Final Fantasy VII Remake

Oh, wow. Where did you see me agreeing with you, Highwind? I think you're seeing posts that aren't really there.

It's highly amusing to have you spell check a couple of flubs I made in my haste (keep in mind, I typed that up while preparing for my appointment), when this post exemplifies your poor comprehension or general inability to read:

Do I need to emphasize or bold it for you?

"So that would mean the entire Rocky analogy as a whole was a bust - yet you agreed with it."

Now to break it down: The "it" in my statement obviously refers to the Rocky Analogy. The very analogy that was used by Stang, not myself. In other words, you agreed with Stang and his use of the analogy, NOT ME. Do you get it now, or would you like an audio clip next?

Also, movies and games aren't the same. You need to learn the difference and fast.
A declarative statement that I clearly made in the very snippet you quoted. Hence why I said the analogy as a whole was invalid, because movies aren't games. Or can you seriously not gather that?

Btw, "movies and games" aren't the same, period.

Aren't, you moron, aren't.

No, Highwind, you really need to reads posts better.
I was saying that Spyro was the only good game TO GET REMADE, did you get that? Spyro...was....the...only...great...example...of...a...remake...being...good!
There! That should help you dearly, shouldn't it?

LOL @ this. Look at your original disaster of a post:

"Also, classic movies are movies, not games. Think of Spyro the dragon (very first game and its plot) now think of the new Spyro game that has voice acting (Mr. Frodo if you may!). They changed the story, characters and more from Spyro's very first adventure.

Now, that isn't a very good contrast, now is it? Because when Spyro was remade, it was actually good. I didn't have to fear much before there wasn't anything to tie Spyro down to SE's hungry mouth (for milk...hmm, now I'm thirtsy for milk!)."

Now where in this do you clarify that Spyro stands alone as a good remake? Is it the part where you incorrectly dropped the word "contrast" again? The part where you ranted about how good of a remake it was? Or the part where you inserted some poorly structured crack about SE? Do not blame me for your failure to construct a clear point.

(its CONCISE!)
Thanks for correcting the blunder I made in a quickwrite. Now skim up and fix your grammatically ill sentences.

Because you said it as if he were stupid and you needed to throw it back in his face. Stop acting all high and mighty because we have opinions on a FFVII remake, you rabid fan.
There was no acting "high and mighty" there. That was me clarifying the obvious: We're not discussing a sequal in this thread. We're discussing a remake. So his movie sequal comparison was invalid.

It was meant to be a minor statement, yet you wanted to go and misconstrue my statements and start attacking me based on false interpretations of everything; well done.

Now, on to the shit that matters:

I've provided my evidence. ~Game changes into a Love traingle war between Cloud, Aerith and Tifa. Sephiroth comes back...oh wait, that's happened. They make a new character that was never in the old game called Genisis, oh wait! That already happened!
~ Read again.

LOL.. WTF is this? How is any of this evidence?

For starters, the "love triangle" part is speculation at its finest. There's no evidence of this happening in any spin off thus far, so how does this act as "evidence" that the "love triangle war" will happen in a remake? Do you know what a fallacy is? You've just made one.

Second, how the fuck would Sephiroth come back in a game he's already a central part of? And if this is supposed to be some lousy example as to some kind of bizzare twist they'd take, then it holds no water. FFVII had enough elements on its own, and they'd need nothing like that. Strike two, genius.

Third, Genesis was only implemented in Crisis Core because a plot revolving purely around the Nibelheim incident is too short to make up an entire game. This meant they needed more elements to the story, thus turning the Nibelheim disaster into an ending subplot and creating a whole new one to carry out the game. So why not make Sephiroth the antagonist throughout this game? Because he didn't become the enemy of SOLDIER/Shinra until Nibelheim. As a result, they had to throw in someone else to become the game's central villain in the plot leading up until that point; bring on Genesis.

But, guess what? FFVII is already a full-length game, with its own antagonists (Shinra, Sephiroth, WEAPONS), its own story, and its own elements - all ready to go! They don't need to improvise or expand anything in the story, because it doesn't have the problems that Crisis Core or AC were presented with. You're forgetting that this is the story that the other FF VII installments revolve around. The game is already lengthy and whole in itself. 0/3, troll.

Also, you've agreed with this said evidence, because you said:
"As for the Gackt and Genesis shit, I've already argued why that likely wouldn't interfere with an FFVII remake. I'd gladly copy and paste all that if need be."

LOL, how is this an example of me agreeing with you? Please point out to me how this supports what you've said? I said that these kind of retcons done in Crisis Core wouldn't interfere with an FFVII remake. And if that kind of retcon wouldn't interfere, that means they wouldn't be a problem for the remake. So how is that agreeing with you? Or does that confuse you? Is it the "wouldn't", or do I need to explain "interfere" to you?

I suggest that next time, you worry less about my typos, and more about the actual argument at hand. That is, if you'd like to keep from making an ass and an idiot of yourself.

All that being said, I understand full well that everyone is entitled to their own opinion - opinions that I'm not trying to take away from in the slightest. What bothers me is the unjustified filth that arises about how SE is sure to ruin the game. It's natural that I might ask a question or two concerning this. But when asked why such changes would come, no one provided a good answer. Argor was the first to mention the retcon of Genesis appearing at the Nibelheim incident, which is a change that would piss me off too, but I've already explained how and why that wouldn't have to show in FFVII. It's that explanation that I was referring to in the bit you quoted there, which is not an agreement to anything you said.

FFS, read and think before you type, plsthx.
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ALRIGHT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I've just about HAD it with your attitude HighwindPilot. While you might be a huge fan of FFVII others are not and they are not always going to agree with you. You're going way over the top here with Magitek and it's going to stop now. If it doesn't I WILL close this thread and you WILL be infracted as this is the 2nd time now I've had to warn you to cool your attitude. Thank you.
Wow, so many insults put into one post.

I'm terribly sorry you think I should wast all my life on a forum, HighwindPilot. I come here for fun and to chat with other fans of the whole series, not one series.
But never once in any of my posts, did I ever insult you. Isn't that against the rules of the forum? Don't you get an infraction from that? Hmmm...good thing I took a snapshot.

Here is the link to the rules. Insulting another member is against it.

You should read them next time, because I was trying to have a nice, fair debate with you and you turned it into something else.

I'm sorry you are angry for some reason, but next time please refrain from insulting me. I will not take it lightly.
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Infract me then, Rinoa, because I have to say that I saw this coming. If you actually bothered to read the posts, you'll see who started what here.

Magitek is sitting there attempting to victimize herself, talking about how I "mocked" and "insulted" her in my initial response. How? At the time, I did nothing more than correct her use of the term "contrast". A term which, by the way, she wanted to be a smart ass about, by attempting to "school" me on prior to my correction. Look at the actual content of either of her posts and tell me she was not being a smart ass or treating me as though I'm stupid. And look at my initial response to hers compared to the latter response.

I don't see how my attitude is any more unacceptable than that kind of talk, and the fact that you somehow do is purely bias. The attitude had nothing to do with the subject or me being a fan of VII, this was about me responding to personal jabs that she made first, with a few of my own. And of course, in the process and by keeping to topic, I've responded relatively about the remake and to her arguments - which simply don't hold up. But I'm sure you could go ahead and combine these facts to make it look like I'm just some "CRAZED FFVII LOON".

Pure bullshit.
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Magitek, it's best not to continue it. If he DOES continue his attitude and insults you again he will be infracted, no doubt about it. Just please move on from the discussion now. I've got this taken care of.

edit: Right then, infracted. If you saw this coming, you should've kept your mouth shut. Also I'm sorry, but your posts DO make you look like a crazed FFVII fan. Enjoy your infraction. Keep it up and I'll suspend you for trolling.

Aren't, you moron, aren't.
That is, if you'd like to keep from making an ass and an idiot of yourself.

Not once did I see her insult you the way you've just insulted her.
No one here's asking for a sequal, those can stop.
Remake or sequal, I don't want to see either. The biggest problem I have with a remake is, it doesn't change anything. I don't see why hours and hours would be put into remaking a game with better graphics and effects, when it can be focused on bigger and better things. I came from the days of the old Atari and NES, so I have no issues going back to bad graphics. Gameplay > graphics, so in my opinion, a remake changes nothing, it just wastes the time of SE to recreate.
One thing for certain. If you don't have haters you haven't arrived. This pretty much applies to everything across the board, and typically the more haters the greater something is. Yankees, Cowboys, Lakers, Fedor etc all have something in common.

If a remake is made it will be because the fans want it, period. You can spin it however you want but that's what it comes down to. I highly doubt it takes nearly as much effort as creating a new game, so it's not going to have some kind of massive effect on future titles. What you guys should be mad about is them entering the online market and including it in the numbered series instead of calling it "FF online" or something. Those are the games which will take away from their future 1P titles.

I'm really on the fence here because FF7 was the 3rd RPG I played back when I was 12 in 1997, and I obviously loved it. I don't want to see the original damaged just like most of you, but I really feel like the developers feel the same way. I think too many assumptions are made regarding how the remake will be, and I'm pretty confident that if it does happen they will keep the vast majority of the stuff we loved in the original.
Remake or sequal, I don't want to see either. The biggest problem I have with a remake is, it doesn't change anything. I don't see why hours and hours would be put into remaking a game with better graphics and effects, when it can be focused on bigger and better things. I came from the days of the old Atari and NES, so I have no issues going back to bad graphics. Gameplay > graphics, so in my opinion, a remake changes nothing, it just wastes the time of SE to recreate.
Fair enough, this is a solid and understandable post. I hear you on the NES bit, I think a lot of us are from those days of video games. Still, I do feel it would be nice to just see everything updated visually and audibly on a new system. You're right in that it doesn't need it, and in my opinion, the other elements stand up against many games, but it's nice to have. Just like I-IV were.

In any case, about earlier, I'd like to apologize to the general members here about everything. I'm not necessarily apologizing for what I said, as I can certainly see and prove that things weren't at all one-sided or initiated by me. But I am sorry that it was done here, and I am sorry for the disturbance it caused for others. Usually, I let the nonsense or jabs roll off my back, but I went eye-for-eye this time and I apologize to the general viewers of this thread for that. I really don't mind if others differ in opinion, as I'm really not a narrow-minded person. Once again, sorry to the general viewers of this thread.
I'm one of the thousands who want a remake. But, the remake is NOT for the fans.

It's for NEW fans, who did not get into FFVII based on the original title. It would be for those who fell in love with the series based on Advent Children, Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus or even Dissidia, Kingdom Hearts or Energizer (Stretching it with that one).

At the end of Crisis Core, it says "Continue the Story on FFVII."

For someone like me, who owns and has had FFVII for a long time. That's perfectly fine.

But for someone who is NEW to the series and doesn't own it. How the hell do you expect them to continue the game? You can't get FFVII in stores anymore, you'd be forced to purchase it online via download on the PSN OR by buying it off of someone. Both requiring internet, etc.

Then, not to mention it kind of sucks for newer players (Mianly younger ones) to go from a game with amazing graphics to one... not so amazing.

Sure, they may not make the remake perfect. But, I'll buy it and play it for what it is. An attempt to re-capture the greatness the original game once had. When I feel like experience some nostalgia, I'll pluh in my Ps2 and put in Disc 1 of the game.

If they do it correctly, there's a chance Disc 1 will never see the ligth of day again. Only a small chance (For me).
What do you mean disc 1 will never see the light of day?

CC and AV are 10 times better for people have played the original. In fact, I'll say they were strictly made for those who have played the original. AV especially is basically useless for anyone who hasn't played the original. In CC when Zack asks Sephiroth where they are going and he looks at the screen and responds "Nibelheim," who do you think that scene was for?

There are plenty of ways to play FF7 these days, and if you don't have access to the internet I highly doubt you'll be buying a PS3 to play the remake anyway. Sure, some new fans will come on board, but the majority of those who play a potential FF7 remake would be those who already have played the original.
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I actually am having a hard time replying to this without using a few select words of choice... >.>;; And yet, I restrain myself. For the record, people who claim to be "true fans" or claim to be "real fans" or claim other games prior to FFVII to be the "real classics" etc, are really both irritating and unnecessary. First of all, those whom I am referring to, there's no point. It will only start arguments. So just don't do it, unless you are an inherent asshole. Take note that I am by no means calling any member an asshole, but they can make that decision themselves by how they reply to this. Honestly it's unneeded and just puts fuel to the fire. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but we don't walk down the street, see someone wearing something we don't like, and throw rocks at them or spit on them or curse at them. So seriously, it's old.

Also, on the remake, I feel like if it were to happen on any console, that it would need far more than just updated graphics. The story would need to be tweaked, the battle system would need to be changed, it would have to appeal to newcomers and not just old fans. So in all honesty, I do not care. People take gaming too far but in retrospect, a game is just a game. You have fun with it. If the story gets tweaked, so what? It's still just a game. Tweaking the story will not mentally disable you, physically handicap you, or harm your childhood memories in any way, shape, or form! I promise! Really!
You've come to the wrong place if you want to preach that it's "just a game." Francis Ford Coppola would be pretty pissed if The Godfather was redone and it sucked, as would any fans of the series. It has an impact.

Movies get redone when the original was a great idea but was somewhat poorly done. Games get remade when certain things like graphics get outdated. They absolutely would not have to change anything drastic, and it would be pretty counter-productive for them to do so. People thinking that modern games automatically have to be improvements in every way over older games are pretty far off. X and XII and much different from IV and VI, and they were made that way on purpose because Square knew it was best to not do more of the same. There are fanboys for all 4 of those games who will all refuse to budge in an argument, but in all honestly those games shouldn't even be compared. It all comes down to which story or world grabs your interest.
i really hope theres gonna be a remake mainly becaus i want to see cloud in a dress in good graphics. plus it would be awesome! =3 wouldn't most ff7 fans want a remake, i just hope it would be for ps2 {most likely not} cause i don't have a ps3=[

Agreed^ I hope for a remake if only for the better graphics.:wtf: If there was a chance SQ-EN could possibly only change the graphics and add some more mini games and weapons/materia/summons that would be awesome. I think that's all that needs to be changed anyway.

The fans could have a remake without the original story being butchered by the newer added crap we have today.

If I knew 100% that Nomura wouldn't change a thing or add anything major I would be all for a new remake. But, I know that Nomura could never leave a great story alone. :brooding:
i think that there has to be a remake of FF7, not just because it is an excellent game with a deep thourough plot but it will also boost sales for the ps3 which have been pretty poor so far

i think that they should definitely create the remake of ff7 for ps3 as long as none of the storyline changes. (you cannot improve on perfection).
in my opinion they will definitely produce the remake because it will boost the sales for the ps3 which up til now, compared with the xbox have been pretty poor
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I agree that a remake could really help the PS3 win the console war (somehow there are STILL people who do not accept that it is an amazing piece of hardware). However, does Citizen Kane need a remake? Casablanca? Double Indemnity? Chinatown? Classics don't need remakes, despite using outdated technology. The best version of FFI IS STILL the NES version. Remaking a game only cheapens its initial contributions.
I'd be eager to play it just for the grafix since I replay it all the time anyway for the story. A change of scenery would be just fine. I thought they were already working on it since there is already a remake of the intro movie. It's on Youtube for those of you who havn't seen it and it is genuine.

i really hope theres gonna be a remake mainly becaus i want to see cloud in a dress in good graphics. plus it would be awesome! =3 wouldn't most ff7 fans want a remake, i just hope it would be for ps2 {most likely not} cause i don't have a ps3=[

HAHAHAHAHA! I just replayed that part, want to see him with the Tiara on as well and I really would liek to see the cut scenes remade in the area where Aeris dies.
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I don't believe there will ever be a remake of this game. If they did a remake Square-Enix would just be proving to themselves that they can't do better than FF7. I personally would rather see them spend their time making a new FF than a remake of this one.
I want a Remake for sure, Mostly because I want to see Sephiroth shirtless at the end in CGI :ohshit: I love me some Sephiroth. But I don't want it remade because "Retcons" will destroy the ORIGINAL story :wacky: and I want more Yuffie stuff and I think a Remake would give me that so Yeah remake for sure XD