First Love - A ZackxAerith Club

I think we should have a vote or something then on what the new name should be. I've always thought 23 Wishes would be cute, or maybe even Hope since that was the name of the Zerith club over at ACF.
Hey, how about '88 letters'?

That was the number of letters that Aerith had sent Zack while he was... 'away'. (In the tube)
... or 89... I'm not totally sure, but that's be a nice name...
(Do not read lest you've played CC to almost full completion.)
really loved 23 wishes as a name! it sounds very cute.
Also Hope is a pretty name too!
can we actually change the name of the club?
I like First Love....*pout*

I like First Love as the name^_^....but maybe we can do something else since you all really want a new name.
I like 23 wishes, but my favorite has to be Hope, it's cute <3:inlove:
Even though I don't understand, why "hope"?

I suggest we don't rename, it's bad luck.:sorry: <- Wall-E look

Well, here are a few of my favorite pictures featuring Zerith<3

I love this^ art, it's just so beautiful!
And a really cute banner. Props go to the person who made it.

This picture is too cute, I love this image. Chibi Aerith and Zack are adorable!

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OMG the first image, that artist has some AWSOME colouring skillz. I remember visiting their site, he/she has a number of very nicely drawn fanarts. I'd post a couple but they're all saved/bookmarked on my laptop which coincidentally needs repairs -___-

The chibi one is also very cute <3
beautiful pictures! I loved the first fan art ,it's gorgeous!
Zack and Aerith are so good looking it's ridiculous...
OMG the first image, that artist has some AWSOME colouring skillz. I remember visiting their site, he/she has a number of very nicely drawn fanarts.

Really? I just tried to find the site the images came off of, and I couldn't find any. Do you still have the links?
beautiful pictures! I loved the first fan art ,it's gorgeous!

That one is my favorite too, that's why I put it first <3
I can try and find the site again, but I don't know how successful I'll be. It's bokmarked on my other computer, which is in for repairs. My saved images are on that computer too (right now I'm stuck using my crappy, 11 year old desktop computer) -___-

I just remember the artist had a very lovely Zidane/Garnet picture I saved :monster:

edit: wait a second, we're all retarded. The url is ON the image -__-
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I love the 23 wishes idea, just because of Aerith's quote:

"I have 23 wishes, but I summed them up all into one. I want to spend more time with you."

I always "awe" at that quote, and it gives a deeper meaning behind the 23 wishes actually being 23 separate things. xD

Yes, I was just going to post that the link was on the picture... but then you realized it, lol. I love that artist, and I noticed that she seems to do all pairings of FFVII! She's done ZackxAerith, CloudxTifa, and CloudxAerith.

My favorite Zerith picture, is probably this one though:


If I may join in the pic sharing ;)





(lol, taking a swim in the lifestream xD)





(Uwaa, Zack's sexy tummy and Aerith's pretty bum O.O)
I would like to be a part of this club as well.

Also, 23 wishes is a fantastic name. My suggestion would have been "The Once and Future Lovers". XD
welcome Fuuka!
beautiful pictures I saved all of them.
Eternal Love is also a name that comes to my mind.
I love Zack and Aerith connection it is amazing when two people find in eachother the perfect complement.I would love to experience that*is a hopeless romantic*
Even though I don't understand, why "hope"?
Because Aerith and Zack's whole relationship was based on hope; Aerith hoped for four years that Zack would return to her, and Zack hoped he would be able to do just that =)

Anyways, great suggestions on the name guys! Here's what we have so far:
23 Wishes
Eternal Love
The Once and Future Lovers
89 Letters
Promises Kept
Fated Reunion

Just say which one you'd like to give your final vote to please xD

*slaps head*
The URL is on the picture lol I love those images, they're so cute <3
Because Aerith and Zack's whole relationship was based on hope; Aerith hoped for four years that Zack would return to her, and Zack hoped he would be able to do just that =)

Ohh, I get it now ^^ makes sense :3 I go with
89 Letters. It sounds the cutest, and makes the best name. Plus if I remember right, the letters were a big part in their realtionship.
Speaking of the 89 letters, Zack only got to read one of them, the last one. I've always wondered what the other 88 letters said. Since Tseng had all of them in his possession, I wonder if he was a snoop and read through them, hahaha. I can see him doing that. (I wish they had a little bonus scene of Tseng reading them, so we could all know what they said!)
Speaking of the 89 letters, Zack only got to read one of them, the last one. I've always wondered what the other 88 letters said. Since Tseng had all of them in his possession, I wonder if he was a snoop and read through them, hahaha. I can see him doing that. (I wish they had a little bonus scene of Tseng reading them, so we could all know what they said!)
If they make a video of this it would take a day.Just imagine how much time the last letter took.:P
Well, the "Once and Future Lovers" was a joke, but hey, whatever.

All of those other suggestions are really good. Any one of them would be a nice name to go with. Good job. My vote goes to 23 Wishes, since it expresses Aerith's dearst wish, and I'm sure it was a wish Zack wanted to grant. ^^
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23 wishes is the cutest, Mainly because I love when Aerith said that. if I ever have a boyfriend I would quote Aerith I bet the guy's heart would melt xD
My vote is also for 23 wishes. It's just so sweet. It makes me want to play Crisis Core all over again, for the fourth time, hahaha.
My left hand goes up for the 89 Letters, my right hand for 23 Wishes. Does that count? :wacky:

Anyways, I think the majority are leaning to the 23 Wishes anyways. Maybe we can make the thread tagline tie into it? You know, the thing you put under the title when you're making a thread. Something like "only one wish that matters" or preferably something that sounds better :P