First video game

I can't remember exactly what my first game was. It was definitely a SNES game that I spotted my dad playing at first. It was either Super Mario World or Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

I'll assume it was the latter then, seeing as I vaguely remember trying to play it on the SNES the most. I wasn't actually properly playing it, seeing as I was about, what, 6 years old? I just remember being so transfixed at the idea of actually being able to control a character on the screen! In my mind, I was seeing it as a TV show, except I'm the one making things happen (sort of), so it just seemed so magical to me at first.

I remember moving Link around in random directions, attempting to take down some enemies in a forest area, without really much luck. I got a little better as I went along, although my interest had switched over to the Mario and Street Fighter games.
I think it was Super Mario Bros for nintendo i cant remember how long ago it was butit was actually kinda funny b/c i didnt get to play it all that often XD My older brothers usually just let me watch but every so often i got to play but what was really funy is b/c whenever mom got home from work she always wanted to play just after one day we begged her to try she insantly became addicted not bad enough for her to slack on the job or anything but we'd wake up in the middle of the night and see her playing lol it was so funny XD Lol and now te song is running though my head as we speak lol oh joy :x3:
I think my first video game was Super Mario World 3 for the SNES. It was a long time ago, but I don't think I ever got past the first few worlds Dx

But I had a long hiatus after that game for several years before coming back to gaming with Spyro: Year of the Dragon for the PS1 ^^
I think my first video game was on the original NES and was something the cubickle or something..... :wacky:

I remember my first half decent game on my playstation was alien:trilogy though and was amazed and scared by the face hugger things :P
My first game i played was sonic 2, i jacked it from my brother as a kid... i think i was 5...

as for first game i played on a console i owned it was weaid

i got a ps2 4 years ago but i didn't like none of the games.. soo i jacked my bros fifa, sonic heros and ffx loool good day but got owned by my bro afterwards

oh the good days
I think my first video game was on the original NES and was something the cubickle or something..... :wacky:

I know which game you are talking about, it's called Kickle Cubicle and it was an awesome logic-based game.

Anyway, my first video game ever on my own system was Pong on Atari. I loved that game. It was so simplistic, but still required strategy and eye-hand coordination. Also, nobody has ever beat me at it. First game on PS was Final Fantasy VII. It was also my first Final Fantasy experience on my own ever. Either way, I still love Atari games and I play them frequently.
Some computer game we had when I was really young that my brothers played, either Captain Keane I think it was called, or something called Cosmo

Ok using my google -fu, it was Commander Keen and Cosmo's Cosmic adventure
Kung-Fu on the original Nes. That game rocked_

FF1 came second, but my first actual rpg was Defenders of Oasis for the GameGear
The very 1st system I bought was an N64, and the game I bought was Goldeneye007. Man how I love that game, best shooter game I've ever played to date. Nothing ever beat sitting around with a group of 4 of us and playing some split screen death match lol.
First system I bought was a Sega Genesis and the first game I played was the original Sonic the Hedgehog. The third installment has got to be the best so far; played that game so much that the slightest touch to the cartridge would reset the game. All my other games played fine besides that one. Oh man I still remember how to make it work, you had to wrap your shirt over the bottom of it and blow into it. I can't believe that made it work. lol
The first game I played was...Putt Putt Jr.

But the first console game I played was probably Super Mario Bros. for the NES, but I don't actually now. Now that I think of it, I've been playing video games since I was at least 2 years old.
The first game i played was Zelda for the Nintendo 64, it was an awesome game I also remember buying pokemon stadium the same day.
The very first game I ever played would be probably Finding Nemo for the PC.
My first PS game was Crash Bandicoot. My first Gamecube game would be Super Smash Bros. My first PS2 game was... I never played a PS2. My first PS3 game was Resistance: Fall of Man. My first PSP game was Need for Speed: Carbon. My first Wii game was Wii Sports.
Pokemon Yellow on the GBC. Although, it was more of a "one-time" thing, since I just borrowed that GBC from my uncle.

For the PS, I would have to say Chocobo's Dungeon 2. Never been into it, though.

The first game I played was Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sega Genesis. Since then, I have played a lot of the Sonic games. I really liked it.
I don't remember. I want to say a Genesis game, but it was probably something from the NES era.
I believe that my first game is Sonic The Hedgehog. I am still very fond of it now, even if I never can get very far in the game.
Dexter's Laboratory: Robot Rampage for GameBoy Color