Final Fantasy VIII: The Twilight Hour

If my RP bio gets approved, that'll make for a Wolf-like man who could potentially end up being amongst some pretty well known heroes (Squall and co.), I can only wonder how they would react to his appearance, it should be interesting too, this could be entertaining. xD
yea, but i would jus call you character 'dog' as in "yo dog" and "whats up dog" which may very well get on his nerves as he is a wolf.
I accept it just because I want Elizabeth to call him puppy, just to piss him off. :mokken: XDDD

Lol Stephen. That'd provide hours of fun with the moomba. :8F:
Well, firstly, does this moomba speak? :hmmm: I know there was one that could in the desert prison, but is this one that one? I just made a general moomba bio :8F:
I'll be sure to play along then? :confused: How do ALL of them know his name? :hmmm: well I'll just role with it alright?
I accept it just because I want Elizabeth to call him puppy, just to piss him off. :mokken:

Is that the only reason, not because it was any good? :wacky: It will be fun to be reacting to reactions, I'm curious to see how Squall and co. may react to his appearance, should I get...there. Tbh I am not quite sure where there is yet... :hmmm:
We are currently in Trabia...though you could also star at Eshtar or anywhere if you like.....

.....would you like me to give you a map?
Already chose Starting Point as the Training Center, so from there it is a matter of where to go to meet up with the rest of the group to have some part of this task at Trabia...perhaps along the way there he notices it has started moving, and wondering where it could be headed, assuming something is about to take place, heading for outside, which from what I gather will be Trabia.
It was good too. XD

Also, everyone, it's Mission time. Follow your mission briefing. anyone else is free rein.

don't go TOO far ahead. New PMs will be sent out soon.
I am, Arukab Tragide that is. I'm not sure who else is but I know stephen is
I am there, too, Cerberus. Siefer and his gang, (Fuujin and Raijin) are there causing a rucus :monster:
Most of the people going on the mission are around that area, Bolt.

Also, the only request I have as far as your involvement in the mission, Bolt, is that you go with Stephen.
Stephen huh...hopefully at some point I'll be cooperating in something with the real celebrities. xD Perhaps that will be ideal for starting out on this though, one original character with another one.

And ah, Seifer...the one who calls takes pleasure in calling Zell Dincht a chicken-wuss, and tries to pick a fight with Squall. :P
I'm just waiting until we are needed. . . fun.

well, i will probably be disembarking from Garden and just watching the Candidates go
I'm followng Elizabeth around, so i gotta wait on her. She's waiting on other people, so i kinda lost track who all we're waiting for.

Besides that, meh. I just want to get to Trabia so i can start cutting things in half.
Well, if you're heading out, and it is suggested I go with you, I suppose my presence in the area best be acknowledged by you first so we can team up and head out. :wacky:
Don't worry guys, it won't be long til the non-cadets are getting some action. That's all I'm saying for now. :wacky:

Fear not! You shall get to kill things soon Shadow.