First Love - A ZackxAerith Club

There's really not much of a parallel, other than Xander and Willow being completely adorable adorable characters (they sort of envoke the same feelings as Zack/Aeris do, just because they're so endearing :monster: ). I mostly just mean in a physical sort of way I could see them being a real-looking Zack and Aeris, especially based on how well their characters get along in Buffy.


Personality-wise, Xander shares some similarities with Zack. He's the nice guy, he's good-humoured and charming, but he's sort of demasculated what with all the ub3r powerful females that are constantly around him (Willow and Buffy, mostly). He's a great character, but he's usually sidelined to being a comic relief. From what I've heard, he's getting a better role in the comics as a military leader because of his battle expertise and strong sense of morale (sounds Zack-like, no?).
Willow starts off as a doormat, but slowly learns to become a total bamf - to put it really simply. Not a whole lot of Aeris in her character, but she has the same sort of frail innocence about her. Plus, Alysson Hannigan is so ridiculously cute and endearing, I can just imagine her being Aeris in a movie or something :P

Storywise, Willow/Xander is a very familial relationship (being childhood friends, growing up together like brother and sister) so I don't really ship them together, but alot of their interactions are very couple-y (husband and wifeish, almost). In some scenes, they play off eachother in a very Zerith way, IMO.


Baaaaaaaaawww they're so cute :monster: Sorry, couldn't help that one :wacky:

Anyways, went off on a total tangent here, but I guess since I sorta started it, might as well keep up the discussion... so members, in order to revive the thread may I ask some other pairs that remind you all of Zack and Aeris? Parallels can be really shallow, to would-be clones.
I haven't watched Buffy in SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long, but I thought Willow became a lesbian in the show? o_O

But yeah, Zack and Aerith are just sooooooo cute >_<
I'm watching it ALL over again, right from season 1 to the end. I'm at the part where we first meet Oz, and all I gotta say is... Oz/Willow ftw I don't care that she becomes a lesbian later :monster:
Sometimes I am completely clueless. Over a year officially a member of this forum and I miss the Zack/Aerith fanclub... I am ashamed, deeply ashamed.

If it is not too late, I humbly request forgiveness and be allowed to be a part of this. Even if the thread is rather slow right now.
Let's bring it to life again, then! These two are an extremely sweet pair. Every time I play Crisis Core, I fall more and more in love with it. *O*
The love forever claimed me when Aerith came up behind Zack and embraced him while he cried. That moment was so beautiful and poignant. I also loved the reference to the pink ribbon and the way it deeply influenced Aerith's later wardrobe.

Ever since I first played FFVII, I felt something was amiss with Aerith and her feelings. I couldn't quite place it, although I knew it smacked of denial and pain. Once the story came about and showed the love between Aerith and Zack, and that painful moment with the rain and Aerith looking to the sky, I gained such a deeper understanding and appreciation of those little moments in FFVII.

When I re-played FFVII and talked to Zack's parents, then Aerith, it was surprising how much anguish Aerith was in. The first time, it seemed odd, but now the attempted denial always has me imaging that she is just about crying here, desperately wishing to forget.
That scene definitely touched my heart, to. I liked very much how she said nothing to him, and showed him that she cared without using words. I think it's very interesting that SE tied the color of Aerith's dress as well as her ribbon, to Zack. I wonder if they had that planned from the beginning, or if they suddenly decided that's how it would be? :)

I felt like Aerith was in denial, because of the way she acted at Gongaga and the way she describes Zack which she knows not to be true. I'm glad that Crisis Core shed light on it all.

I just saw the ending of Crisis Core again... :wtf:

The DMW is one of the greatest innovations ever. I love that we know for a fact that the last thought on Zack's mind is Aerith. I always break down when it happens.

I really wish the compilation would have shown, or maybe show, the reunion of Zack and Aerith in the life-stream. It would be such a fantastic and beatiful moment. I just imagine the two silently staring before falling into each-other in a deep embrace.
I've started to love the Zack and Aerith couple very much of late, so I would love to become a member. XD

I simply loved the scene in Crisis Core where Aerith comes up behind Zack and gives him a hug.

It's so sweet.

I wish they had more time together. =(
I've started to love the Zack and Aerith couple very much of late, so I would love to become a member. XD

I simply loved the scene in Crisis Core where Aerith comes up behind Zack and gives him a hug.

It's so sweet.

I wish they had more time together. =(

Just think...

In a way they have all the time they desire, since they are now together in the Lifestream. I still want to see the scene where they meet again... that embrace would put the one in Crisis Core to shame I think.
I'm sure I've posted here before and specifically wanted to be a member ... ah, well!

Just as I had posted this in another club, this song reminds me of Zack and Aerith, especially after I finished Crisis Core. At least they're together. ^_^

Listen to the lyrics and I think you'll know why this suits them.
That was a good song for them, though with their story there a quite a few songs that work for Zack and Aerith. I can think of a few metal songs that work really nice as well... "Season's End" by Kamelot is especially poignant, it really fits Aerith's aura of denial and pain from FFVII.
If this club is still running sign me up this pairing is one in a million due to
Zacks dying wish i always feel the need to give aeris a proper send of in VII
they were perfect for each other Zack the kind hearted caring one and aeris the shy quiet one ^_^

Also do we have a group siggy??
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Hey! I'm fairly new on the forums, and I was wondering whether this group was still active...
If it is, can I join?? Zack and Aerith= My all-time favourite FF couple =3
i wana join :) i love this couple :)