First video game

First game I ever played had to be Mortal Kombat when I was 5. Had a lot of fun playing as Scorpion and/or Sub-Zero, and sometimes there was the occasional Sonya in there, but mostly the ninjas. The game that got me addicted to gaming is a totally different story though.
Super Mario Bros/Duckhunt at my babysitters house when I was 4-5 ish. Ended up getting a SNES a year later, with LttP, Super Mario All Stars, Final Fantasy IV, and several other games I can't remember.
My first game and still a favorite to this day was Sonic The Hedgehog 2.I still love Sonic and anything I see with sonic on it(shirts,accesories,ect.)I buy.I still play them even though i no longer have a sega(god bless emulators/roms)
mrgaman x on the ps1 when i was 6,couldnt get passed the first boss,then my dad got me a gba,and i played pokemon until i was 14,then my ds broke,and platinum is just sitting in the box in my room waiting for me to play it again :'(
The first console we ever had was a Sega and the first games I remember playing was Sonic the Hedgehog, Paperboy and Spot.

Spot was always a favourite but it really frustrated me sometimes.

I had a few Sonic games and I remember playing that nearly every day for a good while. >.<
The first console we ever had was a Sega and the first games I remember playing was Sonic the Hedgehog, Paperboy and Spot.

Spot was always a favourite but it really frustrated me sometimes.

I had a few Sonic games and I remember playing that nearly every day for a good while. >.<

same here, sega mega drive with sonic the hedgehog, i also had a simpsons game with bart on a skateboard.
I've been a gamer pretty since I was old enough to hold a controller. xD My first game was Super Mario Bros. for the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), it took a while to catch on to everything I had to do at first, since I was just 2 years old or maybe just short of it. X_x

I kept walking into that first Goomba for a while until I caught on of jumping, then still, that first gap in the ground, kept walking right off and down that for the next while, then it occurred to me eventually to jump over the gap. =P

Those were the days, good old platforming games. :monster:
My first vidya game without a doubt was Basketball on the Atari. That's the first one that I remember myself playing. The first vidya game I ever beat was The Legend of Zelda on the NES when I was 5. I was actually recorded when it happened, I was overly excited, and I remember laughing and smiling ear to ear...

Good fucking times...
My earliest game was Tekken 2 and we used to go to my uncle's to play it all the time. I was so addicted to it and here I am, many years later, still into the Tekken series as a whole. It made me want to pursue other games.
Wow. Talk about so long ago. Anyway my first video game ever was Super Mario Brothers. I had no idea what I was doing at the time but supposedly, of course I can't remember this, I just had fun running off the stages. XD Those were definitely good times though.
My first game ever, and i know irony, was Pokemon Red. I had never played a game before then and my older brother had given me his Gameboy, without any games ¬_¬, so my dad bought me that and i was hooked from the moment i pressed "a". So It was my gateway into the gaming world :D
My first console was a Megadrive. As for games there was:
Lion King (Owns!)
Crash Dummies
Sonic 1 + 2
And finally some game were you point a gun at the screen and shoot ducks/clay pidgeons. Cant remember what its called for the life of me. But it was fantastic! Who would have thought that shooting some ducks could make you feel so alive?
I wasn't into gaming at all when I was little. But, when the PS2 was first released, and my cousin bought one, he decided to do away with his old PS1 by giving it to me, even if I didn't really want it. Along with it, he gave me Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot, Tombi, and MediEvil. I wasn't really interested, but since he'd been so nice in giving away his stuff like that, I decided to give it a go.

You can guess how it went from there. :3
Mario on the NES. As a little girl I just could NOT get enough of it! I can still sit down and play it for hours.
Super mario for nintendo, holy shit did i love that game. I played it for hours on end trying to find every little secret i could find. I never was able to beat the last level though....i did get to bowser one time but he BBQed my ass. :ahmed:
First game I played was tekken 3 on the ps. My cousin had that game and everytime I was there I played it.

My first game on my own console was Super Mario bros on the gameboy color. I believe I bought that in 2000. I really wanted that game since I played a mario game somewhere else which was on the colorless gameboy.
The first video game I ever played was Ms. Pacman on the NES.

I was about 2 at the time, and my cousin wanted me to shut up, so she turned it on. I was instantly addicted. I could even get past the first level, which is a big accomplishment for a little 2 year old. I actually have the game in my possession now, since my cousin gave it to me.