First Love - A ZackxAerith Club

I decided to post some Zerith quotes from the Ultimanias.=D

The dull life in the Slum, the love with a SOLDIER who fell from the sky.

In CC, Aerith is just a 15-year-old girl. Under the surveillance from Shinra, who wanted to worm out the location of the Promise Land from the Ancients. Growing flowers seems trivial but it brought her joy while she lived at the Sector 5 Slums. At that chosen day, she accidentally met Zack, SOLDIER 1st Class, and they were attracted to each other…

Quote: text near img of Aerith's pointing to the Church's roof
Just like Cloud in FF7, Zack fell to Aerith’s Church. Meeting him brings along her first love.
Quote: text near img of Aerith's talking, saying "Everyman would notice the flowers, I mean, normally."
Inspired by the flowers that she forbids trampling, they planed to sell flowers at the market. In CC, Aeirth used to say that flowers are indispensable.
Quote: text near img of Aerith holding Zack
Aerith gently embraced Zack, who came back sad. The atmosphere makes them feel like a couple....

[ ν ] - εуλ 0000

(Age 15)

·CC - Midgar

She met Zack in the Sector 5 church, and became very
intimate with him.

The "girlfriend" reported at the parent's house.

6-7 years prior to FFVII, Zack's "I've managed to get a girlfriend" letter was left out in the parents' home. If it was 6-7 years ago, it was about the time where he met Aerith in CC... Does that mean the girlfriend was Aerith?

To Dad and Mom,
How are you?
I'm sorry for suddenly rushing out of the village. The truth is that I really wanted to become a SOLDIER. I thought that saying that would worry you . . . I'm now fulfilling my dreams and working hard as a SOLDIER.

P.S. I've managed to get a girlfriend.


Zack seems to have a number of girlfriends, but especially informing his home means there's no doubt that the partner is a special one.

As a result of being able to surmise everything from each small deed, Aerith, who was in love with Zack, might perhaps have been jealous many times seeing all that...

Aerith, the girl whom he met at the slum's church. The existence of the girl, who had earnestly come to love Zack with sincerity, eventually became irreplaceable to him.

The girl pretty as flowers blooms in Zack’s mind.

The destined encounter with Zack makes them becomes the irreplaceable existence to each other.

The chosen day, Zack suddenly fell from the roof of the Church in the Slum. His bright confidence immediately catches her mind, and they start a relationship as a couple.

Aerith honestly expresses her good feeling to Zack straight out, and that also makes his heart skip a beat.

Selling flowers will richen both wallet and streets?

Aerith’s interest is taking care of flowers, but flowers rarely bloom in Slum because the sky is covered by the Plate. Aerith’s dream is to plant a lot of flowers around the Slum—for such a dream, Zack suggests that she should sell those flowers she plants, and not just around the Slum, but make the whole Midgar full of flowers. His plan that “If Midgar is full of flowers, then your wallet will be full too!” opens up a gate to a new world to Aerith.

The more Aerith knows about Zack, the more she’s attracted by him. Her manner toward Zack is also sweet.

Repeating Zack’s look with Cloud’s.

Being an Ancient, Aerith did her utmost to save the Planet, even sacrificed life—in FF7, the impression of Aerith being such a tragic heroine is strong. Nevertheless, the most significant link to FF7 is the conversations about Cloud. The reason why she’s a flower girl when she first meets Cloud, the beginning of love with her first love, Zack, and the reason she saw Zack in Cloud—all those things we don’t know in FF7 are made clear in CC.

Text: Aerith asks Cloud to be her bodyguard. Does her “one date” as the payment repeat what Zack used to say to her?

*Text near the img of Zack and Aerith in CC:
Aerith never talks about her bitterness but lives brightly. It is growing by degrees into inseparable relationship.
[ ν ] - εуλ 0000

(Age 15)

·CC - Midgar

She met Zack in the Sector 5 church, and became very
intimate with him.

:holyshit: :wacky: ;))

The destined encounter with Zack makes them becomes the irreplaceable existence to each other.

Cloud: I'm sorry Zack... I couldn't live up to you... not as a SOLDIER or as Aeris' love interest
Zack: Uh wat
Cloud: ...
Zack: were you macking on my girl!?
Cloud: N-no..!! I t-told you ab-bout T-Tifa...
Zack: Bros before hoes, asshole >:(

*Text near the img of Zack and Aerith in CC:
Aerith never talks about her bitterness but lives brightly. It is growing by degrees into inseparable relationship.

Bitterness? Over what exactly? Zack dying?
About that last quote, I think they meant Aerith's own bitterness... because we all know that she isn't ALWAYS happy. She still feels uneasy too, what with being watched by ShinRa all the time and such. =P
Wanting to be a normal girl, as well.
The destined encounter with Zack makes them becomes the irreplaceable existence to each other.

Destiny Fulfilled anyone? I love this quote it really prove that for Aerith Zack was the only one and Zack thought the same.
I know! Some people need definitions of *destiny* and *irreplaceable* though, apparently. xD

Oh, and I forgot one important quote:

Crisis Core fills in many gaps, showing why she spoke so fondly of a man named Zack, and why she acts the way she does around Cloud in Final Fatansy VII.

That's the quote in Aerith's profile in the CC Guide book & I heard someone say it was in the CC Ultimania as well? =O
It is so sad that after all this proof we have some people still denying the love Zack and Aerith shared... How can people think that Aerith feelings for Cloud could be bigger than her feelings for Zack? she only knew Cloud for 3 weeks and the atmosphere wasn't romantic enough to guarantee a relationship.With Zack it was not like that, they knew each other for two years! and I love this quote every discussion should end with it:
Aerith, the girl whom he met at the slum's church. The existence of the girl, who had earnestly come to love Zack with sincerity, eventually became irreplaceable to him.
Agreed, Cloti. =)

I don't really like the name of this club. It's true they were first love, but they were more than that too. :(
yeah I agree! this club should be called "Love Beyond Death" instead xD
*comes back*

Whoa... at last this club is active...

It is so sad that after all this proof we have some people still denying the love Zack and Aerith shared... How can people think that Aerith feelings for Cloud could be bigger than her feelings for Zack? she only knew Cloud for 3 weeks and the atmosphere wasn't romantic enough to guarantee a relationship.With Zack it was not like that, they knew each other for two years! and I love this quote every discussion should end with it:
Aerith, the girl whom he met at the slum's church. The existence of the girl, who had earnestly come to love Zack with sincerity, eventually became irreplaceable to him.


and yeah, the name's not fitting, but I don't have any other idea right now.
Destiny fulfilled even? :P

That was already mentioned. I'm not clever D:

For those of you who haven't read the story "Deliveries" on FF.Net, I reccomend it. It's a cute/funny Cloti fic (but whatever, everyone active here right now likes Cloti anyways) but I think chapter 12 has something for all of us to enjoy. You don't have to read all the chapters to get what's going on since most of them aren't connected. If you do continue reading, then you'd might wanna read them all because some of them are related.

Anyways, other than chapter 12, chapter 6 and 7 are pretty awsome aswell.
Fated Reunion? :wacky:

gngahh that's too retrospective-prospective. But seriously, love beyond death and destiny fulfilled seems to fit best. Said it before, I'll say it again. The *ahem* are Zeriths in disguise. It's not hard to subtitute all their pinkness to Zerith themes.
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Stevie hasn't updated this club in a looong time, so I was thinking about asking if I could create a new one. That way I could update the members page and we could pick a new name ^^

I wanna join! I adore this couple! Zack made such a great first love for Aerith<3333:mark:
He was kinda like Dean to Rory from Gilmore Girls, and I respect that ^^

@Stevie Nicks
Is it all right if I join even if I'm a Clourith?^_^

I think the name should be........"First Love", like the Utada Hikaru song, so cute!:inlove:

I agree! I think a new club should be started with a new name, and updated members. <3 There's a lot of new Zerith information, pictures, and art, so I'm sure it will gain members fast. : )

Also, Cali, I'm sure anyone is allowed to join as long as they enjoy the pairing. It doesn't matter what you consider canon, as long as you enjoy ZackxAerith together because you think it's cute, or otherwise. :)