Final Heaven - A Tifa Fanclub

Totally unrelated to tifa, but i cant wait till it comes out. Ryu hayabusa appears XD. But i dont think he has time. he got hired by Rooster Tooth that does the Red Vs Blue Machinima, which has Mircosoft support. So itd be a while till the next i guess......

....back on track.... Question: Which part of Tifa's body do you like best? Seriously. You can say boobs, but its a serious question. Plus, i want to count how many go "boobs"

Personally, i like how leggy she is and her skin tone. I always had a preference for fair skin (well, she does look fair skinned in AC)
I'd be tempted to say boobs but it would be so plain. Especially since I do think there's more to her than her physical assets.
She has great legs indeed. I think I'll go for hair. She had awesome hair in AC, I can't imagine how many CPUs it took them to render that.
It's interesting to note that's another part of her design that got somewhat changed compared to FFVII ... not counting the haircut which is slightly different, while they were brownish back then, in AC they are pure black.

Glad you guys liked the previous fanart.
Here's another funny one by a Japanese artist (so read it from right to left) :

That. Is epic. I loled for a good while seeing that picture XD

And i agree, her hair is very nicely done in AC. But yea, that [icture puts a whole new meaning to boobs of steel.
I'd say her eyes or smile, especially since when she's seen as CGI in AC. Her hair's really nice as well, wish I had hair like that.
I'd say her hair (the original, though AC is not bad either, I just loved her long hair), but on a weird note, I also like how her arms are clothed while in her original outfit. I dunno, it just looks good. :lew:

But yeah, I find it hard to pick just one thing I like about her. I love her eyes as well. :gonk: But I think her trademark fringe and the dolphin tail end, really got to me. I think that's what I like most about her as far as looks go. Brunette for the win. :ryan:
Hahaha, welcome to the club! What do you like most about Tifa? :ryan:

I'll edit you in to the first post tonight. ^^
Not sure if you guys seen this, but i saw a pretty good Tifa Cosplay pic while i was browsing the web.


That is such a good cosplay and there are a lot of good Japanese ones out there. I'd love to see a great American or European one because there aren't a whole lot of them.
Hm... not to be racist, but i think its hard for caucasians to pull off tifa. I had always imagined her with some oriental blood in her, so those without the distinct oriental feel lacks a bit.

Thats not so say they look bad. I seen a western chick cosplay chun li and she looked good. Just not alike.
Hm... not to be racist, but i think its hard for caucasians to pull off tifa. I had always imagined her with some oriental blood in her, so those without the distinct oriental feel lacks a bit.

Thats not so say they look bad. I seen a western chick cosplay chun li and she looked good. Just not alike.

Well,I imagine her face Asian too,but her body must be European.Asian chicks(most of them at least) lack the "assets" to pull of Tifa.
And I do think some European/American girls can pull of Tifa.You just have to find the right one,both in face and body.
I'd like to join thus club.

Tifa is one of my favorite female Final Fantasy characters. Her next to Cissnei, Aerith, Yuffie, and Lightning.
Welcome to the club, Unsung!

What is it you liked about Tifa? And where were you introduced to her? Advent Children or FFVII? :ryan:
I don't know, she's just unique compared to all of the other characters. Of course every character is unique in their own way but she seems even more so. I had actually first seen her in Crisis Core then in Advent Children. I have yet to actually play the game (will be soon) but I know enough about the characters. It's like knowing the beginning and ending of a story but not the middle.
I don't know, she's just unique compared to all of the other characters. Of course every character is unique in their own way but she seems even more so. I had actually first seen her in Crisis Core then in Advent Children. I have yet to actually play the game (will be soon) but I know enough about the characters. It's like knowing the beginning and ending of a story but not the middle.
Just to let you know...the game itself is more than the "middle".
I too started with FFVII:AC first but once you'llplay the game you'll realize why it's the game called a masterpiece and not the rest of the spin-offs.Other than that make sure you play it.Not just for Tifa,who kicks ass far much-er than in the movie but for all the characters,as from what I remember don't get much screentime on the movie or CC.
I wasn't going to get it for Tifa. I like her but she's not my favorite character. My favorite characters are Cloud and Zack. Plus, after playing Crisis Core it's left me wondering about if Cloud ever got revenge against Shinra after they (SPOILER ALERT!!!) shot Zack to death at the end of the game. I know he lost his memory and all but there must be some form redemption in the game even though it was made before Crisis Core.
I wasn't going to get it for Tifa. I like her but she's not my favorite character. My favorite characters are Cloud and Zack. Plus, after playing Crisis Core it's left me wondering about if Cloud ever got revenge against Shinra after they (SPOILER ALERT!!!) shot Zack to death at the end of the game. I know he lost his memory and all but there must be some form redemption in the game even though it was made before Crisis Core.
You shall see what happens when you play it.Just keep in mind that FFVII eas made much earlier than CC.And I am not only talking about the graphics...

Tifa goodies!!











OH MY FRIGGIN'!!! This artist is amazing! :tard:

This club needs major updating. I will get on it hopefully soon! 'cause I had to delete my own post from I :|