this game and I thought it was the top Final Fantasy of the franchise, but if they remade it I would at least want some updates.

1) Music - They could fully orchestrate the current music rather than keep it in Midi format. Nothing better than hearing Aerith's theme totally Dubbed out =). What they did with Crisis Core was amazing as far as the music quality went, I would expect no less.

2) Graphics... of course. Assuming that it is on a new gen console this is a "must have." I want to see the characters totally polished like they were in Crisis Core and AC, but I don't want them to change any of the quotes that come out of people's mouths. So if Barret said "Oh this is a bitch" well I want it to be left the same, and also read out by voice actors like they were in AC.

3) Storyline - Don't change it all. It was a classic for a reason. Keep it that way, if they want to add on maybe at the end to fill in some loop holes.. maybe. But I don't want them to put more loop holes in the already gaping FFVII story line.
I think they should make a remake . . . as long as the storyline and mood stay the same. Basically, just enhance the graphics and audio, and adjust what needs adjusted to go along with the video/audio.
I want them to "remake" Final Fantasy VII, with the better graphics. Not changing ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING. Just leave everything as it is in the game, just with the awesome graphics that they have now, that would be great beyond imagination. o_o

Don't get me wrong. After playing games that look more designed with the graphics, and than going back to the chunky looking Final Fantasy VII, I still think that is part of what makes the game so friggin' epic. But aside from that, I'd love to see it move updated as well.

No matter what. Final Fantasy will stay the best game for me, hands down. ^^
I think the magic would be ruined slighty if they do

its like reading a book. You create your own idea of what the character is like, sounds like etc. becuase of the long text and feeble character graphics I did this. When I saw Cloud and Sephiroth in AC I was like, id never of visioned them like that.

But I do think it fit them well. Sephiroth became more human and less of a monster through having a voice.

They should make a series either in CGI or Anime format following the events off VII