Final Fantasy XIII English Theme Song - Leona Lewis "My Hands"

Well, I supposed we could all look on the bright side. The Japanese version has two theme songs so maybe we'll get two theme songs, with this being the one that's used the least D:

Sources, Mr. Newsman :wacky:

You know, I wonder how the higher-ups at Square-Enix are feeling over the various fans' reaction to this song. I don't think I'm wrong when I say that the majority aren't too pleased >_<
See the Japanese version do so absolutely well, and I'm not sure why not try to put an English-Transitioned Artist behind that just to tweak it.

Like I said, in no shape or form am I dissing Leona, she's a good singer from what I can tell, but the song is cracked out for FF. The lyrics don't fit, the song itself doesn't fit, and even with a remixed version I don't see it cutting it.

I listened to it a second time and I was kind of going.. I wonder what they are trying to gain off of using her. I mean Marketing Ratings for FF13 are already probably through the roof, why use a pop icon to demonstrate more for this company. I mean look at how beautiful Crisis Core was compared to this.

Every single song I could listen to over and over again on that soundtrack. I mean granted this is only "one" song.. but this is the "title" song from what I hear.
Oooh, that sounds nice. I think this "Eternal Love" is trying to go for the more "My Hands" vibe, but without the phail in meshing with FFXIII. I love the beat and rhythm and over-all musical sound ^^
nice song.. although i can't understand the lyrics.. its still..
better than "my hands".. the beat.. the rhythm.. its like.. the traditional ff style...
Oh that song was short but good! Its only a preview right? Also Eternal love SHOULD be the theme song in the eng version because it stands out much more and is more FF like. I think MY Hands has shit all to do with XIII. I listened to My hands and wtf kinda FF song is that? SE -__-
I'm not saying that it 'My hands' fits FF but I'm not saying that it doesn't either. We don't know the full storyline yet. It will take me actually playing the game to know weather it actually goes with it or not.

All the songs that I've heard that are said to be in 13 are beautiful. But like I said We don't know the full story yet.
Oooh, that sounds nice. I think this "Eternal Love" is trying to go for the more "My Hands" vibe, but without the phail in meshing with FFXIII. I love the beat and rhythm and over-all musical sound ^^
Other way around, that was made before the Leona Lewis song was announced! :gasp:

The problem is with the Leona Lewis song is that the beat isn't really similar to either Japanese version and this:

I wake in the morning
Tired of sleeping
Get in the shower
And my make my bed alone
I put on my make up
Talk into the mirror

I really doubt that's going to fit in anywhere D:
I really loathe the idea that "My Hands" is suppose to be about Lightening, especially since Square-Enix has been emphasizing she's suppose to be kind of the tomboy-independent woman type of character (well, sort of). I even vaguely thought it might be Yun Fang (spelling?) since we really don't know anything about her at this point, so maybe a butt load of plot around her could be related to that song. Maybe she's longing for Snow even though he loves Serah :awesome:

As for the song, it doesn't feel distinctive enough for game music. I wanna make clear that I'm not bashing Leona or the song itself, but it really doesn't feel like gaming music. It might be because Final Fantasy is a JRPG so I'm used to a certain style when it comes to themes, but "My Hands" isn't doing anything for me :/
Well...I actually don't mind having "My Hands" as the theme song for FFXIII. I mean, I was kind of annoyed when I first heard the news--Kimi ga Iru Kara is an awesome song, and the music phenomenal, so how could SE go and just throw it away? But after really listening to "My Hands," I think it might fit the game--not Lightning, specifically, but the whole...feel of the game.
Really, we just have to wait until the game actually comes out in the US to tell if the song fits the game or not. I will admit, though, that it doesn't really sound like it fits an RPG...but what do I know? I just think that, maybe, we need to keep an open mind.

Either way, it really is a very pretty, moving song.
Oh, no, this can't be true, can it?

I mean Leona Lewis is okay, but I don't care for her alot. I've been looking foward to the first Final Fantasy to feature an American or British or English speaking superstar singing the theme song, but this? Why couldn't they get someone more famous or who's just better? What about Madonna?

Anyway, I guess it's not that bad of a song, rather like the other vocal themes of FF game, so maybe I'll like it in.

Second theme song for Japanese version! :awesome:

You see, I think this song is along the lines of My Hands =/ It feels basically the same sorta thing just in Japanese, language ain't gonna make a difference to me. So quite frankly, I don't know what the lyrics are for obvious reasons, but going by the mood of the song, it can't differ to farly to My Hands. If they are honestly going with this sorta theme and it's getting praise for it, I really don't see why My Hands doesn't.

That said, I still don't feel My Hands suits, and the same can be said for this song. But I still feel that Leona Lewis's name is just gonna expand the target audience of the game, and isn't gonna ruin it, saying so is just dramatic tbqh. =/
I don't see it, Leona Lewis songs are far, far slower and more depressive and that one's more upbeat. Plus the lyrics for that probably fit FFXIII far better than My Hands too.

I still don't think SE are going to get as much out My Hands. Americans probably don't really care about her that much and over here no one even mentions her until she releases a song. I don't think My Hands would ruin it, but at the same time I don't think it's going to do much for SE :S

Honestly, such a terrible decision. I love leona lewis and her voice is perfect for final fantasy, it sort of resembles what any final fantasy character ever would sound like if they suddenly burst into song. But the lyrics for this song just do not match at all. Its going to sound tragically misplaced in-game.
Why do they have to do poppy like songs? I wish they would go back to the older style of of a soundtrack. I honestly hate this kind of music. Not the singer herself she sounds pretty talented. This is going to make the game slightly less enjoyable for me. The in game theme will be more classical right? If not I'll be muting it the entire time.

To be honest I don't think having a famous singer is a good choice at all. It really doesnt feel like final fantasy at all when there is pop music playing. Im more then a little disappointed.

In my opinion music with a lot of feeling but that was absent close to absent of lyrics would be much better for almost every situation in the game.

Is this just the opening theme?
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Why do they have to do poppy like songs? I wish they would go back to the older style of of a soundtrack. I honestly hate this kind of music. Not the singer herself she sounds pretty talented. This is going to make the game slightly less enjoyable for me. The in game theme will be more classical right? If not I'll be muting it the entire time.

To be honest I don't think having a famous singer is a good choice at all. It really doesnt feel like final fantasy at all when there is pop music playing. Im more then a little disappointed.

In my opinion music with a lot of feeling but that was absent close to absent of lyrics would be much better for almost every situation in the game.

Is this just the opening theme?

Well every FF has one special song with lyrics and the rest of the music is mostly classical, XIII is no different judging from the theme's released so far.

And leona is certainly not pop, i do see where your coming from saying their shouldnt be a famous singer however. It sort of takes you out of the game a bit.
I just do not think the style of music is fitting whatsoever, and she may not be pop but she sounds just like a dimmed down Mariah Carey or something I would hear when I walk into the GAP store with my GF because shes looking for new pants.

You are probably right but I don't remember any of the final fantasies before X having lyrics in songs of theirs. You are probably right though and I just forgot them because I most likely did not like them. I'm not counting songs like one winged angel because thats not really the same style of music. A song like this one by Leona Lewis the lyrics are part of the main focus of the song, and I dont think the music or the lyrics are fitting. Maybe they are but at least not to the way I personally view the games usually. Whatever though if its only one song I don't care and hope there are people who enjoy it greatly.
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I just do not think the style of music is fitting whatsoever, and she may not be pop but she sounds just like a dimmed down Mariah Carey or something I would hear when I walk into the GAP store with my GF because shes looking for new pants.

You are probably right but I don't remember any of the final fantasies before X having lyrics in songs of theirs. You are probably right though and I just forgot them because I most likely did not like them. I'm not counting songs like one winged angel because thats not really the same style of music. A song like this one by Leona Lewis the lyrics are part of the main focus of the song, and I dont think the music or the lyrics are fitting. Maybe they are but at least not to the way I personally view the games usually. Whatever though if its only one song I don't care and hope there are people who enjoy it greatly.

Well VIII and IX certainly had one each. A dimmed down version of mariah? Really? She is nothing like mariah. I guess this is all just your opinion but i think leona is perfect for final fantasy, but the song choice was tragic. I kinda feel that their should have been a new song written for this game at least, just shoting a song that has already existed and been sold seems really unproffesional to me especially for final fantasy. But i dont expect leona to honestly write XIII its own song, she probably doesnt give a monkeys.
She is nothing like mariah.

I remember that Rolling Stone made that comparison once. I think it's because she's R and B. I don't like her all that much, but she can sing.

Anyway, what's wrong with pop music. I've loved every FF theme there is, even the ones from FF10-2. I don't think rock or rap would fit any FF game. I love pop music.

But I can understand the famous musician taking you out of the game. Let's just all pray that it's not one of the characters who burst into song, or I'll throw my controller at my tv.
It's just another mistake Square Enix did trying to make FFs more appealing to the Western market. If they think this is going to help the game sell more than FFVII as said, they are completely wrong, it's the FPS era in the West, people aren't going to buy JRPG like they would back then. FFs are supposed to have memorable songs such as One Winged Angel, Dancing Mad, not such a forgettable song like this one.
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