Fury...good or bad?


Do We Exist?
Jun 20, 2009
I have always wondered if I was the only one that thought this, so i figured I would ask you guys. Do you guys really think the Fury status effect is bad? Sure it makes your accuracy go down a little bit and you take a little bit more damage...but personally I kind of like having it inflicted on my characters. My favorite grinding spot in the game is right outside of cosmo canyon where you fight the penguin things that counter you with rage bomber, every 2 or 3 hits, my limit meter is full. What do you guys think?
its good, because your limit gauge flies up, allowing you to bust out limits quick, which is good. but in boss fights, no, because bosses will dispatch your characters quick since they take more damage. it depends on the situation
I never noticed receiving more damage when my characters were in the fury status to be honest, it was always the same for me.

So I found Fury to be a really good thing, since it gave faster access to limit breaks, with no drawbacks :awesome:
I used the Fury status to my advantage big time when I was gaining all of the characters' Limit Breaks. I just went to Mideel about midway through the game, threw Fury on my 3 controllable characters and unleased as many Limits as possible until they were able to learn theirs 100%.

Otherwise, I never really took it off in battle. I kept it on since the characters were pretty powerful and could fend for themselves.
I deliberately inflict myself with it, helps to learn limits faster, the other one has the opposite effect so I hate that one, it increase your def which is good, but your limit bar fills up well slow, I just stock up on Hypers, and I never remove it if Im inflicted with it
Fury's good but not for all the game. When I get to places like Sector 6, Junon Area, Gonganga Area...basically places that are good for building Limit Breaks I tend to inflict it on myself and keep it on so that the Limit Break gauge fills faster. However I do like to use physical attacks quite often to keep my MP up and seeing the 'Miss' come up often is annoying so when not gaining Limit Breaks or ploughing through an area with the help of mass Limit Breaks I usually cure it.

My general thing through the main portions of the game though is to have 1 character that needs to use their 'Breaks to gain the next one (almost always in 'Fury' status) and the other character being one that needs to kill enemies to reach the next Limit Level (will have an attack that can kill groups in 1 go, like Aqualung or whatnot). Then once they have done so just switch around. That way characters are always on their way to gaining their next Limit Break.

I always get disapointed when I use a tent or inn and it takes my fury away. Then I have to break in my bin of hypers just to get the effect back. :( I'm a fury addict :(
I also spammed my party with hypers once the Fury effect wore off. I really don't think it's a bad thing at all, helps you more than hurts you. The other ones however, like sadness, pain in the butt if you ask me. 8D
Both good and bad I think.

I've never noticed you take more damage, but I have noticed you miss alot more with attacking. For example.

Tifa always has Deathblow equiped in my game, without Fury there's a 20% change she misses on my game. =/

With Fury, she misses like 80% of the time. That's what I have noticed about it.

It's good in a way to though, 'cause I always use it on them and go on a rampage on the worldmap, and go crazy on their limit-building :gasp: It's really good for that. Only a few hits of your enemies, and you're smashing them with limits. Wooooo!!

Yes,I understand.very good sites...........I think both are good and bad.It's really good thing....Fury is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems—problems at work, in your personal relationships, and in the overall quality of your life.:ed:
Yes,I understand.very good sites...........I think both are good and bad.It's really good thing....Fury is a completely normal, usually healthy, human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems—problems at work, in your personal relationships, and in the overall quality of your life.:ed:

By Fury they meant the status effect one can get from using a Hyper on a character without the Sadness status effect. It increases the rate at which Limit Break is attained but increases the amount of damage taken from physical and magical attacks.

In my opinion, the only time I ever purposely made my characters get Fury was when I was trying to make them learn their limits faster so I could get their ultimate ones. It was a bitch however when I stumbled into a battle where the enemy was stronger than me and the increased amount of damage taken didn't help me at all :gonk:
It depends of course, thats like saying is fira a good spell to use? If you are facing of against an enemy with a high HP that you dont really need to use any tactics against then it is good, if your in a tactical battle, it is sometimes good but can backfire.

By Fury they meant the status effect one can get from using a Hyper on a character without the Sadness status effect. It increases the rate at which Limit Break is attained but increases the amount of damage taken from physical and magical attacks.
I think he was kidding...
Good, if you happened to have a Regen Ring or something on XD But otherwise oh crap it sucks especially when Vincent is in limit and is the character left...
I kept it on since the characters were pretty powerful and could fend for themselves.

Personally, I loved Fury.

As others have said, it's GREAT when you wanted to learn Limits faster. Between that and the Midgar Snake, it helped me get Tifa and Aeris limit breaks before I ever even got to the MYthril Mines. It's really great for allowing you to use the 1st to gain the 2nd.

But even beyond that - I thought Fury was a great asset, with only one real kink for me. I never noticed the "increased damage" part that some keep mentioning. I did however notice the missed rate of physical hits. Hated that backlash of it, as I use some characters more for physically attacking.

Still though, Fury was always an awesome way to take care of particular bosses. I will say though, that it's kind of useless against some of the stronger ones, because your limit break usually shoots up anyway.

Overall though, I'd say Fury is more of a benefit than hindrance.
Fury, good for learning your second limit break in the current level you're in. Bad when you're trying to learn the next level of limit breaks because you're proned to miss even with your magic attacks. Seems hard, but I once missed all 5 of the enemies I was targeting with Matra Magic with the Fury status inflicted. I was like, "WTF?!?!"
Fury making you take more damage is a common missconception. I'm sure may people think so because Sadness reduces the damage you take. Other than making you limit bar fill up twice as fast, it only reduces accuracy. I don't know by how much, but I'm guessing it's about 30%, as that's how much Sadness reduces the damage you take.

If you want to get limit breaks often, it's a good thing, but I use Sadness a lot more. Especially when I fight on low levels.