Final Fantasy VII Remake

I think they won't remake FFVII, or at least, we must wait for 10 years, that's such a long time :(
Why do you think that they have to wait for 10 years to remake Final Fantasy VII? It's already been 10 years since Final Fantasy VII came out for PS1. It doesn't take that long to remake a game that has already been made before.
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Gahh. I doubt they will remake it, and I half-don't want them to. I mean, the only reason anyone would buy it is probably for a remade Aerith death scene. And possibly to make sure they don't screw up the name "Aerith" this time. Why don't they just upload a 5-minute or so CGI video of Aerith's death?
I was shocked by that event, but it never really effected me as much as that part where Nanaki finds out what his father (Seto) really did, who he really was, when what he thought of him couldn't be further from the truth... >.>

That is a scene I'd like to see with graphics like in that Final Fantasy VII Tech Demo for PS3 (damn Square Enix teasing everyone like that, if nothing more ever comes from it then that one tech demo for the PS3. >_<). :awesome:
I think it would be cool to see all the cutscene's as a remake, especially where aerith get's pwned. Though, they shouldent make it gory.
:holyshit::tard:ok,i sounded like a dumbass before stating rumors that will never happen,but as i was at my local gamestop this weekend,i asked for a ps3 preoder list,and noticed ff vii on it said to be released december of this year,i asked if it was a mistake,the clerk said he never noticed it,so,after checking in on every single ff forum i can find on the internet,it has been confirmed,but what is unconfirmed,is if it will be a dlc,or downloadable content,like patapon 2 was,or an actual blu ray disc,but i am not stating its a fact,it could happen
I'm supportive of the idea of remaking FFVII for the PS3. For all its greatness it is now a bit long in the tooth. If they were to remake the game, then I would expect some serious changes. FFVII was entirely text-based, and it was exasperating reading all the text just to keep up with the story. So, they should ditch the text in favour of real voice-actors. In fact, the entire game should be voice-acted, with no text whatsoever. I just hope they don't ruin my memory of the game with shabby voice-actors. Secondly, the graphics. Obviously, being on the PS3 it would look stunning, and everything would be 3D. My next point is controversial. They should ditch the traditional battle-system with a real-time battle system. Kingdom Hearts is a good example of how an RPG can be much more enjoyable and accessible if its battles are in real-time. This would also eliminate the annoying problem of random battles. Lastly, the story and music should be left respectfully untouched. That is all I ask.
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Well why not for like DS' Or PSP's? most people have them,because were in the credit crunch and If it came out for PS3 I could not get it! Im like skint!! If it was in shops on PSP and DS i could afford it with my summer holiday money which is like £30 per week(Im only training like) but PS3's like £369.99 plus £30 game!
There is so many rumors and statements flying around of the FF7 remake... I believe there is one in the works or at least already made and is due for a release soon. But, I do hope they don't make any stupid changes to the game, because the gaming industry is becoming alot like hollywood everytime they think they got a good idea to add, they screw it up badly. just make the damn game already, FF7 will sell amazingly like it did when it first came out, it better be for the PS only i don't want to see no Xbox release.

Cloud: "I know... No one lives in the slums because they want to. It's like this train. It can't run anywhere except where its rails take it."
Okay, seeing I already responded on this topic, and read the newer comments, I wanna respond again.

My reasons for wanting a remake are pretty simple. I want a "remake" but as in, literally all the mistakes like Aerith's line "This guy are sick.", and all those fun messups the same.

Alright maybe that's a bit extreme, but I just don't think they should change any of the dialogue for it. Or any actions or choosing-options for the game. Just leave it as how the original Final Fantasy VII is, just them showing off their awesome new graphics. It would be so damn awesome, to see the characters we basically grew up with *as Final Fantasy VII lovers* in a whole new coat of developed-awesome-ness.

Now of course I'm AGAINST it, if they don't keep the original outfits, original lengths of hair. *Glares at Tifa's shortened hair in the Advent Children movies*, and change their attitudes to like how they were in the movie. EVERYTHING literally EVERYTHING about them should stay the same.

I DO hope that they make a remake for Final Fantasy VII. And if they do I think they should stick to the whole gaming-control things they had for the Ps1 for that game. I also don't want to see it on Xbox, Psp, Ds, or any shit like the Wii (SERIOUSLY NOT THIS ONE). If they remake it, I personally feel it should either be for the Ps2, OR Ps3. Nothing else. Final Fantasy VII belongs in the Playstation sets. -_-
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It would be awesome if Square-Enix makes a remake of Final Fantasy VII with some changes like extend the game with new stuff like new sidequest, new minigames, new challenging bosses, etc to make the game more interesting and more enjoyful.
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It would be so damn awesome, to see the characters we basically grew up with *as Final Fantasy VII lovers* in a whole new coat of developed-awesome-ness.
I agree, wholeheartedly. I would genuinely play it all again just to see my favourite locations/characters rendered in the PS3's finest graphics. Imagine revisiting the Gold Saucer and seeing it all again in glorious 3D; and given that it would be on the PS3, I'm betting the graphics would look very similar to Advent Children. Essentially, a remake of FFVII on the PS3 would be like reliving the story of FFVII but with the graphics of Advent Children. Tell me, who wouldn't want that? The PS3 has the power to make it happen! I just don't understand why Square is taking so long to act, given how much a remake is in such high-demand. Square must be planning to release FFVII on the European store soon. Perhaps the developers are testing the water for the rumoured remake... maybe? Guess we'll have to wait and see.
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I am playing the game right now and so far, a part of me doesn't want to see the game changed especially when you consider the more racier parts of the game.
im pretty sure they are, i cant find the link but i read sometime this morning, they are re-making a "ff7 compilation" for ps3 and mabie 360, it will include ff7, ff7 DoC,(both of which will be remastered) the original soundtracks, ff7 advent children, and a few more goodies
yeah,420 isnt lying,it is for sure coming on ps3,but im not so sure about the 360,aside from the ffxiii series,there is supposed to be more big news at e3,most likely to announce the original on the psn,and the legacies on wiiware and dsiware,but hopefully the rumors of a remake are true,except doc,i thought it was absolutely horrible,im sad to say this,but,ill keep you guys posted

Well why not for like DS' Or PSP's? most people have them,because were in the credit crunch and If it came out for PS3 I could not get it! Im like skint!! If it was in shops on PSP and DS i could afford it with my summer holiday money which is like £30 per week(Im only training like) but PS3's like £369.99 plus £30 game!
well,yuffie,remember,the original ps1 game took up 1.5 gigs of memory,there will be no doubt that adding all the stuff to it such as voice acting,enhanced cg,and maybe some extra content to thge game would nearly make that over 60 gigs,yes,60,the ff xiii demo alone was 5.09 gigs,but to make the game on a handheld would be near improbable,but not impossible,the average ds cart holds about 1 gig of memory,the umd 2.5,even when they made the knockoff on the super famicom,or snes,yes its real,google it or look it up on wikipedia,they had to cut all sidequest,yuffie and vincent,and put the game into a 2d landscape,although i loved every aspect of the knockoff,it didnt feel like ffvii,so,you could take the game and put it on the ds,give it cutesy looking characters like every ff game on the ds,although it wouldnt look so different from the original,and add the touchscreen controls,it would sell out in a week all over the world,although on the psp,now that as a system,its dying,because the psp2 to be revealed at e3 wont have a umd port(just a rumor),i think the original psn release would be enough,but,i think i will start a petition and email it to square enix to have a ds remake,hope this helped guys:freehugs::tard::nanaki:,nanaki FTW

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To be honest I am mixed on the subject. In one hand you take a game (which in my opinion was the best compilation of complex characters and storyline I have ever seen) and up the graphics and other tweaks here and there sounds pretty awesome but at the same time Square better know that if they so much as make one mistake or change something that should not have been changed they will surely have a problem from the FF community. To remake a game you have to have a selection of good reasons to do so. The remakes of the classic Final Fantasy's imo were do to the developers laziness and overall incapability to make the game to meet their standards. Come on people let's be honest with ourselves, Yes FFVII was an excellent game and Yes the graphics (outside of battles and FMV's) were horrid to say the least. BUT would any TRUE Final Fantasy VII fan change anything else. Even voice acting could be damaging. Again with text based games you leave it up to your imagination to what the characters sound like and other details that voice acting takes away. I remember when I first heard clouds voice on Kingdom Hearts and god forbid Advent children (the japanese voice was ok) they just totally took what I thought of cloud and shoved it in the deepest part of the life stream. So I would say if you were to remake the game Square be gentle and don't fix something if it isn't broken.
i agree immortal,i first played the game in 2002,i was only 8,but have played all the legacy games,1-6,and hearing how the characters voices played out in my head was one of the best parts,i never saw ac until 2 months ago,so i didnt know what clouds voice sounded liuke before crisis core,i have both KH 1 and 2,but only played 2,never finished it,so never saw cloud if he was in itr,but when cloud first spoke in cc,i was like,:are you f***ing kidding me:,because he sounded like a chick,and i pictured him as this dude that stood on his own,if the remake did come through,i wouldnt mind the voice actor from ac,but ac had terrible lip syncing,but thats another story,but i also agree,it would be controversial to make a remake,maainly because changing aspects about the game could ruin the fan base,but another thing that would be good,is that they could extend it,for instance,if you were one that had played cc and the original ff vii,you would want to know what happened in the time between zacks "death",and the beginning of ff vii,so they could put that in,i never was able to beat ff vii because i lost the 3rd disc and was never able to replace,but when it comes to the psn,i will finish it,but also add extra sidequests,and what pissed me off,i was able to access places way ahead of the time,and some late,i mean,i did that wutai mission when the girl from the turks,i forget her name,was supposed to be missing,but,i strongl want a remake
As much as it would be completely awesome that they did remake this game with PS3 graphics I highly doubt it happening. For several reasons.

1. Since the first video of the remade beginning scene of FFVII almost every single journalist has asked SE if they are going to remake it. And you know what there answer is every single time? No. Not a maybe, not a it might be in the works, not even a no with a smile that says they are really thinking about it.

2. If they did even consider to remake FFVII there would be a considerable amount of FF fans who would then want other FF games remade on PS3 graphics. Not to say that they wouldn't sell, but can you imagine how much money would be spent on all the games that us fans would want them to remake. I for one would love to see a FFIX remake but that is neither here nor there.

That is all I really have to say about this, like I said I would love to see it happen but I think people will just have to come to the releasation that it just isnt going to happen.

EDIT: I just found this and I might be wishing I voted for yes. Apparently if they can work it out then it is going to happen. I guess if people ask enough times that it just kicks in that they should do it.
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If they see the opportunity to make money off it then they'll eventually do it, atm though I'd imagine that they're a bit busy of working on the various XIII projects and a couple of other things so working on a VII remake won't be that high on their list of priorities although I'm sure they've thought about doing one.

I'm still kinda against the idea of a remake but the one thing I wouldn't mind seeing from one is a good translation of the game since the original wasn't done that well. Well from what I remember of it anyway.
I wounder if there will be any new surprises on the remake. Like something that no one would expects to appear like continuing playing beyound Final Fantasy VII ending. Or playing the game over with all the items and the characters with new clothes from Advent Children as unlockables. That will be awesome!
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