Final Fantasy XIII - Not PS3 Exclusive?

Aztec Triogal

Feb 8, 2007
Williamsport, PA
Up until now it was pretty deadset that Final Fantasy XIII would only be for the PS3. According to a GameSpot translation, this may not be the case at all. The French head of Sony basically said that they expected 200 exclusive games for their console. When they were asked about Final Fantasy XIII, his answer was "it is in discussion". In fact, his exact words were "As far as Final Fantasy XIII goes, I can tell you that the exclusivity is in discussion." That does not mean that Final Fantasy XIII will be for any other consoles. It simply means that ... they're in discussion. :cool:

The Link
This seems to be a bit of a trend in PS3 exclusive titles. The FF series has pretty much been THE reason I've been buying Sony products since the PS1, including why I splurged for a PS3. To see a franchise as large as this no longer exclusive would be a huge blow on an already slightly wounded Sony.
Well Devil May Cry 4 has already been announced for 360 and PC as well so i guess nothing would surprise me.
Sony is slightly wounded, as Fields said... but they're far from hurt. They haven't warmed up yet. Not playing their "A game" as Busta would say. Neither is the Wii, the only difference is Wii fanboys are utter whores. The only console stepping it up right now is the 360... but that's because it's been out for a year and change. And it'll give the PS3 a run for it's money. It'll be able to go head to head graphics wise for a year or two, but not over the full 5 year spread.

And before anyone goes on a graphics rant, no it's not the only thing that matters. However, graphics are very very very important when determining which game a console gets. Typically developers want to get the most out of their games when they design them. There's no reason for them to want to put out a subpar game. So they'll often sign on to the company that can offer them good things like A.) Easy programming and B.) A Powerful system (graphics, memory, etc.). That's why the PS3 will do well. Because even thought Square-Enix could probably make FFXIII for the 360 and have it look really good... it just won't be nearly as good as the PS3. And if they have to compromise, why choose that console over another?
I hate the fact that Sony is getting so much negativity on the issue. Yea, it's losing exclusives. But it's not like Microsoft is gaining more exclusives then Sony. Almost all third parties are jumping on the multi-platform wagon. Even companies that were once thought on the Microsoft side are developing for PS3 also. Like Bioware and Bethesda. And I'm sure that Bioshock, a highly touted 360 game, will be ported to PS3 shortly after thats released.

Plus, the PS3 has only been out 5 months. Thats compared to 360's almost 2 years. Let them have some time to catch up.

Final Fantasy on 360??? Guess we'll have to wait and see. I'd like them to keep it on the Sony, but money is money
With DMC4 going over to the 360, if the FF series found itself over on the 360 as well, I don't know if I'd keep saving for a PS3. I've liked so many games on PS but.....I just don't make tons and tons of money :/ And the more I have to pinch pennies....well, I find myself secretly hoping FF goes multi-platform.
That's twice now I've heard that. A POS game like Devil May Cry and a great game like FFXIII, done by two completely different companies that have NO connection whatsoever, have absolutely nothing in common. Often times console owners like Sony have to buy exclusivity. For all you know they said "Screw DMC, it's shit. Let's take that money and give it to SE so we can keep them." lol That might've been the extent of the discussion they were having.
Crazy news actually. This would make me think twice about starting to go for Sony systems and probably make me lean towards Microsoft. Not completely sure yet, but it's looking good. I'm still Sony to the max though for now. As long as FF's come out on the Playstation or whatever they will call them generations from now, I'll keep on truck'n with 'em.
That's twice now I've heard that. A POS game like Devil May Cry and a great game like FFXIII, done by two completely different companies that have NO connection whatsoever, have absolutely nothing in common. Often times console owners like Sony have to buy exclusivity. For all you know they said "Screw DMC, it's shit. Let's take that money and give it to SE so we can keep them." lol That might've been the extent of the discussion they were having.

lol I really didn't mean that those two could be connected in any way. I just meant since DMC4 is, I just wish FF would too (but also like I said, mostly for monetary purposes, nothing more).

I also happen to like the DMC series, but I understand what you meant.

I also like the DMC series :)

Anyways, I see what they mean cause I've already alluded to it the earlier post. But yea, I think it's still fine to compare them cause they were both triple-A franchises. But Sony losing DMC is not as huge as you think cause Microsoft lost a bit of Ninja Gaiden.
i love the DMC series.....2 was shit though, hehe, anyways, just i don't like they main char switch from Dante to the random.... very odd...
If Sony loses their exclusivity on FF13 i will lose all loyalty to the Playstation. Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, God of War, and Devil May Cry are almost the sole reason i buy this system.

I sincerely doubt that sony will lose their exclusivity on FF though. That's their main money maker. If they want to stay in this console war they better start paying out the dough to keep their exclusivity.
Square-Enix already put FFXI on the XBox and PC, so it's not too unreasonable to consider XIII multi-platform. Maybe they'll just do some spinoff on the 360? How about a Wii version of FFXIII??? lol

Gran Turismo is still PS exclusive, so Sony doesn't need to worry about losing my business :D
With DMC4 going over to the 360, if the FF series found itself over on the 360 as well, I don't know if I'd keep saving for a PS3. I've liked so many games on PS but.....I just don't make tons and tons of money :/ And the more I have to pinch pennies....well, I find myself secretly hoping FF goes multi-platform.


school isn't cheap
Woah! This is mad. I know it's early days but I believe it may just happen. It's not like FFXIII will be any less (performance and gameplay wise) on the 360 than it would be on the PS3. The main reason why I was thinking of the PS3 is because of FFXIII; but now that it, might, be comming to the 360 has just swayed me. I mean imagine a console with Halo 3 and FFXIII; that would be me sorted for years and years. I will still get a PS3, however, not for a long time. I still believe it will have some killer titles. I do believe that soon though will be looking at non-exclusives (or very, very few) for consoles (except for the Wii, due to its controller); and if that does happen, what will happen to the console war?
If it's not for PS3, it'll be for PS2. As long as it's one of those two, then I'm happy. I couldn't really care less if it is for PS2 instead of PS3. I haven't got a PS3 yet (although it was released in Europe last Friday) and I'm not in a rush to get one. Besides, FFXIII isn't even going to be released until at least next year. Heck, I've not even played much of FFXII yet.