Final Fantasy VII Remake

A remake would be awesome, and given how much it's in demand and how much money Square could potentially make I don't understand why Square have been holding off for so long. If a remake is done, or rather, when it's done, because I think it's only a matter of time, the game would of course need to be completely overhauled, because for all its greatness FFVII is now a little long in the tooth. It's contentious, but I feel that the battle-system, even though it was undeniably brilliant in FFVII, would work better if it were similar to Kingdom Hearts -- allowing players to fight in real-time and having freedom to move, duck and dive as they fought. Kingdom Hearts' battles are so action-packed and exciting, I would love to see a similar thing in the remake. That said, FFVII's battle-system was so good, even if they kept it exactly the same, it wouldn't bother me. Ingrained bias aside though, the fights would probably work better if it were similar to Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts is a good example of how to streamline an RPG.

The game would have to be voice-acted, because every game nowadays is, and people wouldn't want to read through all that text. I just hope my memory of the characters isn't tarnished by Square's penchant for hammy American voice-actors. Obviously, the game would look stunning being on the PS3. Visually, I'm thinking on the same level of Advent Children -- the PS3 has the power to make it happen. The only things Square should leave untouched are the Materia system (Square's finest creation) and the narrative. There are a few mistranslations that need to be ironed out, though. The music should be kept close to the orginal too.
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The game would have to be voice-acted, because every game nowadays is, and people wouldn't want to read through all that text.

The only things Square should leave untouched are the Materia system (Square's most ingenious creation) and the narrative.

Voice-acted? Hmm... I don't really like voice acted games. And, people read through it all the first time, if they're fans I'm sure they can read it all again.

I really do think that if they do a remake EVERYTHING should be left, it should only be in terms of graphics. Leave everything as it is (aside from, as you said, the errors in translation). If they start changing bits here and there and even changing tiny aspects of the story line (for me, that includes voice acting... I much prefer FFs with just text) then the game won't really be what it was any more.
Voice-acted? Hmm... I don't really like voice acted games. And, people read through it all the first time, if they're fans I'm sure they can read it all again.
I really do think that if they do a remake EVERYTHING should be left, it should only be in terms of graphics. Leave everything as it is (aside from, as you said, the errors in translation). If they start changing bits here and there and even changing tiny aspects of the story line (for me, that includes voice acting... I much prefer FFs with just text) then the game won't really be what it was any more.
So, you would pay for a remake of FFVII that just updates the game cosmetically than for a substantial update? If that's the case, you may as well just stick with the original.

So, you would pay for a remake of FFVII that just updates the game cosmetically than for a substantial update? If that's the case, you may as well just stick with the original.

Yes, I would just like to see it with more realistic graphics. I don't feel that the storyline needs 'updating' at all - it was a great story, and there's no need to alter it to fill in some of the plot holes since they were covered by the spinoffs.
I'm not the only one that would pay for a remake that only has altered graphics and translation errors. It would be different if it were VIII or IX, because the graphics on those weren't appalling, but the ones on VII are poor. I just think it would be nice to see the characters in the same quality as was in, say, XII.
i was talking to my friend about this last night, i was saying how i really wanted them to do a re-make of the game, but he said he wasnt so sure, because there would be conflict within the fans of it, some would want it re-done with the voices extra bits in to fill it out more, and some would want it left completely how it was with just the graphics changed, either way its going to anoy some people.
A remake would be awesome, and given how much it's in demand and how much money Square could potentially make I don't understand why Square have been holding off for so long. If a remake is done, or rather, when it's done, because I think it's only a matter of time, the game would of course need to be completely overhauled, because for all its greatness FFVII is now a little long in the tooth. It's contentious, but I feel that the battle-system, even though it was undeniably brilliant in FFVII, would work better if it were similar to Kingdom Hearts -- allowing players to fight in real-time and having freedom to move, duck and dive as they fought. Kingdom Hearts' battles are so action-packed and exciting, I would love to see a similar thing in the remake. That said, FFVII's battle-system was so good, even if they kept it exactly the same, it wouldn't bother me. Ingrained bias aside though, the fights would probably work better if it were similar to Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts is a good example of how to streamline an RPG.

I don't really agree with changing the battle system to the one used in Kingdom Hearts. The ATB battle system worked fine for the series since Final Fantasy IV, and I'm still feel that its the best battle system I've seen in the series. Radically changing the battle system of FF VII would destroy the unique feel that the game offered. The ATB still stands up well even today, and the nature of it creates tension if used properly(A good example is FF IV where the bosses were designed to use ATB system when they fought you.)

Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Kingdom Hearts all have their unique battle systems that give each series its own feel. Final Fantasy experimented with their battle systems, Dragon Quest held onto the classic turn based battle system for eight games, and Kingdom Hearts uses an action based battle system.

I won't argue with wanting to refine the ATB in a FF VII remake, but I think it should remain as same as the orignal. It helps give the game a unique feel even when compared to modern entries of its own series.
they could be lying saying they havnt started the FFVII remake yet jus so when they announce it every1 will go crazy and everyone for sure will buy it. It could possibly break alot of records. this is jus a theory tho
they could be lying saying they havnt started the FFVII remake yet jus so when they announce it every1 will go crazy and everyone for sure will buy it. It could possibly break alot of records. this is jus a theory tho

I doubt Square Enix are lying about this. I'm sure they genuinely haven't started. They already have vast amounts of people preoccupied with different projects such as Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Agito XIII, new Kingdom Hearts games, Final Fantasy XIV etc. Right now, a remake would apparently take too long on an HD console - so it's more or less clarified that the developer isn't tackling it right now.

Of course - I don't know how SE fully works, but this just seems to be the likely thing right now. Some of the staff want to see a remake done though. However, by the time a remake is announced, interest in FFVII may have waned significantly. Interest decreases over time. Nowadays, FFVII just isn't as popular as it was a few years ago. I doubt a remake would break any records because essentially - it's technically an old game.
I doubt Square Enix are lying about this. I'm sure they genuinely haven't started. They already have vast amounts of people preoccupied with different projects such as Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Agito XIII, new Kingdom Hearts games, Final Fantasy XIV etc. Right now, a remake would apparently take too long on an HD console - so it's more or less clarified that the developer isn't tackling it right now.

Of course - I don't know how SE fully works, but this just seems to be the likely thing right now. Some of the staff want to see a remake done though. However, by the time a remake is announced, interest in FFVII may have waned significantly. Interest decreases over time. Nowadays, FFVII just isn't as popular as it was a few years ago. I doubt a remake would break any records because essentially - it's technically an old game.
I partially agree with what's said here. It would be extremely time consuming to be making SO many games at once. But who knows with SE.

But I have no doubt in my mind that the game would do well if it were to come out. And I can very well see newcomers going out to buy the game....well, maybe if they change it from RPG to something faster.
I dont want a remake as much as a rerelease for the PC. I dont have a playstation but if theyd just make it work for current OS's and release it on steam, I'd buy it full price.

I marked not sure just because they havnt yet. The demand has been so obvious for years now, but they havnt capitalised on it yet, so why would they now?
What alot of people seem to not WANT to understand is this, it is technically just not feasable to make a ff7 remake on a hi-def console. Its not that square hasnt considered....they have, and said NO because of this. Why do you think FF13 is so linear? There are no towns? Its because to do that in Hi def fully 3D just cant happen. All those quirky little towns, world map pretty much all things that we HAVENT HAD since ff9 cannot be implemented like it used to be on ps1. So, a remake, is not going to happen this generation. I wish it wasnt my girlfriends birthday and I didnt have to leave to go out, or else I would dig up numerous quotes I have read on this subject from SE themselves.

Okay I hate to make a post without citations or official quotes so I dug something up as fast as I could. This is from Yoshinori Kitase (The producer of FFXIII)

"But even Final Fantasy XIII has taken over three and a half years to create. If we were to recreate final Fantasy VII with the same level of graphical detail as you see in Final Fantasy XIII, and at the same time include world map and towns we'd imagine that that would take as much as three or four times longer than the three and a half years it has taken to put this Final Fantasy together. Final Fantasy VII is a pre-rendered background game which accounts for its massive free roaming world. Unless we get to a point where we can do a remake in a 1 year span it is likely never going to happen."

Thats 3 - 4 TIMES as long as it took to make FFXIII!!!!! That would be 9-12 years! Sorry not going to happen folks. (And yes ff 13 did take close to 6 years to make but thats because they scrapped there ps2 version and switched to ps3 so it took them 3 and a half years to do 13.)
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Not gonna happen

As much as we all dream of a remake, Square is coming up with excuses left and right. They say its to hard to do in HD, and it would take 10 years to make.:cry:
What about what they did with FF10 with all the towns? I don't know if I can believe all thatt but you are right all the detail that goes into the towns as well as all the minigames, you may have to ditch them all to save time but fans do not want this and SE cannot do that. I don't want to wait ten years for a remake when I can play the classic right now on my PS1 .
If there is going to be a remake which I think it will happend then it will be for the PS3 for sure. We just have to wait for more information to be anounced.
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VII Remake coming next Gen?

Square Enix appears to have started work on a next generation game engine. And the image they've used to promote this fact is sure to draw some controversy.
Visit the the company's recruit page, and, as of March 9, you'll see this:

Above that little strip of Cloud Strife, the text reads "Seeking the highest level of talent," and in smaller characters, "New generation game engine development project starts."
The Japanese text in the large paragraph below Cloud notes that thanks to the appearance of the PS3 and Xbox 360, video game graphics and sound have seen dramatic increases. In the future, gaming visuals and sound could meet or even exceed movie quality, demanding a high level game development environment. To meet the quality demanded of games in the coming years while dealing with costs, game development environments will need not just "reforms," but "revolution."
"At Square Enix, in anticipation of the appearance of next generation platforms, we've started development on a new generation game engine for competing beyond the level of the strong developers throughout the world, and are presently seeking a lot of talent."
Positions include game engine system programmer, 3D graphics core programmer, online system programmer, Windows application programmer, rendering programmer, server/DB programmer, plug-in programmer, technical artist and technical writer. The system and core programmer all ask for PS3 and Xbox 360 development experience, with strong knowledge of SPUs. The online system programmer position asks for knowledge of large scale client programming of the type seen in MMOs. The positions are all based in Tokyo.
Bill114, I merged your topic with this one. This thread can cover any discussion about a possible FFVII remake since there is no official word on it yet. Once there is word "officially" from Square-Enix, then multiple threads will be permitted to discuss the different aspects of the game.
Why couldn't they keep the backdrops, clean up the characters, keep voice acting out, make kick ass cG scenes, and expand the world a little bit. just cleaning up the detail a little, expanding the world and inventories a bit with add'l weapons and accessories and materia. Easily done, just task out 2 or 3 smaller developer to come up with a bid and a prototype in 12 months, then expand and perfect that with the PS3 and 360. It would make a ton of $$$$$, A TON.
Hmmm I never even considered the use of voice actors. I'm sure SE would want to stay updated if they made a remake and use the Japanese and English VA's for the new game. I already have conflicted feelings about the current voices, so having that in the remake might be iffy for me...

I still vote yes, though!
There are only two good things that could come out of an FF7 remake.

1. improved translation

2. Watching Cloud in HD crossdress and actually hearing him say "anything you want daddy."