First Love - A ZackxAerith Club

I started Crisis Core over again a few days ago, (working on completing all of the missions in hard mode) and I'm now at the flower wagon part of the game.

Who made all three wagons for Aerith? : ) I managed to do all three, and the scenes that go along with them are quite amusing.
I actually completed the game 100% the first time through... and without the help of a guide or a friend who knew where each and everything was. Okay... he took my PSP and advanced the game slightly -__- but at least it was nothing important story wise. And I actually got a lot of things he never did, XD.

But returning to the Flower wagon subject... (Maybe some spoiler tags would do?)

The original scene was ok, :P
The 'good' wagon's scene was cute, :)
The ShinRa wagon's scene was for the lulz, XD
That reminds me of Aerith saying that her wagon wheel broke, and then when Kunsel tried to fix it she said only Zack was allowed to fix it. xD

What I find really interesting is that she says because her wagon is broken, she's going to start selling flowers in a basket. And, what does the opening of FFVII show? I just think that's cute, and sweet.
Zack/Aeris is the one pairing that does not fail to bring the cutes. Now I feel like restarting my CC game... since I failed to join the Zack fanclub :sad:
Wow i forgot about that scene,
i gotta agree that it is cute,
i have yet to see the other 2 wagon scenes
which means i should play FF7 Crisis Core again,
love it.
That reminds me of Aerith saying that her wagon wheel broke, and then when Kunsel tried to fix it she said only Zack was allowed to fix it. xD

What I find really interesting is that she says because her wagon is broken, she's going to start selling flowers in a basket. And, what does the opening of FFVII show? I just think that's cute, and sweet.

As much as I love CloTi, CloTi just can't beat Zerith when it comes to the 'awws' and sweetness.
heh. Don't mean to compare, because it doesn't make one couple better than the other, but I just wanted to comment on that.
I don't get why Zack has to talk to Cissnei in order to join his own fanclub. Sheesh! It's my fanclub! I deserve to be part of it regardless! :P

lonestar said:
As much as I love CloTi, CloTi just can't beat Zerith when it comes to the 'awws' and sweetness.
heh. Don't mean to compare, because it doesn't make one couple better than the other, but I just wanted to comment on that.

It just makes your heart explode doesn't it?

I think someone mentioned it in the FF8 best love story thread, but Zack/Aeris are very much like Zidane/Garnet (my favourite FF pair) - and had Zack returned (sniff) Aeris would've given him a good pounding like Garnet did at the end of FF9 :D
As much as I love CloTi, CloTi just can't beat Zerith when it comes to the 'awws' and sweetness.
heh. Don't mean to compare, because it doesn't make one couple better than the other, but I just wanted to comment on that.

I agree, even though Cloti is my favorite couple of all time Zerith has that "aww" vibe about them.
Zerith is a sweet little story with a tragic twist
Cloti is like those epic romances in which the couple have to experience many hardships(reminds me of the classic hollywood movies and of course Mary Jane and Peter Parker another of my favorite pairings)
I love both.
Heh, I was watching O Brother Where Art Thou and got the idea of making a Zack/Aeris fic about Cloud and Zack's trek back to Midgar, but basing it off Homer's "The Odyssey." Zack would be Odysseus of course, traveling back to be with hsi beloved Penelope (Aeris). Tseng would be making moves on Aeris while Zack's away, possibly. :P
Though, the likelihood of me actually writing it is slim because a) I've never written fanfic before and b) I am not confident in my writing skillz. But hey, it's just an idea I'm throwing out there.
I've never written fan-fic myself, but I think a clerith had complimented me that I should after giving a summary of the lifestream events between Cloud and Tifa. Although that was really more like sarcasm or something. :monster:

But the concept sounds interesting, and in all honesty, I think you would write a very nice fan-fic if the writing skill is the only thing you're worried about. :) The recipe is ultimately 5% writing skillz and 95% imagination. :monster:
Holy Shizpurfle! I so did not see this.

I'm totally into these two. Ya ya ya, I'm a cloti and clerith (to a certain extent) too, but Zerith is... well, my favorite FF couple. (my other favorite female FF characters [Yuna, Fran, Lulu and Lenne] well... I just don't like who they are paired with. Fran/Balthier? Nu thanks)

And therefore, the simplicity of Aerith and Zack is just so.... I dunno, it moves me. Lemme join! Zack is just so dreamy and awesome and ... Total awesome. Aerith is so sweet and innocent. They work together so well. Oh, she's uber pretty too!

welcome! yeah you are right Zerith= one of the best couples in the FF universe.
In a short time it has gained my heart in an incredible manner.

I agree, ZackxAerith is so sweet!
Every time I saw a CC trailer I would always "sqee" at the moment when Aerith hit Zack in the arm. So cute!
Don't we have any Zerii Christmas pictures?
Sadly I'm on a different computer, so I can't share a Zerith Christmas piccie. DX

Have a merry Zerith christmas anyway! Cute art:

what a pretty picture! you always post great fanart Celes! I bet Zack will buy that dress for her xD
merry christmas to everyone!
Whoa, that's big, just under 99MB o_O

A lot of doujinhi's I've downloaded are just oneshot stories, so it should be an interesting read ^^
Ohh can I join?

I got a PSP along with Crisis Core for christmas, and although I haven't managed to get too far (my memory stick won't arrive til early next week -_-) I have a feeling that I am going to be converted into a Zerith shipper when I finally get further into the game ;))