Games You "Own" At

For me it would have to be..

Streetfighter Series (i seriously kick ass on SF2).
Track & Field (i have the ability to button press at an impossibly fast rate).
Pro Evo Soccer ( I love football games).
Pacland (god knows how many times i have pwned this game, but it's still as good as when i first played it 20yrs ago)
The games I own at are:

Resistance fall of man
Street Fighter 3rd Strike
Marvel Vs Capcom 2
Super Smash brothers melee

well thats about it I guess I play more but I suck at most of them.
I literally own at the following games:

Marvel vs. capcom
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2
SFA (1, 2, and 3)
SF3 3RD Strike
SVC Chaos
Capcom Vs. SNK 2
Guilty Gear X2
Killer instinct
Killer Instinct 2
Hm games that I own at are:

Dance Dance Revolution (arcade)
Mario Kart 64 (N64)
Super Smash Bros Melee (GameCube)
Street Fighter II (Arcade)
Street Fighter EX3 (PS2)
Street Fighter 3rd Strike (Arcade)
Killer Instinct (Arcade)
Killer Instinct 2 (Arcade)
Marvel Vs Capcom 2 (Arcade)
Resistance fall of man (PS3)
Well thats about it for now.:)
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GRAW 2 (Ghost recon:advanced warfighter)
Im in one of the most "lethal" clans in graw, said so by xbox magazine it's self. :)
I killed 6 ppl with just me and my freind lol thats how good i am.
Super Smash Bros. is #1 in the ownage list then
Then most 3d action platforms.
Tekken (Baek is the real Ownzor)
Guitar Freak Series
Guitar Hero games (yep i rock hard)

and oh yeah Dating Simulators gahahaha :DDDDDDDDDD
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I own at:

Devil May Cry 1,2,3,3:special edition
Super Smash Bros Melee
Mario Kart Double Dash
Mortal Kombat
Kingdom Hearts 1,2
Final Fantasy 10
Pokemon Red
Pokemon Stadium
Perfect Dark
X-men Legends 1,2
Marvel Ultimate Alliance
Paper Mario 1,2
Super Mario 64
Donkey Kong Country
I'm currently owning in a game called 'Victoria: Empire Under the Sun', it's a historically based game, and you need to be pretty good at history to be able to play this game with optimum fun.

Well, not really, you can alter history and whatnot, but I'm just really skilled at the diplomacy aspect of the game, I guess. I like playing the UK, and owning WWI.
I just can't be beat when it comes to FIFA 06 and 07. Gran Turismo 1 and 2 have been pretty good to me. It's been a while since I've played any of the Mortal Kombats but I owned everybody on 1, 2, and 3. I also kick ass at Genghis Khan 2: Clan of the Grey Wolf. I am also unbeatable at any Top Gear game for the SNES. There are probably more, but that's all I can think of at this time.

I just remembered that no one can beat me at the classic 8-bit title called Battlechess. I am a damn good chess player, but I hardly ever get beat.

Also Street Fighter 2 for the SNES.
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Final Fantasy VIII
Soul Calibur 2 and 3
Halo 1 and 2
Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2
Baten Kaitos
Tales Of Symphonia
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Tekken 2,4,5
pretty much any Final Fantsy
Easily the Kingdom Hearts games
Recently aquaried the Metal Gear Solids
Legend of Dragoon
Getting there on the Star Oceans
Parasite eve's
I don't really 'own' at any games. ^_^

I would have to say FFVII,though.I've played it many times and so I know where to go and stuff.I even figured out the materia code all by myself with no internet help.So,yea.FFVII.
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Games I own at hm.........

Soul Calibur II
Street Fighter II :Hyper Fighting
Turok: evolution
Super Smash Brothers Melee
Resistance Fall of Man

Well thats about it
i pwn at all of the blizzard games (warcraft, starcraft, diablo)

also im good at most of the rpg's i play, though the puzzles in wild arms are quite a challenge, and i often find myself using strategy guides. other then that, i think i have RPGs down to a science.
well, i have a heap of ff games lol

ff1 adv
ff2 adv
ff3 ds
ff4 & ff4 adv
ff5 adv


tekken 1-5

phantasy star universe

devil may cry 4
For me,
Warcraft 3,
Kingdom hearts(Both ps2 versions)
Tribal wars- which you've probably not heard of, its an online game,
Super smash brothers N64+GC
Unreal tournament- the first one
Red steel
ALL zelda games,
and the paper mario series

FF's are not on my list cause I die a LOT on the first two plays through it >.<
Most RPGs
Any old Sierra Adventure game, especially Quest for Glory
Heroes of Might and Magic II
Soul Blade
Tekken 3
Bust a Groove
any Mario game
Contra and Super C