Games you suck at

Driving. I absolutely suck at driving. Next would be fighting. just remembering all the combos and button sequences screw me over. Other than that, im pretty sweey with everything else.
Micro machines was da bomb. The 'Love Triangle' being a personal favourite. Multiplayer carnage.

I'm pretty crap at COD and the like. I always end up running around looking at the floor or sky. and then when I eventually get the jump on someone, I can't aim very well so the they take a bit of damage, turn around and shoot me. grrrr
I'm thinking that I'm not that good at FPS games, either that or all my friends are really good. The two in particular that I play with are pretty damn good.

I have a respectable 1.17 K/D on CoD:WaW, but I tend to play Free-for-all matches, which supposedly are much easier than Team Deathmatch for padding K/D stats.
Mostly sports games and to a greater extent fighting games. Especially with those which have such long and detailed combinations for attacks; I seem to not be able to effectively memorize most of them.
*cough* *cough* Oh, this one's got some dust on it.

I suck at HALO. I can't figure out why. It's just that no matter how many times I play this game, I can never get a hang of the controls. I also suck at Killzone. Pretty much any FPS that involves using the R3 button to zoom in the sights, I can't get the hang of. :hmmm:
Fighting games.

No I don't know why. Something about hitting the combo's buttons and the real time juts feels wrong to me. I try and try but I only ever win because I get lucky, not because I have actual talent at it.

Mortal Kombat is the worst.
Any sort of Sporting SIM games, like FIFA ect.

Racing SIMS are the exception.

I've tried to get the hang of most sporting games but they usually bore me to tears so quickly! It's also annoying "passing the ball" n shit.
I'll stick to RPG's and Shoot em ups. :mokken:
Race, fighting en sports.

Yeah well, it's obvious with races. I tend to go too fast and fly against some wall because I can't make the turn xD

Fighting, I always loose >.< With Tekken I just have to play on easy, especially with jinpachi, dude he gets on my nerve!

Never played sports games but I already know I suck at it. Especially soccer.
Like a lot of people I'm pretty poor at most FPS games, manly because I have almost no interest in them(bar Timesplitters 2, which I rock at). That's about it really I think, there are one or two games in various genres I'm not very good at but that's a combination of not playing them often, or being hungover at the time.
Sports games...they bore me to death...and I have no interest whatsoever in playing any of them. Football, basketball, golf...I'll pass. Maybe I would try a hockey game but no thanks on all of the others.

Really though, if I play a game for long enough I'll eventually get the hang of it. I might not be good at a racing game or a fighting game initially...but if I can get the controls down and work at it for a bit, I tend to get pretty decent at it. Give me about a half an hour of playing and I might kick your bum at it :britt:
I'm pretty bad at FPS games on consoles. I mean, I think I'm ok at them on PC, but on consoles, I just can't do it. I can't understand how some people get so good at aiming using an analog stick, it just feels so much slower and more restrictive than a mouse. Also, I get pretty destroyed on most fighting games, except Dissidia, Soul Calibur and Smash Bros. I've tried to learn Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, but I can never remember the combos or react fast enough.
No one really sucks at games.

They just need time and patience to get the hang of the controls down and they whoop ass like Mel said.


Although, I'm speaking in terms of skill.

I suck at Uncharted's multiplayer.


Other than that, I don't think I really suck at any game, not to sound so cocky. Just ask my good friend Ohri-Jin :busta:
I tend to suck on shooters big time, but that doesn't stop me from playing Resident Evil 4, or any other type of shooter game for that matter. Besides, when you play it so much that your fingers feel like they'll break off at any moment, I'm pretty sure you'll end up going pro in no time.
I don't play FPS or fighting games or dancing/rhythm games often, so I suck at all of said genres. I'm okay at RTS, but my win/loss record favors the loss side.
I am really bad at FPS!
I have a terrible aim and am always in a panic thinking people are going to pop out behind things and stab/shoot me. I am Also not very strategic and just run in guns a blazin' and usually get shot at straight away

Also Horror games are not my specialty mostly because I am just way too scared to even watch them let alone play them
Fighting games. All I do is mash the buttons, I can't get any combos off or anything. Sports games, I tried some when I was younger, didn't really know what I was doing. lol. Also music rhythm games (DDR, Guitar Hero and ones like that). With DDR, I would always somehow step away from the arrows. ^^;
I suck at 99% of FPS... I've tried my best and failed. The only two FPSs I was any good at have been the Half-Life series and Bioshock. Everything else...has been a disaster.

Sports games--I suck at them because I don't see the point in them.

I also fail at most forms of PVP. I just can't manage. The only minor success I've had at all is in Guild Wars XD
FPS=lame ass shit

i too suck at FPS's.

I also suck at games that involve puzzles like Tomb Raider and Zelda.

Other games i have tried to play and had to put down because of their insane level of stupidity.

1) Shemnue(LAME)
2) Contra & it's sequels(bastard of a game)
3)Mega Man and its sequels (the boss fights were just soo outrageous)

My #1 hated game of all time because of its insane level of hardness..............

BATTLETOADS*shudders at memories*
Fucking fighting games.

Yes. Games where you fight then fuck. Or fight about fucking.

Street Fighter, Dead or Alive, whatever. I suck ass at all of them. And what's worse is I want to love them so hard, so I always buy them and get pissed off at myself.

Damn it.
I'm terrible at fighting games (with the exception of Smash Bros Melee), sport games, and Guitar Hero. Though I think I could get better at Guitar Hero if I had the patience to play it long enough to improve. Unfortunately, I lose my temper with the game quickly.

As for sport games, my excuse for sucking at those is a lack of interest. It's hard to be good at something you have no desire to do. Playing sport games is a bore.