Final Fantasy XIII English Theme Song - Leona Lewis "My Hands"

Square just doesnt realise that the westerners that arent going to buy this game, wont buy it. No matter how much more western they try to make it. JRPG's are pretty much the main genre of japan, here though JRPG's are only for people who really enjoy them, mostly FPS's rule.

Plus the people who are into JRPG's (the only people who will ever buy any final fantasy ever) dont want western stuff in it. They want japanese stuff, its interesting to us! Now that they have put in an english song, its seriously depressing.
Square just doesnt realise that the westerners that arent going to buy this game, wont buy it.
This pretty much nailed it (y).
Plus the people who are into JRPG's (the only people who will ever buy any final fantasy ever) dont want western stuff in it. They want japanese stuff, its interesting to us! Now that they have put in an english song, its seriously depressing.
This one's a funny one, though I can exactly where you're coming from. I think those who are big fans of JRPGs want FFXIII as a JRPG inclined game, However, I think those who are WRPG fans of say, Fallout 3 or Oblivion, really like a Western element in it so I think it would probably sell FFXIII to a broader western audience. The song won't sell the game though, that's pretty much a fact. How many people buy games because they like the theme song? =/
She is nothing like mariah.

I remember that Rolling Stone made that comparison once. I think it's because she's R and B. I don't like her all that much, but she can sing.

Anyway, what's wrong with pop music. I've loved every FF theme there is, even the ones from FF10-2. I don't think rock or rap would fit any FF game. I love pop music.

But I can understand the famous musician taking you out of the game. Let's just all pray that it's not one of the characters who burst into song, or I'll throw my controller at my tv.

I was basically saying she sings the same type of music which it's pretty clear she does. You are right they aren't alike because Mariah has a way better range(better then any pop singer out right now or for the last 20 yearsish), but that's not really relevant I don't think rock or rap would fit at all either but I don't think pop does either. This is not anime. Pop goes great with anime, but not FF. They have done anime spin-offs or whatever, and pop would fit great with that. Anyway I'm not saying this is Japanese pop style or Lady Gaga style just that you would hear it on pop stations. It's not the sound that reminds me of FF in anyway.

I'm sure a lot of the new FF players feel differently about it because of the songs that were in newer games like in X-2(I think I havent played that or XII but its whichever one the character rikku is in). So I guess it's personal preference. I'm not bashing anime either. It just isn't what I'm into.

My opinion is my opinion though and I expect many people in the world to disagree with almost all of them at some point. I just like a more classical style of music. If this is just for the opening seen or the title screen or whatever then awesome I don't care, but if it's actually in the game at some point I'm going to have a hard time getting into that scene.
Ok I'm just gonna start by saying, it seems people who are not liking the choice of music have either A: Never heard of Leona or B: Just don't like her..

There must be a reason why they chose to change the song to Leona and I think for us British people it is an honour, Things change all the time I mean no Final Fantasy game is the same and some people are gonna hate this fact and some are gonna like it, from what I've seen in this thread I think I'm part of the Minority.

I really like the song and from what I've seen and read I think it fits in if only a little.
Well, even if the whole British video-game market decides to jump on the FFXIII bandwagon this alone won't increase the sales back to FFVII/FFX/FFVIII level (what SquareEnix expects). Americans couldn't care less for Leona singing a Final Fantasy Theme Song, which sounds like any other song they hear on Mainstream Radio. Anyway, I hope the attempt to appeal more to the West doesn't end up leading to a japanese franchise loosing it's own identity.
Ok I'm just gonna start by saying, it seems people who are not liking the choice of music have either A: Never heard of Leona or B: Just don't like her..
I'm going to have to disagree with this quite strongly, sure some people have never heard of her but most people are judging the theme song based on the lyrics and such like and it doesn't really sound like it's going to fit into the FFXIII theme. I personally think Leona has an extremely good voice and actually like the song, I just don't like the fact it doesn't sound as if it's going to fit the game, at all. =/
I'm going to have to disagree with this quite strongly, sure some people have never heard of her but most people are judging the theme song based on the lyrics and such like and it doesn't really sound like it's going to fit into the FFXIII theme. I personally think Leona has an extremely good voice and actually like the song, I just don't like the fact it doesn't sound as if it's going to fit the game, at all. =/

To be honest I'm not liking that people are pre-judging a song chosen for a game before a game is even released. I've read the lyrics and can understand how the song fits in the game, it's definitely to do with Lightning but can't really go into it without revealing spoilers to people that don't really want to know alot.

And I'm not really a big fan of Leona myself, my boyfriend just loves her,x3 all I'm really saying is wait until the game is released and if people still feel strongly about this subject then fair doos.
In reality though, and most certainly in the gaming world, everything is pre-judged. For example, people were already saying that battle system and such like for FFXIII is going to be shit and that's when we knew pretty much next to nothing about it. The lyrics after the first verse would probably fit, but it's the first verse that's the problem:

"I wake in the morning
Tired of sleeping
Get in the shower

And make my bed alone
I put on my makeup
Talking to the mirror

In no way shape or form can I fit that into FFXIII. I think the other main problem is that the majority of people wanted an English version of the Japanese theme, which does suit the theme of FFXIII far more.
Wow, late much? I just now saw this thread and read all posts from page 1-7. I don't know who Leona Lewis or even heard any of her songs (aside from "My Hands" just moments ago) but I can definitely say that in general, I don't care who sings the theme song for FFXIII (or any games for that matter) as long as it's at least somewhat half-decent. "My Hands" seems to be right around that mid-line in my opinion - it's not a terrible song and I do like her strong voice, but all in all I also can't seem to get into the choice of music and tune. It doesn't have to do with the genre...but in a lyrical sense I thought the song was a bit repetitive with the whole 'My Hands' ringing in your ears every 1-5 lines. Just a tad bit overdone for me, that's all. And of course, I do agree with the majority - the first lines just seemed a bit random, but hopefully they can do something to fix that bit. I have to say though...after listening it a few times more, I do think it's a pretty catchy song and I'm actually liking some parts of it. Not totally digging it, but it's fine. We'll just have to see how they implement this in the game - it might turn out alright afterall.
Yeah i'm quite agree with it, we like those things and we don't want them to be change..