Final Fantasy VII Remake

i would like a remake of this game. they could just keep everything the same but with improve graphic would be fine with me. this was a good game and it would be good to see cid, aeris, tifa in better graphic. that would be nice
{Remake ''Yes '' list }

: Cloud wears his original purple Soldier uniform and not shaded a deep black or blue to ''look cool '' Keep those baggy purple pants on Cloud XD

: Genesis fails to appear. There is no mention or sightings of Genesis - there is no ZOMG Who is that person ? ( points at a random flash of Genesis floating by )

: Genesis fails to appear in the Nibelheim flashbacks. That bit in Crisis Core was really annoying.

: Cloud puts Sephiroth into the Life stream, if Sephiroth goes into the Life-stream himself like in Last Order. Going to be SO pissed.

: Swearing is kept in, even if they still add the &*^Y*( squiggles below. FF VII isn't without Cid or Barret's sailor mouths.

: The Honey Bee Inn stays. It was plain wrong, but - it just needs to stay ^_^''

: Update on music and graphics and decent Voice actors.

: Storyline stays the same.

: Dead characters stay dead.

Remake - No list.

: Cloud has a change in uniform colour. He wears the Crisis Core version of 1st class.

: Genesis appears both randomly and within the Nibelheim flashback

: Sephiroth jumps in himself, and Cloud's most infamous moment is taken away.

: Horrible cheesy voice- actors, and too much of a change in music.

: Dead characters come back.

: Reno and Rude loose their calm manner and act like they do in AC. ( Clowns )

: Too much of a storyline change to deal with.

But kind of know that the list above is never going to happen. But if does, then won't be so anti- remake and will start to support it's happening. But kind of know that SE are going to have to do some AC and CC things to make the whole story make sense to the newer fans. So don't want it to happen, unless SE randomly decides to put it's older fans or less - Graphic shy fans first. =]

If it was only for PS3 then no i woulden't. Considering i don't have a ps3 and i don't WANT a ps3. I think if they bought it out just for that console i would go mad =P
I would assume, if they ever did a remake, then it would most likely be on the PS3. However, I can't help but wonder that if they did remake the game, with it being such a popular, high-in-demand game, they'd make it for other consoles as well? Hrmmm, lots to ponder on there.
♥Yuna♥;535921 said:
I would assume, if they ever did a remake, then it would most likely be on the PS3. However, I can't help but wonder that if they did remake the game, with it being such a popular, high-in-demand game, they'd make it for other consoles as well? Hrmmm, lots to ponder on there.

Yeah i wish they would remake it, but for all consoles. is just a HUGE tease : /
Why mess with memories it would be intresting to see but i think FF7 is losing it's appeal what with people talking about it all the time
I would like a remake just cause it's the most epic game ever. I think it'll happen anyways because lately they've been remaking or rereleasing the series so it's only a matter of time until it hits VII. But i agree it should be for more consoles rather that just on PS3.
It would be a great idea for Square-Enix to do a remake of Final Fantasy VII because it will draw attention to lots of people especially all those Final Fantasy VII fans. Also it will give them lots of money, plus they will break sales records with that game.
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I guess it can be a good idea especially if we want to attract new fans but than again after playing the game myself, I prefer to keep as is.
Yes, yes, yes, and again, YES!! I have been waiting for a remake of this game for SO long. I am tired of waiting, but as long as someone will go out and say "We ARE making a FFVII remake" I will be happy. I have discussed this and debated this until I was blue in the face, so this time I will say why it is good for both sides.

Why it is good for the fans: The diehard fans (as long as nothing changes, ie: the music, storyline, characters, bosses, etc) then they will love the new graphics and will have to buy this game. I am a diehard fan and I would buy a PS3 just to get this game, even though I don't have a PS3. Also, it would create a whole new breed of fans considering some kids haven't played this since it is a PSone game and PSones aren't the hip thing anymore.

Why it is good for Square Enix: Not only is this good for Square Enix, but it is great for Sony as well. Many people would buy a PS3 just for this game. Myself included. Now, for square enix this is just great. It will bring in so much revenue, because SO many old fans will buy this game. PLUS, new fans will buy this game and there is no doubt in my mind that it will be a best seller and PERHAPS at the time the most sold Playstation 3 game on the market. Yes, I will go as far as to say that.

Now, why do we want a FFVII remake so bad? Well, mainly the graphics. This will touchen up the game in so many ways. We NEED this game remade for this generation. I know the game is "playable" as so many people say, but when we are so used to the graphics of XBOX 360 and PS3 how many times do we want to pick up a PSone controller? I, for one, don't really do it that often because I am so used to better graphics. They can sell this game for more money than the first, obviously. It will be betwen 60 and 70 dollars. Not to mention the strategy guide which will easily go for 20. This would be great for Square Enix. Also, great for its die-hard fans. We deserve something like this in my opinion, and I can't wait to have the remake that I have a strong feeling will indeed happen.
I voted yes. I'm pretty sure it would only be for the PS3 though, which I don't have. Although if FFVII was remade, with no changes to the story - just improved graphics and some voice acting, then I'd consider getting a PS3 just for this game. :D
I voted yes. I'm pretty sure it would only be for the PS3 though, which I don't have. Although if FFVII was remade, with no changes to the story - just improved graphics and some voice acting, then I'd consider getting a PS3 just for this game. :D

There is a chance it could be remade for different console's like Xbox 360. After all, ff7 was put onto PC and that's microsoft if you see what im sayin :P
There is a chance it could be remade for different console's like Xbox 360. After all, ff7 was put onto PC and that's microsoft if you see what im sayin :P

I'd still have to buy a newer console then, since the latest one I have is the PS2. :P But still, if there was any game that would make me spend a few hundred squid on a console, it'd be a remake of FFVII. :D
There is a chance it could be remade for different console's like Xbox 360. After all, ff7 was put onto PC and that's microsoft if you see what im sayin :P

Yeah umm...I highly doubt that it's even going to be remade as of right now. Square has officially announced that they're done with the FFVII compilation for awhile. It was stated in a, I want to say it was a Famitsu, article that while they have ideas, they need to put it to rest. Really, don't get your hopes up on a remake. If they do, it's most likely going to be years down the road from now. They have other projects to focus on like FFXIII, Versus and the KH series.
to be honest if SE don't remake ff7 they will be makeing a huge mistake, think of all the prophets they could get from all the die hard ff7 fans who will pre-order it as soon as possible. If they do remake i think they should some how implement the mobile phone game (before crisis i believe the name is) and a little game of what happend between ff7 and advent children
Yeah, but they're also trying not to burn out the fans of FFVII because of all this stuff. At least that is my speculation. They've released so much crap that people are getting sick of it, burnt out on it and complaining about it. People are getting sick of seeing Cloud or Sephiroth on everything and in everything.
♥Aerith♥;538428 said:
Yeah umm...I highly doubt that it's even going to be remade as of right now. Square has officially announced that they're done with the FFVII compilation for awhile. It was stated in a, I want to say it was a Famitsu, article that while they have ideas, they need to put it to rest. Really, don't get your hopes up on a remake. If they do, it's most likely going to be years down the road from now. They have other projects to focus on like FFXIII, Versus and the KH series.

Yeah i know there proberly won't be a remake. Im talking about if they DID remake it.
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As much as I would love it to get remade I do not think it will yet. Just like Mandi said Square Enix has Other projects to be working on. Also Final Fantasy Vii was such a great game and it got really HIGH ratings so Would they make a remake just yet The answer Is TRULY no. Yes they did have a tech demo of Final Fantasy Vii on ps3 but that does not mean it will be REMADE. If it does however I would get it for the prettier graphics. I Probably will not even bother maxing my materia again.
Ugh, prioritizing Kingdom Hearts over Final Fantasy VII... >_< I rented one of the games once, really didn't think it is as good as everyone makes the games out to be... :/
Right now a big deal is Square-Enix is split. If I remember correctly, there is one guy who is really against any remake of any sort. There is another guy who wants a remake but he's not willing to put in the time. And there's one more guy who wants a remake but he's inexperienced or something weird like that. It's in an old RPGFan article in some Yoichi Wada interview. But Wada has said multiple times that the trailer and AC weren't set up to convert easily over to the PS3 but if they were going to do a remake, it would be in the lifetime of the PS3. They have the character models, the new designs, and more importantly... voice actors. All of that is set up, they just need to get it going. My guess is they'll literally JUST started working on it. The European release of Final Fantasy XII is in 2 days and they said they might start it back up after they were all finished with that, which would have been about a month or so ago.
I think they won't remake FFVII, or at least, we must wait for 10 years, that's such a long time :(