Final Fantasy VII Remake

I have very mixed feelings on this. Not long ago, I would have told you I emphatically did not want a remake, but since seeing Advent Children Complete, I think they might be able to do it justice. (I think they raped Cloud's character the first time around, but the added scenes made him more like the guy I remember. Tseng should still be dead, though.)

If they made remake I'd definitely buy it, but I'd really rather they devote their resources to making new games, VII's already a masterpiece.
I have very mixed feelings on this. Not long ago, I would have told you I emphatically did not want a remake, but since seeing Advent Children Complete, I think they might be able to do it justice. (I think they raped Cloud's character the first time around, but the added scenes made him more like the guy I remember. Tseng should still be dead, though.)

If they made remake I'd definitely buy it, but I'd really rather they devote their resources to making new games, VII's already a masterpiece.

I see your view and agree somewhat, but they will still make many other games anyway so it's not like they don't have other resources to focus elsewhere. I won't buy it just because I spent my money buying the first one and I can't afford it now anyway, but I will still be able to play it eventually. I am ready to at least see everything but the story re-done, movies, cut-secenes and all other graphics.

I love Advent Children. It even made me start the game back up again after the 15th time, lol.
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i think there wont be a remake for the ps3 but 4 psp. as far as i know the remakes will just be for the psp but i dont know if thats the true.

i hope there will one 4 ps3 and psp but with multiplayer options. it would be more fun thought
To me it doesn't really matter what platform the game comes out for... I'll buy it anyways :D Either way, it's going to be like Christmas, early.... unless it comes out at Christmas time...
Personally I think they shouldn't make a remake and focus on new projects.

I agree that final fantasy VII was a great game but its time move on, but in saying that if they were to do a remake it would not stop me from buying the game. But thats just me.
I have no doubt that they will make a remake. Too many fans have asked for one, and they've made two trailers for a remake, one for the "tech demo" and one at the end of Crisis Core. Also, you don't put something like "to be continued in Final Fantasy VII..." and expect people to think you mean the PSone version, since it's already been out :/

That being said, I'm looking forward to the remake. Advent Children spoiled me, and now I can't bear to look at the polygons anymore. Plus, voice overs are where it's at.
^ Agreed. Seeing the blocky character models in FFVII after watching Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children/Complete (I have both. :P), or even after playing Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, it just doesn't feel right...

Many games not near as good as Final Fantasy VII have gotten a remake before, the only sensible thing to do about that is to remake Final Fantasy VII (sooner or later).

They'd do all that other spin off stuff including a prequel of which the very end of simply says "To be continued in Final Fantasy VII.", but they would never remake the original game that started it all...? I don't think so. I think it is just a matter of time before it happens, I'll just keep an eye and ear out and look forward to that day.
Remake? Yes, but...

I think that a remake would be more than welcome by all FF fans. The big question is whether they would stop at the improved graphics and FMV's, or would they finally add in a way to resurrect Aerith. A nice touch perhaps, but totally deviating from the game. They would probably feel the need to add other little tweaks, to improve the gameplay - what they would be, would be dependant on their perseption of what was lacking in the original. Me, I would love a remake , but only with the addition of new graphics and FMV's - and make it for all formats!

Just my 2 cents worth.

I have trouble with altering the story any, they would have to do it quite well, but I guess it could be pulled off, other than that I couldn't agree more.
i really think they wil wil will make a remake :D which will be awsome! i agree with like the million other comment of no changes!!! i think the ff guys know how well loved ff7 actually is though and wont change a single thing. i hope..
Classics are nice, but they get tiresome after a while, and after being spoiled with games with much better graphics...let's just say that I haven't touched FFVII for years and that shouldn't be the case. It definitely should be remade, but I swear if they change any part of that storyline...grrr....Ahem. Yeah. It just needs better graphics is all...and maybe an updated battle system? Just standing there getting attacked and waiting to get attacked really didn't work for me...>> lol
^ I've thought about that, actually. I'm not sure how they will go about doing the world map or the battle system. As long as the game retains that initial Final Fantasy VII charm, then I'll still enjoy it. Hopefully they will fix up some of the dialogue and make the plot a little more fluent by adding scenes from Crisis Core and such. I'd really like to see Zack's role in the story told a little bit better in the remake, rather than just have him be shot by 2 guards on the cliff.
I am not sure, because I am SURE that they will mess with the game too much. The look of the characters, the story...
I don't mind minor details changed, but I wouldn't doubt SE doing a whole lot of stuff different and FFVII not being as it was anymore.
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I'd like to see VII, VIII and IX re-made. The games were ahead of their time during their time, and they were amazing. With todays technology they could be made with more clarity, in all making truely epic games. A lot of new fans will take on to the series and it will be noticed more that it already is world wide. If they don't re-make all three, I will be very dissapoint.
I say VII should be remade on the PSP, followed by VIII, and IX. VII should defintly be remade, but it should not cannibalize Square Enix's resources by forcing a large team to undertake a massive remake for the the PS3.

Regardless, V and VI need to be remade before VII.
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The fact is that the inevitable will happen no matter what. Economically, a remake of FF7 will literally be the absolute biggest profit ANY sytem has ever made before from any game. So much so, ANYONE WHO PLAYS A GAME WILL WANT IT period. Whether or not the fans want it to happen or not, no company would pass up this sort of immense ace in the hole. I myself am quite conflicted in whether or not a new game is a good idea or not. Once again, economically it is simply the most powerful profit any company has made ever, but if they do not deliver a perfect product, nearly all credibility of the entire system will be lost, thereby ruining Playstation and all it's products; in so saying, this means they are extremly cautious in everything to do with a remake. There will not be one soon, that is for sure.... I absolutely adore FF7, it was a utter masterpiece in gaming, no question in my mind, it is my favorite game of all time and always will be. I am sick though of ignorant people who don't appreciate the essence of older games, saying their graphics are too bad. I do not want the same fate of Chrono Trigger on FF7 therefore ultimately, I believe a remake is a wise decision. There is more however, I believe that if Square does want to change some things it will be alright, but only if on another disc set, there must always be a original FF7 even in the form of just a graphics upgrade. They need two FF7 remakes in essence, one for new ideas and one for the true FF7 fans at heart.
I think it is a brilliant idea!
I think that they will at least consider the idea rather strongly, just because there are that many people out there who have stated that they would LOVE a remake.
I would love to see it done and im sure most of you would.
If they do remake it, I will buy even if all it is is brilliant graphics and voicework, to me that alone makes it a whole new experience, the attention to detail and the amount of talking would make it that much more amazing. I wouldn't care what they do to it as long as I get a remake at some point. Just recently purchased it off of the PSN for my PSP even though I have a solid copy in my glass case.