Final Fantasy XIII's: Wish List.


Jun 17, 2008
In a house XD
The title explains itself truthfully. This thread is made so people can say what they would like to see in the XIII's. Not in one big thing but if you plan on talking about different games please seperate them to make it easier to read.
The title explains itself truthfully. This thread is made so people can say what they would like to see in the XIII's. Not in one big thing but if you plan on talking about different games please seperate them to make it easier to read.

Considering that it's Square's big leap into the next generation I'm hoping that they'll do it in style. I want some serious customize options, Weapons, Armor, Magic, Leveling, e.e. Real-time Equipment would certainly be lovely. I want a visual representation of what I'm equipping (NOTE: Armor). Square did this with Final Fantasy XI. Overall I want a truly memorable experience measured only by an Epic scale.

This applies to all three titles.

More to come.
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I agree, I would like to see a difference in appearance when you equip different armor, like FFXI.

I would like another Dragoon as well, its been a while since we got a proper one.

Card game, I hope they bring back a card game like IX and VIII.
I'm to tired to think of anything else atm.
It has to be a decent battle system and a decent setting which in ff10 and 12 only 10 had a decent battle system. I think from looking at the trailers the setting for 13 and vs 13 looks good, not sure about battle system though.
- No ridiculous love plot, because otherwise I'll puke.
- Not too many common main characters, meaning - a hyperactive girl on crack, or some femme boy. Something...different. I'm sure it can happen.
- XII showed you what shields you had, what weapons you wielded, as did X. As someone already said, I'd like the game to have the ability where you can see everything you are wearing equipment wise.
- Decent sidequests. XII's were impressive, I'm hoping for a good follow up.
- FMV's put in the right place at the right time, same with cutscenes.
- No % based game, or game plus.
- Good music, good gameplay all around.

Yeah, I think that's it for now.

Indeed. I wouldn't mind another Card based mini-game. One thing I adored about Final Fantasy VIII and IX was collecting Cards and battling N.P.C.'s throughout the game whilst screaming profane obscenities. Especially when I lost and the N.P.C. claimed a rare card.

Also I want a plethora of side-quests (Rare items are a must).
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Here are some things I wanna see Return:


I would love to have more FMV's and Cutscenes as in FFX. They were placed in the right sections and everything.

MORE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! Argh. That annoyed me in FFXII. Hrmm...Good quality characters. And a really good story line...I want there to be plenty of mini games and sidequests too so I will keep busy even after I finish the main story.
Moombas were technically a Final Fantasy VIII thing though. The specific race that Laguna once visited morphed/evolved into those things right? Unless there's some way you can...reimplement then in XIII, then it'd be alright. Otherwise, it'd just seem weird.
Interesting characters with proper motives that aren't cliches and are not obvious.
Plot twists, they are always good, as long as they aren't stupid.
Turn based battle system/ ATB.
A good villain, not some pretty boy seph wannabe, but someone with intersting motives eg Vayne & Seymour.
Love story

That's all for now folks.
It neeeeds character progression, and a love story!

12's characters didnt stand out, i only liked baltheir (cant spell the mans name), the game play was awsome but for me it didnt have the final fantasy feeling.

Like how in the fmv music video's they have so much emotion and powerful clips, 13 needs that.

If i can get attatched with the characters and theres a great story in 13 and 13v ill be a happy chap!
Character progression, and romance are a must. Indeed, indeed. I want to know and understand the protagonist on a personal level. I want an enticing romance that defies conformity.

Memorable characters, events, and locations. I want a unique, and interesting party. Something that doesn't seem to fit, but flows together seamlessly. I want to be talking about the events of this game for months to come, and I want to be enthralled by the mysticism of it's locations.

I also want a seriously badass Villain. I want to be intimidated by his/her/it's presence alone. Square should justify the power of Evil, and ante up with a Villain that is beyond Epic, and gives us something to squirm about.

To be continued.

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- Compelling storyline that makes you not want to stop playing for anything, even sleep

- Espers/Summons that are worth using, and don't take too much time

- An Antagonist who is interesting (like Magic Dirt said) someone like Vayne or Seymour, but hopefully we'll get to know more about them.

that's it for now.
chocobos need a more final fantasy 7 feel... aka racing. thats fun, and worth it because you got some good stuff after getting a gold one.

another could be a sport like ff10 blitzball, that was addicting.

of course character development, thats a given.

a good epic final boss like zeromus and necron. both were big and threatening, and made u act fast.

tetsuya nomura is the artist, so the characters should be designed well.

other than that, the game should be good.
What I ask is simple...

World Map
Airship (flyable)
Good character design
Good map design
Turn based combat or ATB (though not happening)
good characters! No high-ass rikkuish girl!
Usefull map
Good storyline that doesn't focus on only one thing (like xii nethecite or whaterver ....-__-)
good minigames
rare equipment
not too much running around slaying random monsters
creative bosses
good voiceactors and intresting dialogues
a final boss that actually is hard to beat! AND who doesn't turn ridiculous. (like vayne did..)
Active battle sysem with some intelectual challanges. (in kh, I was almost only pressing x all the time, and I won every battle.... >_>)

*Out of ideas*
I'll probably come up with more later..
I'm not really all that fussy on what I want atm, the battle system looks great from what I can tell as does the character design so I only ask for 2 things. :monster:

- A decent storyline, because a game could have the best looking characters and most developed characters but if it has no storyline it's boring and somewhat close to dire.

- I want a main character, I fear that having no set main character will turn it into an XII with no character development whatsoever. >.>
As far as gameplay and graphics are concerned, I want more realism. i.e.:
-As other people have said, it'd be great to see different armours on the chracters
-Battles that don't feel so railed, whilst keeping the turn based feel of FF
-Maybe enemies actually looking like they're taking damage. They have the capabilities to show gradual damage now so it'd be nice to see that implemented.
-This is probably not capable in this generation, but it'd be cool to visually be able to see characters develop and master their skills. Say if a character isn't a good fighter at the start then his moves are kinda messy so he obviously won't do much damage, but as the character levels up his fighting style becomes much more precise and consistant. it'd make watching battles much more satisfying.
-More use of aiming at different body parts as a general game mechanic rather than something used on just a few bosses.

As for story:
-A love storyline is fine, but I'd like one that isn't predictable right from the very start. Heck, it'd be cool if it wasn't the main character + the quiet girl. Let one of the other character's get some action for once and the main character can feel like a third wheel for a change.
-More character progression. Maybe some double crossing and redemption
-Some disagreement with the party! Every game is "let's go over there" "okay" without any arguments! It'd be ace to have a story where the different characters have different motives which centralise around the same goal, but don't neccessarily lead in the same direction every time. It's not the Brady Bunch!
-Characters you can empathise with. Last character to do that was probably Vivi in FF9. FF needs more heart in the series!
FFXIII should have a huge variety of modes to become stronger for a short period of time. And id want extremely good graphics in every cutscene. Good gamplay, very long story but not to hard. Thats it (=D)
Considering that it's Square's big leap into the next generation I'm hoping that they'll do it in style. I want some serious customize options, Weapons, Armor, Magic, Leveling, e.e. Real-time Equipment would certainly be lovely. I want a visual representation of what I'm equipping (NOTE: Armor). Square did this with Final Fantasy XI. Overall I want a truly memorable experience measured only by an Epic scale.

This applies to all three titles.

More to come.

I could not agree more!! id Love to see some of my people armoured up like the judges from 12 or soldiers in full armour.. i think it would just make the game better !

I would love to see a strong story line.. but i dont like the whole " Futuristic " tone.. i must say final fantasy versus.. is just.. wow :O :P