Final Fantasy XIII - Not PS3 Exclusive?

Not to be a party pooper, but the more companies move over to 360 the better. Personally, microsoft is just going to continue to own the game world with their outstanding technology and close to endless amount of money to put into development and research etc...

Also, microsoft really is picking up sole companies...or at least I think so. Bungie, people who made Gears of War etc...
It seems to me that if FF does go to the 360, a good reason for it would be to counter Mistwalker. *sigh* ever since Squaresoft and Enix merged all they've cared about it money. Loyalties mean nothing to them now.
Not to be a party pooper, but the more companies move over to 360 the better. Personally, microsoft is just going to continue to own the game world with their outstanding technology and close to endless amount of money to put into development and research etc...

Also, microsoft really is picking up sole companies...or at least I think so. Bungie, people who made Gears of War etc...

Microsoft doesn't own the company that made Gears of War (Epic). Seriously, ever heard of Unreal Tournament 3. Coming out on PS3 and PC and maybe 360.

Also, I hate hearing that the PS3 is failing when it's been out less than 7 months. If we went by that, almost all consoles would have failed. The PS3 is doing as well if not better than 360 did when it came out. Plus, the European market and Japanese market still care way more for the Sony and Nintendo than the Microsoft.

And loyalties? No one has loyalties anymore. Even Square once had loyalties to Nintendo. Not so much anymore.
How can someone in their right mind talk about a company and mention loyalties in the same sentence...
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I dunno I'd like to see Final Fantasys come over to 360, But if they released it on PS3 and 360 then wouldn't that just be Profit + for Enix?
360 has clearly made it's mark on us and has the advantage of a 2year running date where the PS3 is like the exchange kid in the class..... Is he a fat choclate troffer? or a friendly little bundle of game goodness?
No one knows.
I had a ps3 and sold it within a week didn't like it.
OK OK OK, enough about the 360 and the PS3, The question is(though unlikely) is it coming on the playstation two....
No. And I'm very inclined to a "duh" as well. :P lol Seriously though, there's no way Final Fantasy XIII is coming to any previous gen consoles. Have you seen the screenshots? There's just no way the engine could even run on any of the older platforms.
No. And I'm very inclined to a "duh" as well. :P lol Seriously though, there's no way Final Fantasy XIII is coming to any previous gen consoles. Have you seen the screenshots? There's just no way the engine could even run on any of the older platforms.

:'( hope is crushed....i wont have enough $$$$$ to buy the ps3 for a loooonnnnngggg while....but the "duh" was in order, i just needed to make sure that i wouldnt be able to get it when it comes out.
According to Wikipedia, Final Fantasy XIII was going to be for the PS2 but moved to PS3 because the developing team discovered the power of the PS3.
However, not all of Wikipedia's information is correct. Guess it will be sometime until Square announce what platform it will be on. They can't take it from the Playstation because Final Fantasy is (most probably) the most popular game for it. If it goes somewhere else, then it'll lose a lot of fans. I don't like the XBOX 360 or the Wii. Playstation has been the most popular console in the world for years, so I don't see it switching anytime soon.
It's probably because of the cost it makes to make games in this day and age that the 'exclusive' games are finding themselves on other systems. End of the day, money is money and if a company can make it then they will.

Here's hoping to FF13 on the 360. :D
Sony owns a part of Square-Enix (or that's what i've heard) so i doubt they'll make main ff's to other consoles (the spinoffs, tactics etc have been developed by another part of S-E made only for going around that).
It's probably because of the cost it makes to make games in this day and age that the 'exclusive' games are finding themselves on other systems. End of the day, money is money and if a company can make it then they will.

Here's hoping to FF13 on the 360. :D

Totally agreed there. FF13 is NOT worth spending $600+ for.
Why should sony fans fucking care about it being made on the xbox 360 when they can still play it on the ps3.

If FFXIII ever went on the 360, i'd immediately dislike it. Why? Because I hate Xbox more then any other system/console.

That is a completely stupid thing to say.

if FFXIII comes out on other consoles, they won't be powerful enough to play it unless its a lot crapper the the PS3 version

How the fuck is it going to be alot crapper?

The PS3 will only show its superiority in about 2 - 5 years time and I seriously doubt FFXIII will take that long to come out.

I almost want it to come out for the Xbox 360 just to annoy the sony fan boys.
^ Why is it that every time i post something that's *slightly* off topic it gets deleted but that obvious spam is still around. *sighs*

*sees mods approaching this post armed with boomerangs*
Anyway! I really hope that FFXIII comes to the wii. However, I seriously doubt that will ever happen. More likely, the wii will get some sort of FFXIII spin-off. Then wii owners (like me) will be annoyed at having to have a PS3 to play the main game (which people who play the spin-off will probably want to do) and PS3 owners will be mad that they have to buy a wii to get the whole FFXIII story. Everybody wins!

Also, I read this in a magazine:

" Square Enix's Motomu Toriyama has confirmed that Final Fantasy XIII will be appearing on other formats outside of the PS3. Before we leap around whooping at the return of a 'proper' FF to a Nintendo Console... we must consider that fellow square enix-er Shinji Hashimoto has gone on record saying FF XIII wasn't so much a single game, but an "expansive world" full of various titles"