Final Fantasy Wrong Answer

Because all clowns are pedophiles and don't let anyone tell you different

Why is it that vivi feels the need to trip over ever 5 minutes?
Because Yuna is a summoner.

Why is Lightning a commander?
she was in world war 2 :P

why is tidus in love with yuna????
To try to convince himself he doesn't like dudes.

Why does Cloud have spiky hair?
To try to convince himself he doesn't like dudes.

Why does Cloud have spiky hair?

he wanted to be sonic the hedgehog

why does zidane have a tail??
It's not real. It's a sex toy that he forgot to remove.

Does Yuna straighten her hair constantly off screen?
It's not real. It's a sex toy that he forgot to remove.

Does Yuna straighten her hair constantly off screen?

na she does after spending the night with seymour :P

how old is rikku?
As old as a chihuahua.

Are the full-body armor suits that some FF characters wear well-ventilated, to allow odors to escape and cool air inside? :hmmm:
They dont need it to be so. We all know they're cyborgs And are manned by those tiny aliens in Men in Black. Basch became extremely loyal to Dalmasca after his home country of Landis was attacked by the Archadians. why is this?
yea wrong answer i missed this :P

anywaz to the point... she really enjoyed having a nice snog with zidane at night :P

what did yuna say when she first saw tidus
Because Tifa said sex wasn't good enough.

Why is Hope so emo?
He didn't think Luneth was a 'he.'

Why the hell does Barrett swear so much?
He didn't think Luneth was a 'he.'

Why the hell does Barrett swear so much?

Because he doesn't give a *%$# what any of the mother^&%$#@ characters in the &*^$ing game say about him :mokken: He's a bad&$! mother*@^$%#! and that's all there is to it! (hugs Barret :yay:)

Why is Lulu the only person in Spira who dresses the way she does?