First video game

The first GAMES I ever played (we got both together) were King's Quest V and Doom on the PC when I was 4 years old XD

As for my first CONSOLE game? Well there were two of those too. I got a Sega Genesis as my first console, and got Sonic 2 and Batman Returns for the system. I loved both to death, but I never really finished Batman Returns XD (Oh and I got these when I was 6 XD)
umm asides the Pokemon games for game boy im not to sure,
my first PS game was Final Fantasy VII which two weeks after buying i stopped playing as i had seen the entire game, (i made the mistake of watching my dad play through it,
Bomberman for Sega Megadrive.

That game was one of the most awesome games I've ever played, it was so tactical for me at such a young age, yet gripping. I could never get enough of bombing other players on multiplayer or finishing a stage on single player, it was truly, epic.
Your First Video Game?

Do you remember your first video game? Most of us were probably about 4 or 5 when we picked up that controller or put in that quarter. i, myself, had no clue on what to do in video games. I just knew I wanted to play "Mortal Combat" on the arcade machine sooooooo badly. I was 3 years old. I actually don't remember this, but my family constantly tells of this story. They said I cried when my guy was killed. I laugh at the thought now. XD

What was your very first video game?

oh, and Mods: Move to appropriate section if needed. This seemed like a good "Lobby" topic. :D
ooh it would have been some hand held donkey kong thing , it was just like, lines ont he screen and you had to jump across going from left to righ with the screen moving, harder than i t looked i tell you xD
Never had a first game.

C64 was my first console, and my dad got something like 10 - 20 games with it. :wacky:

Can't remember what all of them were called, though I remember:

Street Fighter
Thomas the Tank Engine (win!)
Paper Boy
The Real Ghostbusters
Altered Beast
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (yes, there was a game, and it was rather funneh!)
Something I can't remember the name of, all I remember is that you were fighting a dragon thing, if you lost, it would bite your head off, if you won, you'd chop it's head off. :wacky:

And so on.

First SNES game I had was Zelda A Link to the Past.

Can't remember first Megadrive game. Mastersystem had Alex Kidd built in, so technically that was the first for that.

N64 first was Goldeneye.

PS1 first two were FFVII and Tekken 3

PS2 first was WWF Smackdown: Just Bring It and F1 2000.

Gamecube first was Zelda: Windwaker (with OoT)

PS3 first was Heavenly Sword.

I also had an Atari 2600 given to me years back (while I was playing the SNES) by my Grandad with a load of games, so couldn't tell you the first for that.
First Console Game I played was Bubsy the bobcat on Sega Megadrive and chuck rock and Cool spot

the first game i brought was Crash bandicoot and ridge racer which i got with my Old PSX
Okay, talking in that sense:

My first system was a Sega Dreamcast. That was the sh*t back then. But it turned out to just be a PIECE of sh*t. -__- I mainly played Soul Calibur on that one, and some zombie game that scared the living crap out of me. :gasp: (I was 10 at the time)

Next was a Game Boy Color. (See-through purple=WIN!)
The first game on it was Pokemon Silver. (My friend had Gold, and I wanted to get something different from him)
I also had other games on it, including a Spongebob game. That one was weird. Controls were stiff. >_< And Pokemon Crystal. I LOVED that version! :gasp:

The next console I had was a GB Advance SP. Flame Red.
The first (and, well ONLY) game I really played on it was The Sims: Bustin Out. I loved the mini llama I bought as a pet.

Between the two gameboys was a PS One. The little one. Teh only game I really played on it was Twisted Metal Small Brawl.

Then, I got my PS2 in 2006. Love at first sight, I tell you what. :D The first game I got for it was The Sims 2. Played that for nearly two days straight. I was waiting for my boyfriend (who wasn't my boyfriend then) to bring over his copy of Final Fantasy X so I could play it. I was SO sick of playing the sims by then, I was GRATEFUL that he finally showed up with it. :D
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My first video game was Final Fantasy VII. I bought that video game for $20 and it was my first Role Playing Game I ever played. It is my personal favorite game of all times and it is still my favorite game. That is when I became a Final Fantasy fan.
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Some of the very first games I remember playing were Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat 3, Doom, Doom 2, Warcraft, Warcraft 2, Alladin, The Lion King and Heretic. There were more though. When I was a kid, my neighbour built a computer for my family and he installed like 15 games on it for me.

My first PS1 games were Hercules and Croc.

My first Gameboy game was Pokemon Blue.

I think the first PS2 game I owned was either The Simpsons: Road Rage or Kengo: Master of Bushido.

My first PSP game was either Ridge Racer or Metal Gear Ac!d.

My first PS3 game was Resistance: Fall of Man.

My first Wii games were Wii Sports and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

and my first Gamecube game (I don't actually own a Gamecube, I just use the Wii to play Gamecube games) was Resident Evil 3.
My first console game was Contra on NES. It's still one of my favorite games to this day. Sadly, I was much better at the game when I was a kid. I used to go through the entire game with three lives no problem. Now I can barely make it through with thirty. -__-
My Very FIRST video game was Super Mario World on Super nintendo. Omg I loved this game and I think I was 3 at the time when I got it. I was REALLY scared of Bowser back then. My first gameboy game was Pokemon Blue. Is it just me or pokemon is still fun?
First game I ever played was H.E.R.O. on the Commodore 128 (it's a C64 game, but I played it on our C128) when I was 5 or 6 years old. It was a sort of platfom game where you had to venture into a collapsed mining system and rescue miners armed with a laser, dynamite, and a helicopter pack. It's so long ago that I had to look up the game on google using search words like "commodore 64" and "helicopter pack" haha. I always just called it Helicopter Man :P
Super Mario Bros for the NES! I loved that game. I was a little girl when I played that thing. Strangely enough, my mom was nasty at that game. She even won a badge from Nintendo saying she beat it without using any warp pipes. XD