Final Fantasy VII Remake

I am just worried that they may alter the story that made FFVII enjoyable in the first place! They already created that action packed sequel to the game Advent Children as well as a variety of prequels to FF7 that it is really difficult for me to understand the story as a whole. If they are going to remake the game, they may have to make some alterations to the original story to fit all this stuff and create some new characters entirely. I only hope that the story doesn't get so altered that leave even more plot holes than they are trying to fill in.
I'd love if there was a re-make but as it has been posted, there is too many FFVII sequels (DoC, CC, AC) However... I believe that when Square Enix is struggling for money they might save FFVII remake until then so they can draw in alot of money once again but I don't know. Maybe they will release it in the near future. Who knows.
YES Defiantly i would love to see how Square would remake G-bike Chocobo racing and the snowboarding. thats my reason.
after much though on this matter over the past few days, (while i was working) i figured that i wouldn't want a remake because it would be for the PS3 and it would cost like 40/50 pound, money which i don't have so i no longer want a remake
I would love a remake, or at least to be able to buy it on playstation store on my ps3 o_O That would be cool. If they do make a remake, they should keep everything the same, just add voice acting and cut scenes and what nots ^_^
I would like to see a remake of FF7 but I don't need a remake of it. I think it would be awesome to play the game again with the graphics the PS3 can help generate. But it isn't something I would be disappointed about if they don't.
After watching the demo for ps3 I got all excited.I'm just afraid.What if they screw up and ruin FF7's reputation?I mean we loved it how it was.With that kind of graphics,without voices and those chibi-like bodies(not during battles)

If Square-Enix announces a remake I won't miss the chance though.
Well, I understand what SE could do with the game. But picture this, a better explaination to the storyline. I hear that there will be new characters in the story, this should bring sense to the story as well. I gotta tell you. I had to play FF7 a second time to actually "understand" the story. But so much was unexplained. So thats my arguement... Also the graphics, music etc. would be a lot better too.

But thats just ME, I could be wrong.. and it could be a $h!t salad. :P
I still would like a remake, if they are going to improve the graphics and add voices only
Yes of course!! :) But i can appreciate that if they have voices then it may alter how i see the characters. I don't think they should have voices. No offence but i don't like the voice they gave to Cait Sith. Sorry but i don't lol
i do because FFVII was a great game. it was the second one i ever played and it's also the closest one i am to beating. a few things could be changed maybe, but it was an awesome game that deserves a remake
Definitely! I really dont care if the game would be a exact copy of the FFVII with improved graphics, I just want to replay FFVII :P
After playing crisis core I'm even more eager for this :)
Yes I would love a remake of VII.I would be the happiest girl if there was one. xD Plus I would like to see some better graphics in it,a few additional new mini games,and maybe a new color chocobo in it.Also I would like to see some voice acting in the scenes.Who knows maybe some easter eggs would be nice to see in it.And I would even buy a ps3 just for a remake.
I hope they don't turn it more dramatic like the movie.I still want the part where Cloud dresses like a girl or in Gold Saucer when he dates one of the girls.
Yeah, i think that's what made VII so good, that it did break off occaisonally for silly bits like that. Sorta made it more realistic?? :unsure:
i think it should be remade. 1 the ps3 graphics would make the game that much more amazing and 2 with all these new characters being added it would probably make the game seem more related to everything else thats come out, but as long as they dont change to much :)
I can't believe I haven't posted here yet. >_>!

I'd absolutely love a Final Fantasy VII remake, I've been just wanting for there to be one so badly for a long time, it'd be so great to see it actually happen, it'd sell so well, that's a guarantee, like it was with Super Smash Bros. Brawl, 'tis a guaranteed best seller.
I never beat FFVII because my disc broke and they cost like $60 so I couldn't get a new one. If it came out for PS3 I'd save up for it. I would love a remake on the PS3.