Final Heaven - A Tifa Fanclub

Woot. :D First post updated - working on the second post. Still working on the banner as well, but I gotta think of the new name first. I remember this club name being temporary when I first made it. So I'm currently brainstorming on the new name for the Lovely lady Tifa club. :D

A comment from a random interweb'r. "Who's your favourite gaming character?"

1. Tifa Lockhart. Always and forever. FF7 was the first FF game I ever played and I remember I hated her the first time I went through it because of brainwashing by a friend. But when I bought the game a little later, I fell in love with her. She was strong but insecure. She was dedicated and independent. People label her as clingy but I can’t say I blame her; the girl lost everything she ever knew as a child and then all there’s left of it is Cloud. I don’t think it’s being clingy to stay strong for a person you love. I think it’s admirable. I JUST LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT HER AND I WILL EAT ALL HER HATERS.

Someone posted that on tumblr, and I just couldn't help but smile. ♥
Oh my god. Can I super join if that's an option? I can't even put into words how much I love Tifa.
Lmao, was wondering when you'd show up. :D Yes, double yes. Welcome to the club! :D

We're currently having a temp name, because I want something more original and Tifa-y. :D Please do share your paragraphs of love for Tifa, and any information you want to share about this lovely lady.
What's not to like~? She's the best female FF character by a lot!
Well this thread is about expressing why you like her. :ryan: Obviously every Tifa lover knows there's nothing to dislike. :D

I personally love her strong but caring attitude. Ever since I first played Final Fantasy VII, I got so attached to this girl. :gonk: It's insane. It's like she's a real person. >.< So friggin' realistic.
That is her best qualities! She's not made to be some super cutesy perfect girly girly like the cringe worthy Rinoa, or some childhood genius princess prodigy like other FF girls. She's literally the girl next door. I like her because she has faults and insecruities, and despite her doubts she still chose to stick by her love, against all odds.

It's such a sweet love story between her and Cloud (which is so much better than the omg super forced Squall Rinoa! but not the place for that) and the best love story in all of FF. Well besides Zach and Aerith in Crisis Core. ;A; but getting on topic. . . (!!) I also love how she can kick ass and isn't a dumb useless girl either. At one point she was even leading the group, which isn't very common in FF. Tifa is the best <3

With the temporary name! :D

I'm still debating on names, 'cause I know how I am and I wanna stick with something. Hopefully gonna be able to put some more work in to this club, (and the Cloti one) upcoming weeks. :D
:O I love Tifa, I'll join pwz :ryan:

In my first playthrough of the game I named her after me :lew: I took an instant liking to her and she's one of my favorite female characters.

The fact that she was a strong person, both mentally and physically, but also had a sweet side to her just makes her the best of both worlds.

Also her appearance, I love the red eyes and dark brown hair. I was disappointed when they didn't give her rich maroon eyes in AC, I always thought that was cool :sad3: Also the boots and black skirt and suspenders. That's just win win win.

And like you said Kira, she's a really realistic person. She acts in situations like a real person would, but is still shown to be strong and brave.

While I am a Clerith shipper, I still love Tifa and just how overall great she is ^_^

With the temporary name! :D

I'm still debating on names, 'cause I know how I am and I wanna stick with something. Hopefully gonna be able to put some more work in to this club, (and the Cloti one) upcoming weeks. :D
Oh my god this is amazingly cute!
I want it as a signature now. >:
Yes. Absolutely. Tifa fan, right here. I'll happily sign up to join in the ranks of the Tifa army!

I love Tifa's personality so much. She's that great understated character that kicks ass.

I can basically imagine her breaking someone's wrist, lecturing them to be respectful and behave properly and to stand up straight and pull their socks up in a voice so commanding the offender would actually do it. And afterward, while all her friends are looking at her with O_O eyes, she'd just blush and act modest about it.

That is hilarious and awesome and wonderful. There should be more characters like Tifa. :ryan:

I think my favorite Tifa moment is when she was totally kicking Loz's ass in the movie. I mean, hot damn! She was all over him like white on rice. That was a glorious moment indeed! :ohoho:
Yes. Absolutely. Tifa fan, right here. I'll happily sign up to join in the ranks of the Tifa army!

I love Tifa's personality so much. She's that great understated character that kicks ass.

I can basically imagine her breaking someone's wrist, lecturing them to be respectful and behave properly and to stand up straight and pull their socks up in a voice so commanding the offender would actually do it. And afterward, while all her friends are looking at her with O_O eyes, she'd just blush and act modest about it.

That is hilarious and awesome and wonderful. There should be more characters like Tifa. :ryan:

I think my favorite Tifa moment is when she was totally kicking Loz's ass in the movie. I mean, hot damn! She was all over him like white on rice. That was a glorious moment indeed! :ohoho:
If there was one thing that god awful movie did right it, it was Tifa. <3 Well, and the Barret redesign was pretty decent too. . . I guess. But Tifa was obviously the best part. He fight was LEAGUES better than the Sephiroth vs Cloud rehash they gave us. Although Cloud's new sword was cool too <_<
I thought Tifa losing to Loz was poo. She had the upper hand the entire time and Loz had no indication of holding back. Suddenly, he gains the ability to speed blitz :argh:

In my opinion, Tifa would win in a rematch and a rematch was definitely warranted... except it didn't happen. What do you guys think?
I think her fight was well enough. It showcased her skills fine. :hmm:
May I join? ^_^
I adore Tifa, she's so real, she has her doubts and insecurities like anyone but she stays strong and supports her friends no matter what. I think she's super pretty, I love her dolphin tail hair and her eyes (are they red or brown? I think I'm colourblind cause I'm not sure) :unsure:
And her limitbreak is badass, that feeling I get when I nail all yeahs in a row :D

My favourite scene has to be when they're going up all the stairs at Shinra and she's ragging on Barret XD
May I join? ^_^
I adore Tifa, she's so real, she has her doubts and insecurities like anyone but she stays strong and supports her friends no matter what. I think she's super pretty, I love her dolphin tail hair and her eyes (are they red or brown? I think I'm colourblind cause I'm not sure) :unsure:
And her limitbreak is badass, that feeling I get when I nail all yeahs in a row :D

My favourite scene has to be when they're going up all the stairs at Shinra and she's ragging on Barret XD
She sure is <3 I like your taste n.n
I would also loooove to join the Tifa FanClub - Seventh Heaven (catchy name! ;D)
Like most of the other members, Tifa has always been one of my favorite FF characters<3

:: Appearance ::
Although her outfit seemed a bit too skimpy (I first played FFVII when I was 7 years old...),
I was initially attracted to her character design - long brown hair, reddish eyes, pretty smile... NOT her huge boobs. >_>;;

:: Personality ::
I admire her bold attitude yet caring nature & how loyal she is - not only to Cloud, but to the team as a whole. She's not afraid to set you straight & beat you down (Beat Rush, hehe), but she can also be amazingly compassionate. Overall, her personality really makes her stand out from the other FF girls~ ^__^

:: Random? ::
I guess the only thing I dislike is how hypersexualized she is by many FFVII fans. I mean, I get it - you see an attractive female character showing some skin & you fantasize about certain things... *cough*
But sometimes I feel as though she's become just another piece of eye candy for hentai fantasies & some "fans" don't show her enough respect. .__.;

mehh... I just hate Google searching "Tifa Lockhart" & getting a bunch of R-rated material, that's all. She's much more than that! ;__;
Welcome to the club! =]

I don't mind the "sexual appeal" Tifa has. I guess in a way it shows she's smoking hot and she has a top personality to add to it. She's drop dead gorgeous, and has an edge to her character, which I like. I really think she's made realistic as well. Sometimes you see girls with a smaller front, but let's face it, there's really large chested girls out there as well.

People who judge her just for that need to grow up. :D

Thanks for the compliment about the name. It was actually a temporary name when I sent the club up, but I'm not sure about what to change it to yet - I want it to be original and suiting for Tifa. :D

Glad to have ya!
Um..... Sake and Steel -- A Tifa Fanclub?


I know, that was terrible, please shoot me now.

BTW, I LOVED her fight in AC! She was totally wiping the floor with Loz's stupid face. Stupid sexist Japanese though, they had to make her lose so they could give Cloud some emotime on stage, the big stupidhead. :mokken:


Rock on, Tifa!
The fight is rated 'A' for awesome but I agree the fight should had ended with Loz's face in the ground instead of Loz recovering and owning Tifa with the stun gun.

You know what about this, it may not be as flashy as the Loz fight but still it is just as satisyfing.

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