Gameplay Hours


Apr 18, 2007
(^o^)// I posted this thread to find out how many hours you have played so far and what you spend most of that time doing or if you are doing a speedrun and stuff like that.

I've got about 124 hours behind me and most of that time I spend on leveling up and doing side quests, hunts, esper finding...pretty much messing around. (^.^> Hehe, it's a really fun game...

So how about it?
12 hours to my name. Most of my time was spent running around looking for stuff to beat up in some desert setting.

Once I collected my bounty for defeating some weirdo monster, I stopped playing.
On the file where I've completed the game I've ammassed 74 hours, and that's with minimal training, and minimal sidequests completed. FFXII is a huge game really xD
FFXII is only huge because of the MANY sidequests you can do.

I have about 120 hours of gameplay on my original file.
Mines about 90 hours so far, Iv done quite abit of sidequesting but tbh, most of that time was spent being lost lol :wacky:
I've got 84 hours so far. Done roughly half the hunts and spent a fair while leveling up as well. I've done a few side quests and so on. Trying to not miss too much on my first trip through.
On my first file I got 63 hours, now I've started again (damn Zodiac Spear) and I'm about 40 hours in. My mum's got a massive 210 hours on her game, she won't start again!! :wacky:
I can't get myself motivated to start again -_- I should do really, I bought the fecking hardback guide and it's been sat there unused as a bloody ornament :wacky:

I intend on doing it 100% and spending hoooours on my new file - so Il probably update this fred in like a year when I eventually get round to it :wacky:
24 hours on my game. I gave up after i bought mirror mail for 2 of my characters, 3 of them i never used and balthier was the only good one. Mirror Mail screwed me over because when i got hurt and healed, it would bounce off me. Had no potions and i always had to take it off and on and i got tired of it.

Started a new file, but gave up on it too because i went through this before. Probably start playing it again in a few months.
137 hours.

What do I do? Pillage and burn, that's what!
I really dislike sidequests and all that, and that was the bulk of FF12. I beat the game with only 40 hours to my name, probably because I'm sweet at rushing through crap I don't care about. It did take me like five months to do that though, since I got so bored with the gameplay I had to set it down.
My current save file says 23 hours and 57 minutes... so I've played for just under a day... but that will change as I'm making my way through the whole thing right now.
Around 146-7 hours
I beat the game around 100 hours, the rest of the play time was just getting my characters leveled up and gained all the espers( sept zodiark) and max items and armor from the ruins... that horse ghost never ever drops my maximum armor!
At this point I have 278hrs The only thing I need to get is Yaizmat and Omega Mark 12 Now that is going to be a pain.
Im around 120, all espers, just did the Behemoth King hunt and have the tournesol and other good weapons. At the pharos so probs have another 15 - 20 hours left.
I don't quite remember the exact hours, but I know it was less than 60 hours. I only did a few sidequests...I thought there was way too many and it kinda overwhelmed me so I didn't spend as much time on them. This is the only FF game that I didn't get the most out of. =/
I think I have about 100 hours, but I completed the game in about 89-90. I added more hours to finish sidequests, such as Espers and Hunts.
Not very far, I think somewhere between 30 and 40 hours. I'm at the Stilshrine of Miriam, following the storyline. I tend to go in and out of my games when I get bored. It happens a lot with FFXII. I enjoy the game, but the constant power leveling after each dungeon it seems, starts to get a little taxing. I have a feeling that no amount of levels or gil will ever be enough to satisfy the infernal machine of FFXII. XD