Final Fantasy Wrong Answer

A virus that makes people sick and eventually causes them to die.

So liek why DOES Quistis have those creepy Trepe fans?
Cuz those are the students who are getting an A++ in her class if you catch my meaning :P

What is Geostigma?
Because they think its a good thing to die! They're on happy pills as it is.

Why does Terra have green hair?

There I answered it myself, now let normal game play continue please! XD

Who is Squall's father?
The are game. They are to be hunted down. They are worth MANY GIL AND POINTS :)

How much damage does Cactuar's 1,000 needle attack do?
It'll destroy the game and system you're playing it on both!

Why does Auron have a theme song?
He is Paula Deen in a Halloween costume. Also, he owns a clothing store named Quan after Vivi's grandfather, which is a RL store in the mall near me :ohshit: They don't sell chef's hats though :sad3: They are uncultured in the ways of learning about the world through eating.

Why is it called Final Fantasy if they keep making more of them? :wacky:
Because Square Enix is bipolar when it comes to making RPGs.

Why must Kefka look like a clown pedophile?