Final Fantasy Wrong Answer

because, its the ultimate life form (aka Shadow) who is going to kick your ass if he is left out

Why does Eiko have a horn?
So that she can make resonating sounds through it to communicate with faraway Eikos.

Why didn't Seifer pass the SEED exam when Squall did?
Cuz Squall gave Quistis a lap dance the night before.

Why is Kimahri shorter than the other Ronsos?
Because, he doesn't want to be wrapped up like a douse in the silence of the night (blinded by the light- cheap trick)

Why do the moogles decide to help Locke and Terra?
Because Locke and Terra left a trail of Kupo Nuts leading through Narshe up to the place where they got into trouble :D

Why does Setzer like to gamble?
Because, he's really Gambit in disguise (from X-men) Who does Dagger summon with Eiko?
The road that i sit on every day in traffic, with little leprechauns jumping into my muffler.

What is an Esper?
It summons Micheal Vick so you can let your pit bull loose on him.

Who is Maester Mika?
You know, that delusional guy who walks down you're street every day who can never say the word "master" right.

What does Sephiroth do to Aeris?
A crazy powerful attack that causes instant death by means of sexytiem.

What is JENOVA really?
You know, that little thing that buzzes in your ear for the better part of two hours, that you cant seem to kill. :rage:

What is Gaia?