Final Fantasy VII Remake

Maybe but I think it might cause a backlash to those fans who really wanted to play the game on their PS3s.
I'd love if there was a re-make but as it has been posted, there is too many FFVII sequels (DoC, CC, AC) However... I believe that when Square Enix is struggling for money they might save FFVII remake until then so they can draw in alot of money once again but I don't know. Maybe they will release it in the near future. Who knows.

I agree, Square Enix is just trying to suck all the money they can out of the VII series before they make a huge step, or they're just playing us all into the hype to buying these non-sequels just for the cash value. :neomon:
I would love to see one, but knowing Square Enix, they might go to far and make it a whole other game. THAT i dont want. i just want the same game, but with better graphics, maybe a couple of new sidequests here and there, and better stranslated. and not make it a real time battle system, but keep it with turnbased and the timebar. that actually didn't really irritate me.

puh... sounds like i only want the remake so i can see a PRETTIER FF7
nah i thought the original was pretty enough. but come on, who wouldn't want to see this fantastic game but then with STUUUUUUUUUUUNNING graphics? :gasp:
I believe they might change the story a bit so that can incorporate all the stuff they put in in previous games and add in some in new characters along with it! I hope they don't change it too much but I guess changes are to be expected if they going to create a remake.
Do you think they would remake VII on the PSP, same as they did with Crisis Core? Would be easier for them to do, and much less costly. Means I'd need to buy one though dang it.

They probably would end up doing that, but I wish they wouldn't because I don't have a PSP but I think I'm going to end up buying one for CC soon. I think they would still make alot of money by doing that and many people would buy PSP's just for the re-make. Basicaly CC was just put on the PSP to increase people buying PSP's and it worked. I think if they did end up making FF7 re-make it would either be on PSP or PS3 but they have already shown (on YouTube) the small PS3 version and it looked extremely good.

SE make it already! :'(
Hmmm, it's a strange one actually. I suppose it would be nice to see a remake in one sense, but then I've thought for some time now that SE are starting to milk not only FFVII but the entire franchise. Fair enough they need to make money, but there's only so much you can do with old material, material which is still very enjoyable, I'm not sure a remake would do the game any justice. I say leave it as it is - sure make sequels and prequels but leave the original! *nod*
Personally I think they should make remakes for all the games before X so that new people can experiance them.
I agree with you that they are still a business and that they need to make money but milking the FF franchise to its limit is not something they should do. Especially FF7, even if they do create a remake what happens after that and what will they do after they had milked the FF7 franchise? They need to do what they had been doing earlier and make more original Final Fantasy games with elaborate stories, original characters and great worlds. That is basically what I think (and some users in other forums think) but still the prospect of an FF7 remake sounds to good to pass up!
I think they will, it will also make the PS3 have a selling point because I haven't heard reports of "PS3 outsales".
There is a guy on Youtube, (According to my brother) apparently claiming to meet the owners of Enix and the creators/designers of FF7. he says that they made a video of how IT WOULD BE! not that they were going to. but it was also in "Game Informer" Magazine that they were going to make it (According to my other brother). all I can say is I hope they do because it will make PS3 so much better!
the only real reason i want ff7 made as a ps3 remake is to play in the brilliant graphics of advent children. And maybe add some more story line about genesis because he's a really good character for crisis core.
lol... I wonder if they want to add anymore rockstars in it as villains!

Hmmm. On a serious note I'm not sure if I want one. The original was too perfect that I'm not sure if a remake would do anything good for it. With good graphics coming on, and an updated emo look some of the comical scenes of the original may dissapear. Plus, the soundtrack may also decline in quality from the magical melodies of FF7 to become a hybrid of forgettable tracks and pretty ok mixes of FF7 tracks like Crisis Core seemed to be.
heck yes..

FF7 was my fav final fantasy, it would be cool to see the game in a whole nother point of view, i beat the game sooo long ago, so it would be a cool trip down memory lane but with a diffrent point of view, i would love it,
I would love to see a remake, with just updated graphics and that's it, same story, same gameplay and battle system, nothing else change but the graphics. I would buy it in an instant.
As much as I said I want a remake what worries me now after Crisis Core is all the things they might add to the storyline, I really don't want them to mess with the storyline at all but after that there is so much messing they can do with the plot and I think if they did make a remake it would be pretty much inevitable >_<

So now I'm not so sure if I want one or not......
As much as I said I want a remake what worries me now after Crisis Core is all the things they might add to the storyline, I really don't want them to mess with the storyline at all but after that there is so much messing they can do with the plot and I think if they did make a remake it would be pretty much inevitable >_<

So now I'm not so sure if I want one or not......

That is my main concern as well, I enjoy FF7 but to be honest I do not want the story to be stretched way too thin to the point where everything seems out of place or contradictory to the original game. I have mixed feelings about the remake for one thing, it would be nice to have something like this for PS3 as just remake of the original but then I know that Squeenix would try to alter the storyline a bit so that they can include characters that were from the prequels to the current game and also they may try and create some new characters for the remake. The one thing I hope that Squeenix would do if they decide to create the remake or do anything with FF7 is not too stretch the series anymore than they want to because honestly, I want FF7 to be left alone so that other FFs could have their time in the sun. I don't FF to lose that "feel" that it had with the game I played for PS1 to realistic jaw dropping graphics that was Crisis Core, Advent Children and Dirge of Cereberus as well as the tech demo of the FF7 demo, not to say that were not bad but it won't be the "same" experience had before.