Final Fantasy VII Remake

The game is nearly perfect as it is! Sure it could use a massive face lift on it's graphics, but any additions to the game should just be bonuses, not affect the game we love. A new WEAPON boss or some extra side quests here and there couldn't hurt.
iIf square-enix is going to do Final Fantasy VII Remake on PS3 that would be great, if not then what a shame, but still there are others Final Fantasy Games... But i want to play FF7 Remake xD
Hey, I'm new so...sorry if my opinion has already been said across the span of 125 pages, but...I feel like I should comment since I was Googling this topic today. being pulled back and forth between yes and no. Because, like Laika said, classics are shouldn't mess with them because something bad's gonna happen eventually. If you have something with as massive a fan base as this, you can't possibly make everyone happy with a remake...there's gonna be rants, most definitely.

BUT. I find myself playing through the game going, "Wow, what would that scene look like on the PS3?" or "How would these controls work better on the PS3?" or something of the sort...and that makes me really want a remake just so I can compare the two and go, "Oh, yeah, that's that...and that's that...and over there is that..." Y'know. Kind of like I did with the Advent Children movie. It didn't ruin anything for me because I just liked seeing the characters all hyped up with their super amazing non-boxy glory.

But I kind of like the boxy glory too. So I'm not sure. I don't think it's gonna happen, though.
I would DEFINATELY support a remake for PS3, especially since I never owned FFVII on PS1 and always had to borrow it until I got it for PC. With the crappy block graphics and all, it would be really amazing to see everything as it was supposed to look
I think a FFVII remake would be good, i would prefare no changes but i wouldent mind. I hope there will be a FFVII remake ^_^!
Final Fantasy VII Director Yoshinori Kitase recently touched on the possibility of remaking the RPG classic for the PlayStation 3, stating that fans could “expect the probability of something spontaneous happening at some point.”

Kitase commented that if a remake were to transpire, it would have to include all of the core team members from the original 1997 PlayStation classic; something which isn’t possible right now due each individual’s commitments to other projects.

"My feelings are that if a remake were to work well then all the core members of the original team must be reassembled, all the artists and designers,” said Kitase.

“The problem is that, although all of us have an idea of what a remake should be and how to do it, organising such a thing right now is logistically very difficult. All the different members are now involved in very new, very large projects like Final Fantasy XIII and those projects are going to take a while.”

Despite this, he refused to completely rule out the chances of a remake on PS3, adding, “Maybe, when all those games are finished then we can look at doing something like that.”

”Of course, that said we came up with the idea for Crisis Core in just two days. It was a case of 'this is what we want to do, so let's do it'. So, you can definitely expect the probability of something spontaneous happening at some point, but it's hard to predict."

Stay tuned for further developments as they break.

(Copied from this site)
Final Fantasy VII Director Yoshinori Kitase recently touched on the possibility of remaking the RPG classic for the PlayStation 3, stating that fans could “expect the probability of something spontaneous happening at some point.”

Kitase commented that if a remake were to transpire, it would have to include all of the core team members from the original 1997 PlayStation classic; something which isn’t possible right now due each individual’s commitments to other projects.

"My feelings are that if a remake were to work well then all the core members of the original team must be reassembled, all the artists and designers,” said Kitase.

“The problem is that, although all of us have an idea of what a remake should be and how to do it, organising such a thing right now is logistically very difficult. All the different members are now involved in very new, very large projects like Final Fantasy XIII and those projects are going to take a while.”

Despite this, he refused to completely rule out the chances of a remake on PS3, adding, “Maybe, when all those games are finished then we can look at doing something like that.”

”Of course, that said we came up with the idea for Crisis Core in just two days. It was a case of 'this is what we want to do, so let's do it'. So, you can definitely expect the probability of something spontaneous happening at some point, but it's hard to predict."

Stay tuned for further developments as they break.

(Copied from this site)
This is thrilling news/insight! Don't forget to share this in FF News, if you haven't already.

What I love most is the fact that Kitase and the others want to have every initial core member included in a remake. By doing so, that ensures a better chance that the game maintains the values that made it so great in the first place, and means less of a possibility that they screw up any continuity, I'd think.
They're working on two different games and XIII won't even be out before 2010, so if VII would be remade for PS3 they won't even start on it before 2012 - 2013 (wild guess). Knowing the projects they're working on and that they need to assemble all the artists and designers from the original, nothing will happen before at least another three years.

But I dare to say that the chances of the remake leans towards a yes, since it is the most sold and discussed Final Fantasy game in Square's history. I think that if they remade the game from point to point with the same actions and maps 100% accurate just with the outstanding ps3 graphics and maybe some additional goodies (such as making Sephiroth much tougher to defeat, since he IS the main villain) it would be bound to be a multi platinum game, which might even sell more than the PS1 version that almost reached 10 mil copies.

But they can't really change anything huge, because that might kill the fans interest for the game, since it was thanks to the game's spectacular story, and the team who tried to defeat the world from the most crazed villain in video games history that made it the most selling FF game, they should even bring back the good old fight scene.
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They're working on two different games and XIII won't even be out before 2010, so if VII would be remade for PS3 they won't even start on it before 2012 - 2013 (wild guess). Knowing the projects they're working on and that they need to assemble all the artists and designers from the original, nothing will happen before at least another three years.

No. Because they are currently working on four titles under XIII. If they can manage to finish one or two, they could start on another - FFVII. Having a long list of FF titles doesn't mean they can't make room for one more, I mean they are making FOUR titles under FFXIII, which is insane. What if the game is a fail? Than what would they do?

If you don't get a yes, no or a trailer by the end of 2010, than there won't be a remake. (hopefully)
Wait, does XIII really have four titles to its name in the works? That's insane.

Anyway, regarding a point made by VII M., I don't think the remake could/would sell higher than the initial VII. VII's now suffering from the backlash of its own popularity, As a result of getting whored out by X, Y, and Z "sequals", and the rabid fanboys and fangirls of the series, many of its original non-"cult" fans seem to have grown tired of the series. That's cutting its sells already, even taking into account the fans that things like AC brought about. Also, as a result of waiting so long, some of the FFVII fans of long ago have probably long since moved on and forgotten (my older sisters for example). I really don't think the remake would have a chance of surpassing the original in sells. It'd be pretty big though.
Yes, and they are; XIII, Versus, Agito and Haeresis.

A true FFVII fan (not a rabidfan that just wants the game to be remade for a stupid couple. Not saying you one of the couple fighters) would not want a remake. It would damage the original FFVII and change it into something different. Just you wait, you'll see.
Do I want to see a remake of FFVII? Well, that's like saying I think they should have another Rocky movie, I mean, how many do we really need? I think SE has beaten the dead horse time and time again with this game. Personally, I like FFVII, I have the original game and nothing else as far as FFVII is concerned. No matter how many remakes are made, it doesn't change the fact that the original has been, and always will be the best FFVII.

From a business standpoint, why not put more effort into a new product instead of remaking the same old one countless amounts of time? Basically, we would already be playing FFXIII if it wasn't for so much time and effort put into remaking several versions from the same game. If 1 sequel was made in wake of FFVII, I wouldn't have a problem with that. We don't need to see million of them.

What about working on remakes for other FF's? FFVIII and FFX were my favorites, and even though there was an FFX-2, these original stories were never expanded on. So what happens after the epic showdowns a little further down the line? Seeing the game ending shows you the immediate conclusion, but what happens a year down the road? We'll get to see Cloud's entire lifespan, yet I'll never know what the fate of Squall is.

Don't get me wrong, I think FFVII is a great game, but I think it's time we left the rest of their lives to our imaginations.
Very great point, blackstang98.
The game was great the way it is now, why change it? Its counted to be the best FF game in the series (I defiantly didn't vote in that >.<) and they have milked off of VII's
for far too long! Enough is enough!

When AC came out, I was said: "Oh great. Now we'll see a endless stream of VII spin-offs and sequels. The story will shift from the original and it won't be the game we love/d! Noooooo!"

Now, we have Crisis Core, Before Crisis, Advent Children, Advent Children Complete, Novelizations that SE paid people to make and they are probably thinking of more! By dear gods, make it stop SE! I beg you! If its money you want, I can give you some! Just stop!

(Grubby mother fckers)
No. Because they are currently working on four titles under XIII. If they can manage to finish one or two, they could start on another - FFVII. Having a long list of FF titles doesn't mean they can't make room for one more, I mean they are making FOUR titles under FFXIII, which is insane. What if the game is a fail? Than what would they do?

If you don't get a yes, no or a trailer by the end of 2010, than there won't be a remake. (hopefully)

They need to gather all the designers and artists of the characters from the ps1 version, and they're not all working on XIII, they have different games they work on or different projects. And if you read Wiki yourself, Yoshinori stated that he would need all the artists from the original game. And even how much you hope and pledge they won't all be free to work on this by 2010 because of peoples wishes. Nothing bad intended, we all want the remake, but I'm a realist and I believe the words of a game designer who actually has anything to do with VII.
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They need to gather all the designers and artists of the characters from the ps1 version, and they're not all working on XIII, they have different games they work on or different projects. And if you read Wiki yourself, Yoshinori stated that he would need all the artists from the original game. And even how much you hope and pledge they won't all be free to work on this by 2010 because of peoples wishes.
I don't go to wiki for information, because idiots edit that place. I follow interviews from actual sites that don't let just anyone edit things.

Of course I knew he said he would need all the artists and junk! I never stated he didn't. But if they have enough time to blow on four FF titles from the same story line.
My point, VII Master, was that they either don't want to remake it or they really and they are hiding it well.
Do I want to see a remake of FFVII? Well, that's like saying I think they should have another Rocky movie

You just referred to a sequal. This is about a remake.

No one here's asking for a sequal, those can stop.

And "classic" movies get remade all the time. Only, this is a game, so it's a lot more practical to do it now than years and years longer down the road.

You just referred to a sequal. This is about a remake.

No one here's asking for a sequal, those can stop.

And "classic" movies get remade all the time. Only, this is a game, so it's a lot more practical to do it now than years and years longer down the road.
(Someone is a bit grumpy today lol)

I do believe, Highwind Pilot, that he simply was contrasting the two, so you may get the concept of what he was talking about. I could try to explain to you, if you want, what he meant? :)

Also, classic movies are movies, not games. Think of Spyro the dragon (very first game and its plot) now think of the new Spyro game that has voice acting (Mr. Frodo if you may!). They changed the story, characters and more from Spyro's very first adventure.

Now, that isn't a very good contrast, now is it? Because when Spyro was remade, it was actually good. I didn't have to fear much before there wasn't anything to tie Spyro down to SE's hungry mouth (for milk...hmm, now I'm thirtsy for milk!).

VII being remade would be a horrid, ugly thing to do to its true fans! I would cry my heart out, because I know SE's little, dirty tricks!

If SE decided to remake VII, they would think these few things whilst remaking it: Money, money, monet and love triangle. They would know that if they remade the game with everything the same, it wouldn't sell good! You wanna know why? Because people would prefer the old game.

"Why would I wanna buy the same game when my first copy is the same and the orginal?!" asks a angry costomer. "Well," says SE. "this is the orginal game, the great plot is still there!"
"Well, I wanna get something better! Because I own this game already!"
SE thinks.
Hmmm. "Alright than, you! We'll remake it for your money- er, I mean for your satifaction!"
Game changes into a Love traingle war between Cloud, Aerith and Tifa. Sephiroth comes back...oh wait, that's happened. They make a new character that was never in the old game called Genisis, oh wait! That already happened!

Hmm...what haven't they ruined about VII?? Hmmm...*thinks* nope, everything is different! ;))
I don't think the remake could/would sell higher than the initial VII.
It wouldn't, when FFVII was first released it was seen as revolutionary, now it would just be "another" RPG, there'd be nothing special about it apart from that instead of huge hype that a lot of games have, it'd have a huge fanboy fanbase instead.

They need to gather all the designers and artists of the characters from the ps1 version, and they're not all working on XIII, they have different games they work on or different projects.
That's a good point, it's just not realistic, I don't have a clue what Kitase's doing after FFXIII but Sakaguchi is no longer at Square and Nomura is finished with FF titles after Versus XIII to focus on the Kingdom Hearts series so that takes 2 of the 3 main people out straight away.

I'd still rather have them fully focused on newer titles than halting the main series just for a remake tbqh.
(Someone is a bit grumpy today lol)
How did that line entail that I'm "grumpy"? It was one line, in which I stated it dry, clear, and concice.

I do believe, Highwind Pilot, that he simply was contrasting the two, so you may get the concept of what he was talking about. I could try to explain to you, if you want, what he meant? :)
That's not a contrast. He compared them, even so much as saying, "that's like saying", or do I need to explain that concept to you? =/

You tried though. Kudos.

Also, classic movies are movies, not games. Think of Spyro the dragon (very first game and its plot) now think of the new Spyro game that has voice acting (Mr. Frodo if you may!). They changed the story, characters and more from Spyro's very first adventure.

Now, that isn't a very good contrast, now is it? Because when Spyro was remade, it was actually good. I didn't have to fear much before there wasn't anything to tie Spyro down to SE's hungry mouth (for milk...hmm, now I'm thirtsy for milk!).
Come again? I think you mean "comparison", once again. And in any case, you just argued that a remake was better than the original. Not a good case of supporting evidence, if you ask me.

Btw, "movies and games" aren't the same, period. So that would mean the entire Rocky analogy as a whole was a bust - yet you agreed with it. Kthx.

VII being remade would be a horrid, ugly thing to do to its true fans! I would cry my heart out, because I know SE's little, dirty tricks!

If SE decided to remake VII, they would think these few things whilst remaking it: Money, money, monet and love triangle. They would know that if they remade the game with everything the same, it wouldn't sell good! You wanna know why? Because people would prefer the old game.

"Why would I wanna buy the same game when my first copy is the same and the orginal?!" asks a angry costomer. "Well," says SE. "this is the orginal game, the great plot is still there!"
"Well, I wanna get something better! Because I own this game already!"
SE thinks. Hmmm. "Alright than, you! We'll remake it for your money- er, I mean for your satifaction!"
Game changes into a Love traingle war between Cloud, Aerith and Tifa. Sephiroth comes back...oh wait, that's happened. They make a new character that was never in the old game called Genisis, oh wait! That already happened!

Hmm...what haven't they ruined about VII?? Hmmm...*thinks* nope, everything is different! ;))
And lastly, to continue where I left off from the other thread (see there if you don't know what I'm referring to):

You continue to say how horrible it would be, yet proide no basis, supporting evidence, or anything of the sort... Just "negative" speculation.

So until you can provide some kind of substance, it doesn't matter how much you negatively put down the idea.

As for the Gackt and Genesis shit, I've already argued why that likely wouldn't interfere with an FFVII remake. I'd gladly copy and paste all that if need be.

For now, I'm going to get a hair cut.

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Come again?
Btw, "movies and games" aren't the same, period. So that would mean the entire Rocky analogy as a whole was a bust - yet you agreed with it. Kthx.
Oh, wow. Where did you see me agreeing with you, Highwind? I think you're seeing posts that aren't really there.

Also, movies and games aren't the same. You need to learn the difference and fast.
And in any case, you just argued that a remake was better than the original. Not a good case of supporting evidence, if you ask me.

Btw, "movies and games" aren't the same, period. So that would mean the entire Rocky analogy as a whole was a bust - yet you agreed with it. Kthx.
No, Highwind, you really need to reads posts better.
I was saying that Spyro was the only good game TO GET REMADE, did you get that? Spyro...was....the...only...great...example...of...a...remake...being...good!
There! That should help you dearly, shouldn't it?
How did that line entail that I'm "grumpy"? It was one line, in which I stated it dry, clear, and concice.
(its CONCISE!)

Because you said it as if he were stupid and you needed to throw it back in his face. Stop acting all high and mighty because we have opinions on a FFVII remake. I can't ever debate with rabid fans, they wouldn't agree with me. So, I thought debating with you would be different.
You tried though. Kudos.
AW, there is the defeat we caused! I've had run ins with VII rabids, they love that word. They also act like they've won before its even over.

You continue to say how horrible it would be, yet proide no basis, supporting evidence, or anything of the sort... Just "negative" speculation.
I've provided my evidence. ~Game changes into a Love traingle war between Cloud, Aerith and Tifa. Sephiroth comes back...oh wait, that's happened. They make a new character that was never in the old game called Genisis, oh wait! That already happened!
~ Read again.

Also, you've agreed with this said evidence, because you said:
"As for the Gackt and Genesis shit, I've already argued why that likely wouldn't interfere with an FFVII remake. I'd gladly copy and paste all that if need be."

(This my friends, is why debating with a VII fan can be tedious. They take everything as a insult and mock you. They need manners, they do! lol;)))
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