Final Fantasy VIII: The Twilight Hour

[Name] Zell Dincht
[Age] 20
[Gender] Male
[Specialization] Monk
[Weapon] Metal Knuckle: Zell uses his own Martial Arts abilities, fighting in hand to hand at all times. Very physically strong he can knock out an average grunt in a single punch, his greatest asset is his ability to chain his attacks into brutal combos dealing far more damage than one would normally expect of him.

[Alliance] Balamb Garden/SeeD
[Starting Point] Balamb Garden Catheteria

[Physical Description] Zell hasn't changed much over the past 3 years, gaining 2 inches in height and becoming slightly more buff from his training. He still wears almost the same clothes, only a larger size now, naturally. The only difference being that he doesn't wear the jacket now, leaving him with a black short sleeved shirt and his blue baggy trousers and red shoes. He still posesses his facial tattoo and his hair is slightly longer now, giving him a small ponytail at the back and his front slightly higher.
[Personality] Disciplined and focused on the mission when he has to be and always supportive of his friends. Outside of missions he's Balamb Garden's token Hot Dog hunter, with a reputation for being loud and at times, notably childish. His main goal in life is to become like his father, being his main motivation when on missions, no matter the odds. Always wanting to be as useful as possible to his comrades, not wanting to be dead weight to them.

[Brief History] During his childhood Zell lived in an Orphanage with Squall, Quistis, Selphie, Irvine and Seifer. Throughout his time at the orphanage he was constantly bullied by Seifer, called names such as 'Chicken-Wuss'. When they all transferred to their respective Gardens and grew accustomed to GFs their memories of the Orphanage were forgotten. During this period he was adopted by the Dincht family and the man he believed to be his father; who was dead, he looked up to, and aspired to be just like him.

After a bizarre chain of events Zell, along with Squall, Rinoa, Quistis, Selphie and Irvine battled the Sorceress Ultimecia and stopped her Time Compression. As the years went by after this, Zell has continued to grow from strength to strength, ready to defend his friends or fight alongside them.
Curse you and your spellcheckers :mokken: I thought I spelt it wrong but couldn't for the life of me think of the correct spelling xD

Curse you all :'( FINAL HEAVEN etc

On a random note, the RP starts tomorrow, I believe? :hmmm:
Catheteria xDXDXD

I'm pretty sure I've seen it say that in here, Jess had better hurry up and sort that bio out xD

Hopefully tonight I'll be in the mood to write the opening post and give out the initial PMS.

If not tonight, DEFFO tomorrow when I get home.

Either way, This RP will start in the next 30 hours max. XD
[Name] ...Xu
[Age] ...21
[Gender] ...Female
[Specialization] ...Gunner
[Weapon] ...Silver Fox and Golden Dragon
A pair of simple, unadorned pistols. One, The Fox, is a polished silver, the other, The Dragon, being gold.

[Alliance] ...SeeD - Second-in-Command
[Starting Point] ...Balamb Garden (Headmaster's Office)

[Physical Description] ...Xu is a slender young woman with short, dark brown eyes and deep hazel eyes. At roughly 5'5'', she is moderately tall for someone of her build, but her professional presence often makes her more noticable. With only slight curves, she can be described as having a "boyish" build, but Xu cares not. She is atheletic, working hard to maintain her stamina so that she can best serve Squall and the SeeD. Xu wears the standard female SeeD uniform with her badge of office (a pin badge) attached to the collar/lapel (thing >_>)

[Personality] ...Xu is a professional, hard working woman who focuses her attention entirely to the task at hand. She is compassionate about her inferiors, and admires her superiors. A driven woman, she tries her utmost constantly to perform to the highest standards, even at the risk of herself. Xu is a caring friend, but is also extremely honest, being blunt and upfront about failings even to the likes of Squall.

[Brief History] ...Xu stood by Squall's side from the very beginning. She was the one who took him through his first mission briefing and she was always there when he needed guidance once the war with Ultimecia broke out. For the last three years, she has been doing pretty much the same. A close friend to Squall now, she stands by his side as a guide and commander. Xu admires Squall and his leadership and believes that their decision to make him SeeD Commander was correct. For the last year or so, she has been in contact with Edea and now awaits the inevitable war of Esthar. She will guide Squall just as she did before.
Accepted, Squee.

Now about to send out PMs. Bear with me guys as it might take a little while. XD
thanks for accepting,w I'll be short on time for a bit, so dont expect a post from me. I have no idea when I'll have time, so I can't even give a guess to when I'll post

Also, looking back at the bio i put up I forgot to mention, I'm changing his age 8F only for this rp, cuz Final Fantasy 8 never had this kind of magical weapons deal, soI'll make him 52, alright guys?




[Weapon]...Rifle (must think of sexy name later). Nida's rifle has a slender silver barrel and a black handle. I'll add a picture later.

[Alliance]..Balamb Garden/SeeD

[Starting Point]...Bridge

[Physical Description]...Nida is tall and slim. His regular workouts in the training area keep him in shape and slightly muscular. He has short black messy hair that tends to fall over his forehead and sometimes his dark eyes. Nida almost always has a friendly smile for those he encounters. He tends to be more formal in attire than a lot of the other SeeDs and wears his uniform with pride.

[Personality]...Nida is a bit shy, quiet and reserved. He does not generally stick out in a crowd and he prefers to keep it that way. Though he isn't really outgoing, he is very friendly and easy to get along with. Nida can be a bit of a loner and enjoys spending time in his room curled up with a book or a pen and journal. He has opened up since becoming a SeeD and now considers Squall, Xu and the others among his friends.

[Brief History]...Nida grew up in Fisherman's Horizon, where his father was employed as a Fisherman. His mother died when he was young and since his father was often working, Nida spent a great deal of time alone. He would often get lost in books to forget his loneliness. Nida entered Balamb Garden after much prodding from his father; the old man thought being around the other students would help him to adjust and make friends. He made only a few friends during his first few years at the Garden; he still kept mainly to himself and focused on his studies. It wasn't until he passed the SeeD exam that he began to open up to others and as the pilot of the garden, he began to at least become a recognizable face in the crowd.
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[Name] Jack Athlon
[Age] 19
[Gender] Male
[Specialization] Ninja
[Weapon] Two medium sized Katanas, they look like this

[Alliance] Balamb Garden/SeeD
[Starting Point] Training Area (Secret Area)

[Physical Description] Jack is a average sized guy but very fit. He works out almost every day. He has dark blue eyes which seems completely miss matched with his dark brown hair. He has several tattoos on his arms and back, the one on his back displays the signal of Balamb which looks like this . And his one on his arm say the name Michelle, no one knows who she is and when they ask him about it he doesn't want to talk about it.

[Personality]Jack is what is considered a nice guy. Whenever somebody has any problems Jack is the one most people come too. While he trained to be a stealthy ninja, he happens to be one of the most clumsiest people around. He tries really hard to be stealthy but it seems the only time he accomplishes this is when it is a serious moment and the need is great.

[Brief History] Jack grew up in Fisherman's Horizon. His parents oddly enough were blacksmiths and while were accepted in the fishing community, were considered a outside family. In a sick twist of fate on a leisurely fishing trip his parents where tragically killed in a freak storm. He was only 7 at the time so he went to live with his aunt and uncle in Balamb. They were an older couple and found out the hard way that Jack was a little more than a handful, the only school nearby was Balamb Garden. In the following years he turned out to be an excellent student. He aced every test and was always fast to make friends with anybody he met. When Squall and friends were off saving the world from the Sorceress, Jack was three years younger not yet able to take the SeeD exam. When the Garden was attacked by Galbadia, he fought along side with many of his friends and saw quite a few of them die. Some nights he is still haunted by the dreaded day and thanks Squall for not only saving Garden but the world. Now he is 19 and fully ready to take the SeeD exam, he has trained long and hard for this day and hopes that like so many times before his clumsiness wont get in the way.

Phew! I hope that is good enough I am still pretty new at this RP stuff. If there are any problems just let me know. ;)
Here it is Vikki. I'm sory about the history, it's longer than I thought it would be and I'm not certain it's in fantastic English, but I think it gets my point across, and I know you said you wanted one soonish.

[Name] Laguna Loire

[Age] 47

[Gender] Male

[Specialization] President of Esthar (Gunner)

[Weapon] Machine Gun (Kiros and Ward usually with him, Kiros with two hand blades, and Ward with a large, heavy spear like weapon - Harpoon)

[Alliance] Esthar Army and Ruler of Esthar

[Starting Point] Esthar Palace Conference room.

[Physical Description] Laguna is about 5’9” tall. He has black hair that passes his shoulders and hangs over the right hand side of his face, half covering one of his bright blue eyes. He is an ex-soldier and so has the physique to show for the years he spent in the army, however over the last few years he has relaxed a little and so has began to lose some of the musculature he once had. He now wears plain shirts and trousers with his old, comfortable army boots, not what one would expect the leader of a country to choose to wear. He is beginning to get the complexion of an older man, but at first glance one might place his age at around 35.

[Personality] Laguna is an honest, caring and friendly man who can at times seem as though he is a bit clumsy and lost, and doesn’t think through what he is doing. However he is a natural leader, and most of those around him respect him for his abilities. Around pretty women he becomes nervous and can talk at length about himself without thinking about what he is doing. He enjoyed writing whilst served in the Galbadian army, and always dreamed of becoming a journalist. He never got this job, but wrote articles for the “Timber Maniacs” magazine in order to pay for his world travels whilst searching for the young girl he had helped to look after, Ellone many years later.

[Brief History] Laguna was a member of the Galbadian army around 20 years ago. At this time he was given two “subordinates” by the names of Kiros and Ward. The three of them immediately became more like friends than a leader and two followers. The three were assigned to the fight in Timber. Later on they were assigned to fight Esthar forces in Centra. Whilst there Laguna got his team lost and they stumbled across a secret Esthar excavation site where the three of them were severely injured and escaped only by jumping from a cliff into the sea.

Laguna found himself washed up in a small town called Winhill where the young woman who ran the local inn, Raine, nursed him back to health. Once he had recovered he took it upon himself to defend the town from monsters as most of the men had left to fight in the Galbadian army. However whilst Laguna was out of Winhill one day, Estharian soldiers raided the village and took Ellone as a successor for the sorceress Adel.

This was when Laguna travelled the world with Kiros and Ward in order to find her. He eventually ended up in Esthar working in what seemed to be a slave camp, and one day he escaped swearing to help the people of Esthar overthrow their current leader, the Sorceress Adel. He managed this by leading a rebellion against her which proved a great success, and she was then locked in stasis out in space where she could be monitored by scientists from Esthar. For this victory he was made president of Esthar by the people.

During the sorceress war in which Squall and his squad mates were involved Laguna helped them get out into space in order to help cure Rinoa. But when Rinoa released Adel in space he helped Squall and the others organise their attack against the sorceress in the future by telling them the plan that Dr. Odine had come up with.
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